Is There Only 1 Elytra Per World in Minecraft?

No, you can obtain multiple elytras in a Minecraft world. While end cities that contain elytras spawn randomly and can be challenging to locate initially, there are infinite outer islands to explore with chances for more elytra finds.

How Common Are Elytras?

Elytras are considered one of the rarest items in Minecraft. Here is a look at some of the statistics around their scarcity:

  • Only around 10% of end cities will spawn with a ship and contain elytras (source)
  • You must first travel to the End dimension and defeat the ender dragon before gaining access to outer islands
  • Ender pearls needed to build ender eyes to locate the stronghold are difficult to obtain

So elytras require significant effort to even have a chance at obtaining your first pair.

However, that initial challenge does not mean you are limited to just one per world.

How Elytras Are Obtained

Elytras are found exclusively within end cities, structures that generate randomly across the outer islands of the End dimension after defeating the end dragon. Not every end city contains an elytra – only the ones that have a ship floating beside them will contain a pair of elytras within the ship‘s hold.

The outer islands generate infinitely, so there are endless opportunities across new chunks to come across additional end cities. However, whether a given city will have an elytra is based on if it randomly spawns with an accompanying ship. The chance of a ship spawning is roughly 10%.

Multiple End Cities Mean Multiple Chances

Because end cities spawn randomly and without limits, it‘s definitely possible to locate more than one in a world. And with each city there is that 10% chance it could have a ship and elytras inside.

Some key statistics around how end cities are configured:

  • End cities have a 10% chance to spawn with ships (source)
  • Ships will contain 1-2 pairs of elytras
  • Cities spawn between 1024-1536 blocks from the main End island
  • Additional cities continue infinitely as you explore

So you are not limited whatsoever to just a single elytra per world – you can explore and find several more by locating additional end cities. It just takes time and luck finding those that contain ships.

Elytra Repair Costs

An important note is that elytras can be repaired and reused indefinitely. When their durability reaches 1 they will break, but combining two broken elytras in a crafting table will repair them.

The anvil repair costs for an elytra over time are:

UsesRepair Cost
03 levels
14 levels
1317 levels
25Too Expensive!


So while they can technically be reused forever, the growing expensiveness to fix them means obtaining backups is critical for extended use.

Some key durability/repair points:

  • Elytras have 431 max durability
  • They lose 1 point per second used in flight
  • They turn into "broken" elytras at 1 durability
  • Broken ones can be repaired by crafting together

The Hunt Continues

Based on the rarity and repair costs associated with elytras, hunting down additional cities is an important part of prolonging your exploration and aerial travels within a world.

The outer islands contain infinite, procedurally-generated terrain and cities so you can continue expanding your search perimeter to locate that next elytra-containing city. It will just take time, patience, and likely a large supply of fireworks to boost you along the way.

But the reward is the freedom and exhilaration that comes with rocketing through the skies of your realm!

So challenge yourself to keep seeking out those loot-filled end city ships and claim all the elytras they can offer! Just maybe stash a few spare pairs for when your primary set finally becomes too "Too Expensive!" to be worth fixing.

Let me know if you have any other End-related questions!

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