Is tusk act 4 strong?

In the world of JoJo‘s Bizarre Adventure, Tusk Act 4 stands among the absolute strongest Stands ever revealed in the long-running series. With its signature move "Infinite Rotation," enabled by the Golden Rectangle and Super Spin, Tusk Act 4 possesses limitless power behind each blow that makes it a terrifying force to behold.

Unlocking Maximum Destructive Power

Tusk Act 4‘s defining ability, Infinite Rotation, grants it essentially infinite energy on every rotation, meaning no amount of force can overwhelm attacks imbued with this power. It achieves this by harnessing the Golden Rectangle, a geometrically perfect rectangle possessing crucial mathematical secrets. By channeling the Golden Rectangle into a Super Spin, attacks can accelerate infinitely with no upper limit.

To illustrate exactly how destructive this is, Tusk Act 4‘s standard nail bullet attacks can bore clean through limbs and torsos easily. And its final attack against Funny Valentine, a full-powered barrage, obliterated him down to the last cell!

No defense can withstand Tusk Act 4‘s Infinite Rotation (Image credit: JoJo‘s Bizarre Encyclopedia)

By granting infinite speed and power, Infinite Rotation lets Tusk Act 4 overwhelm practically any opponent or defense through raw, ever-escalating force. This incredible ability cements Tusk Act 4 as one of the most offensively potent Stands in JoJo‘s Bizarre Adventure history.

Exceeding the Limits of Even Top Tier Stands

Few Stands can compete with Tusk Act 4‘s extreme striking power. Veteran JoJo fans rank it among the best alongside fan-favorites like Star Platinum, Gold Experience Requiem and Made in Heaven. But how does Tusk Act 4‘s specific abilities measure up?

Star Platinum possesses exceptional speed and precision, but cannot match the infinite escalation of Tusk Act 4‘s Spin power. Its attacks would be overwhelmed. Gold Experience Requiem wields hax abilities to revert actions, but direct attacks still land as normal, leaving it vulnerable to Infinite Rotation as well.

Other defensive-oriented abilities struggle too. D4C‘s dimensional hopping cannot outpace the force, while Love Train gets punctured through bypassing its misfortune redirection entirely. Only reality warping abilities like Made in Heaven‘s time acceleration have a chance, but raw speed and reflexes determine the victor there.

Among close ranged Stands, Tusk Act 4 reigns supreme offensively. With the math of the Golden Rectangle ever increasing its force exponentially, no amount of physical toughness or endurance can withstand it either. Tusk Act 4 simply exceeds the upper limits of nearly every other Stand through infinite escalation.

StandAbility TypeOffensive PowerDefensive Ability
Star PlatinumClose-rangedA in PowerA in Durability
Gold Experience RequiemClose-rangedB in PowerA in Durability
Tusk Act 4Close-rangedInfiniteB in Durability

Consensus From JoJo Experts and Fans

Popular JoJo fan channels on YouTube and discussion forums widely consider Tusk Act 4 among the "Top 3 Strongest Stands" lists, even the #1 spot. Its incredible feats through Part 7 and sheer hype cement it as one of the most powerful in readers‘ minds.

Long-time JoJo fan artist @ArtofJojoz bluntly stated: "I don‘t think there exists a Stand at this point that can challenge Tusk [Act 4] in direct combat." High praise from veterans indeed!

In online fan polls across communities like Reddit, Tusk Act 4 consistently ranks high against other powerful Stands like King Crimson and Bohemian Rhapsody in hypothetical matchups. The infinite force behind its blows simply overcomes almost any special ability or toughness.

And as an avid JoJo gamer myself, I admit love unleashing Tusk Act 4 in games like "Your Bizarre Adventure." The feeling of each nail shot accelerating infinitely is incredible! No other character compares to one-shotting enemies through toughness, healing or even invincibility hacks. 🙂

So in summary, Tusk Act 4 rightfully deserves its reputation as one of JoJo‘s most powerful Stands ever. Its Golden Spin grants attacks of essentially infinite strength to overwhelm all but the most broken of reality-altering abilities. A must-use for any fan!

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