Is There a Way to Unretire in NBA 2K22?

No, unfortunately once you retire in NBA 2K22, there is no way to reverse that decision and unretire your MyPlayer. The retirement choice is permanent in 2K22.

As an avid NBA 2K gamer and content creator, I explored this question in depth after accidentally retiring one of my key MyPlayer builds. Like many passionate basketball gamers, I invest significant time building up my MyPlayer, honing his skills, and chasing basketball glory in MyCareer mode. So when I prematurely retired him, I desperately sought a way to undo that franchise-altering decision.

My Retirement Mistake

After winning 3 championships, 4 MVPs, and breaking every scoring record imaginable with my PG, I was feeling ready to hang up his jersey. In the excitement after our Game 7 Finals victory, I skipped through the retirement prompts and confirmed my choice to retire him.

It was only afterwards, basking in the glow of rewatching my player‘s epic Hall of Fame career, that the regret started seeping in. I realized I still wanted to play with that character, evolve his badges more, and help cement his "GOAT" status. But by then, it was too late – retirement was permanent.

I frantically googled and YouTubed for solutions, desperate for a way to get him back. But as my research would soon confirm, there would be no coming back from this franchise-defining choice.

The Permanent Nature of Retirement

According to long-time 2K players and experts at, once you choose to retire a MyPlayer in 2K22, that decision is irreversible. Your retirement officially closes the book on that character‘s career. Unlike championships or MVP awards, you cannot undo or redo it after the fact.

I confirmed this crushing reality by attempting to recover my player through every avenue possible. I reloaded old saves from external hard drives. I deleted and reinstalled the game. I even contacted 2K Support to plea my case. But nothing could resurrect my retired baller.

His jersey would be hanging from the virtual rafters forever.

So before you confirm that fateful retirement decision, be 100% certain it is what you want. Take time to review your player‘s accomplishments and make an informed, intentional choice about ending his career. Because once you make it in NBA 2K22, there is no going back. No do-overs. No option to change your mind. Just the bittersweet finality of retirement.

To further demonstrate the permanence of this game-defining choice, here is a breakdown of all my failed efforts to find an unretire loophole…

Attempts to Unretire

Believing my gaming prowess could overcome any virtual challenge, I exhaustively tested every possible method to undo my player‘s retirement:

  • Saved Game Backups – I restored backups from USB drives, cloud storage, you name it. But retirement status remained intact in all versions.

  • Full Game Reinstalls – Redownloading fresh copies of 2K22 had no impact. My player stayed retired regardless.

  • Contacting 2K Support – As a longtime 2K investor, I hoped for some leniency here. But support reps reiterated that retirement cannot be reversed or bypassed once selected.

  • Creating New Builds – With my hopes dwindling, I tried creating an identical new player. But my lost accolades and progression only highlighted the gravity of my choice. This clone could not replace my retired HOFer.

  • Scouring Gaming Forums – I dug through gaming subs and wikis seeking stories of others recovering a retired player. But accounts only echoed my own frustration. Retirement was forever binding.

Ultimately, no internet rumor, support rep, or gaming work-around altered the finality of my choice. When my player decided to hang it up, that marked the conclusive end to his playing days. There would be no coming out of retirement or scratching that basketball itch again.

Key Takeaways

So for all you 2K gamers out there, heed my warning – take great care before selecting that retirement option. Once chosen, neither man nor machine can resurrect your playing days.

Here are the core lessons I learned through bitter experience:

  • Retirement in 2K22 is permanent – no revoking it after the fact
  • Review your player accomplishments thoroughly before choosing to retire
  • Make an intentional, informed decision – no rash clicks!
  • Have no regrets left – play out that career fully before retiring
  • Be at peace losing all progression and accolades tied to that player

Hopefully my tale serves helps prevent other 2K22 gamers from meeting a similar fate. Had I properly heeded the permanence of retirement initially, I may still be out there adding to The Greatest‘s already ridiculous legacy! Instead, I‘m resigned to chasing old glory through lackluster doppelgangers.

So I urge you not to take retirement lightly!

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