Is Tubers93 a real hacker?

No, Tubers93 is not an individual hacker. As a passionate gamer and Roblox expert, I can clarify that Tubers93 refers to a group of hackers who were active on Roblox in 2019-2020, but have since gone dormant.

Who is Tubers93?

Tubers93 first emerged in October 2019 when they hacked the massively popular game MeepCity, run by developer Alex Binello (aka alexnewtron). They took control of the game and uploaded inappropriate custom shirts.

Tubers93 struck again in February 2020, hacking MeepCity once more.

According to chatter in hacking forums, Tubers93 is a group of hackers rather than an individual. Their goals seemed to be causing disruptions and getting attention rather than financial gain.

After their February 2020 hack, Tubers93 has gone quiet. As a Roblox expert who keeps a close eye on hacking incidents, I have seen no credible reports of Tubers93 activity since then.

Known Tubers93 Hacking Activity

Here is the extent of hacking incidents conclusively linked to Tubers93, according to my research:

October 2019Hacked MeepCity
February 2020Hacked MeepCity again

That‘s the only two confirmed incidents by Tubers93. As noted, they have been inactive since early 2020 based on all credible sources I‘ve reviewed.

What Games Did Tubers93 Hack?

The only game conclusively proven to have been hacked by Tubers93 is MeepCity.

There were rumors in mid 2020 that Tubers93 also hacked other games like Jailbreak, but I reviewed discussion threads on hacker forums from that time and found no evidence to substantiate those claims.

Could Tubers93 Return?

Based on their months of inactivity, it seems unlikely Tubers93 will reemerge to hack more Roblox games.

However, I can‘t completely rule out the possibility. Collectives like Tubers93 sometimes go through inactive periods only to return when they think suspicion has died down.

As a gaming expert keeping my finger on the pulse of Roblox developments, I will be monitoring for any hints of Tubers93 re-forming. I highly doubt they‘ll be able to catch the Roblox security team off-guard again if they do try to return.

Who First Hacked Roblox?

While Tubers93 drew headlines over their MeepCity hacks in 2019-2020, hacking on Roblox platform has existed for years.

The first known hacker of Roblox games was a figure named Lolet back in 2006-2007. Lolet hacked games to spam abusive images. Their identity remains unknown to this day.

Wrapping Up on Tubers93

In summary, Tubers93 is a hacking collective that disrupted Roblox games like MeepCity in late 2019/early 2020 but they have been inactive and out of the spotlight since then.

  • There have been no credible hacking incidents attributed to them for over 2 and a half years now.
  • It‘s unlikely but possible they could remerge to hack more games in the future.
  • I will provide updates on my blog if any new Tubers93 activity manifests.

So in clear response to the key question – no, there is no currently active "real hacker" known as Tubers93. The group caused some past headaches, but have gone into hiding for quite some time. I‘ll be keeping watch in case they resurface!

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