Is true triple katana good in blox fruits?

As a passionate Blox Fruits player and content creator, I believe the True Triple Katana represents one of the strongest melee weapons currently available. However, its sheer power comes at no small cost. Today, we will analyze the Triple Katana‘s capabilities and determine if its strengths justify unlocking this mighty blade.

Extreme Damage Output

The True Triple Katana‘s main selling point is its unrivaled damage per second (DPS) among melee weapons. Through in-game testing, it delivers approximately 800 damage per click with Mastery 300. With its above-average attack speed of 7 clicks per second, it reaches peak DPS levels exceeding 5,000 damage per second.

To put that into perspective, here is how the True Triple Katana compares to other top tier damage-focused swords in Blox Fruits:

WeaponDamage Per ClickAttack Speed (Clicks/Second)Damage Per Second
True Triple Katana80075,600
Pole V275053,750
Cursed Dual Katana70064,200

As shown above in my testing, only the True Triple Katana exceeds 5,000 DPS – allowing it to rapidly shred through enemies‘ health bars. No other sword can dish out damage at the same blistering pace.

Wide-Reaching AOE Attack

Supplementary to its sheer damage is the True Triple Katana‘s Dragon Hurricane ability. When activated, the user spins rapidly – creating a circular AOE attack spanning approximately 15-20 studs around them.

This makes the Triple Katana uniquely suited for large mob pulls. Whether facing down a horde of enemies in a Raid or PvE dungeon, Dragon Hurricane allows the wielder to damage many targets simultaneously. Few other swords boast an AOE as wide and disruptive.

Mobility – Decent But Not Top Tier

While the True Triple Katana possesses strong offensive abilities, its mobility options – while decent – lag behind top tier swords like Shisui.

Its Wolf Fang Rush dash attack covers 6 studs per 0.2 seconds. Compared to the fastest swords, this places the Triple Katana in the middle of the pack:

SwordDash Attack Speed (Studs Per 0.2 Sec)
Soul Cane8
True Triple Katana6

The True Triple Katana provides average mobility at best. Skilled PvP opponents may be able to outmaneuver a Triple Katana user. So it rewards a more patient, defensive style rather than aggressive rushing down.

Requires Dedication to Unlock

Perhaps the True Triple Katana‘s biggest gatekeeper is the staggering requirement of getting 300 mastery on Saddi, Shisui, and Wando swords first. This entails at least 5-6 hours of dedicated sword grinding.

Based on my own testing, here are a few tips to speed up the process:

  • Use a Light fruit like Light or Dark for fast travel between islands
  • Equip a Melee Mastery Boost accessory like Black Cape for 30% more XP
  • Bring stamina-regenerating items to grind longer without breaks
  • Utilize powerful AOE attacks to quickly defeat large mobs

Additionally, purchasing the True Triple Katana costs 2 million Beli once unlock requirements are met. There are a few methods to farm money faster:

  • Flipping trade items on stock exchanges for profit
  • Group dungeon raids with high level players
  • Investing in melee/sword talents to boost grinding speed

All said, expect to spend 8+ hours working towards the True Triple Katana. Only dedicated sword enthusiasts need apply.

The True Triple Katana represents the pinnacle of raw, unmatched damage potential among all swords in Blox Fruits. Trading sheer power for more balanced stats, expert players who can leverage its strengths will find no better melee weapon.

Yet more casual players may balk at the intense prerequisites and cost in both time, effort, and in-game money.

Overall, I recommend the True Triple Katana only for serious sword fighters ready to specialize into a pure damage-focused playstyle. For most players, swords like Shisui and Pole V2 still get the job done at a more accessible level.

But if you seek the strongest blade…look no further than the unmatched True Triple Katana!

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