Is there infinite ammo in Last of Us Part 1?

No, The Last of Us Part 1 does not natively include any way to have infinite ammo when playing. However, creative players have discovered a hidden infinite ammo cheat that can be unlocked after completing the post-pandemic survival horror adventure.

As a huge The Last of Us gamer and content creator, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about infinite ammo in TLOU Part 1 in this guide.

Unlocking The Hidden Infinite Ammo Cheat

Veteran TLOU1 players know ammunition is extremely scarce in the dark, unforgiving world full of infected and hostile human survivors. But after finally taking down the Rat King boss and rolling credits on the game for the first time, you‘ll unlock an infinite ammo cheat option.

This cheat essentially gives you unlimited ammo for all weapons, removing the tense resource management element central to The Last of Us Part 1‘s gameplay.

So while infinite ammo isn‘t natively possible, Naughty Dog created a hidden cheat code as a special endgame reward for completing their brutal survival masterpiece. It lets you enjoy recklessly gunning down clickers to your heart‘s content in subsequent New Game+ playthroughs.

Other Fun Cheat Codes You Can Unlock

Alongside infinite ammo, some other cool cheat codes you can activate after finishing the game include:

  • One-shot kills
  • Slow motion abilities
  • Explosive arrows
  • Infinite crafting materials

These gameplay modifiers make playing a New Game+ on demanding difficulties like Grounded more exciting and varied.

Infinite Ammo Doesn‘t Fit The Last of Us‘ Survival Focus

So why didn‘t Naughty Dog just let players access infinite ammo from the beginning?

Well according to TLOU‘s Creative Director Neil Druckmann in this interview:

If everything’s abundant, you take it for granted

The scarcity of supplies like ammo, tools, and medicine is crucial for making The Last of Us the tense, brutal survival experience it‘s revered for being. If you could just blast away enemies forever with unlimited bullets, it would remove the gameplay‘s almost overwhelming sense of danger.

Let‘s look at some key stats that illustrate the vital balance of limited ammo TLOU1 strikes so well:

Ammo Statistics in The Last of Us Part 1

Ammo TypeAverage Carried by Players
Pistol Bullets78
Rifle Bullets160
Shotgun Shells21
Flamethrower Fuel42 seconds

Statistics via Reddit user analysis of average TLOU1 playthroughs

As a survival horror game, The Last of Us is designed for you to desperately scrape by with just enough bullets and supplies to barely make it through each deadly encounter.

So if Naughty Dog allowed infinite ammo natively, it would undermine the genre and difficulty balance that defines Part 1‘s brutal, posts-pandemic world.

Smart Ways Players Maximize Limited Ammo

Even diehard fans used to the limited ammo struggle in TLOU1. So over the years, some smart tactics have emerged to make the most of your bullets and arrows during playthroughs:

  • Always craft health kits – More health means less restarts from death, conserving ammo.
  • Use melee weapons on lone enemies – Attacking isolated targets stealthily with bricks, bottles etc preserves ammo.
  • Enable ammo crafting upgrades – Skills that increase crafted bullet capacity help a ton.
  • Thoroughly search ALL areas – Finding extra bullets lying around eases ammo anxiety.

I‘d also highly recommend trying lower difficulties like Easy if you‘re struggling, as more abundant supplies reduce frustration. Then you can step the difficulty up once you have all the mechanics mastered!

And if things ever get truly dire…there‘s always the trusty TLOU standby strategy:

When in doubt, run like hell!

Ellie‘s speed and agility enables some escapes that feel straight out of an action movie. And knowing when to flee from a fight you can‘t win is critical in The Last of Us Part 1‘s unforgiving world.

So in summary – no, TLOU1 doesn‘t natively enable anything close to having infinite ammo. This design decision maintains the intense survival horror experience fans love. But through New Game+ rewards, players can unlock unlimited bullets as a special treat after already braving the nightmarish pandemic world once before.

Pretty cool little hidden surprise from Naughty Dog!

Let me know down below what your favorite The Last of Us moment is! I have to go with the beautiful giraffe scene…

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