Is Tyberos the Red Wake Bigger Than a Primarch?

I‘ve been getting a lot of questions on this topic from 40K lore fans lately, so let‘s take a deep dive into how Tyberos‘ size compares to the mighty primarchs! As an avid Space Marine player and fanatic for the Blood Angels and their successors, I‘ve done plenty of reading on Tyberos and his bloody legacy.

At First Glance, Tyberos Seems to Stand at a Primarch‘s Height

For those unfamiliar with this notorious marine, Tyberos the Red Wake is the current Chapter Master of the brutal Carchardons Astra. He earned the chilling moniker "Red Wake" after his murderous victory over the Ashen Claws‘ Chapter Master, leaving only bloody ruin behind him.

Most sources indicate this terrifying Firstborn hero stands around 12 feet tall – absolutely towering over regular Battle Brothers! Many reliably suggest he‘s about the height of a primarch in their power armor.

For example, we know:

  • Horus towered "twice the height of a man" at likely 12-14 feet
  • Alpharius was notably short for a primarch
  • Roboute Guilliman stands at about 12 feet currently

So at first glance, Tyberos measures up. But is he truly a match for a son of the Emperor? Let‘s analyze further.

No Definitive Proof Places Tyberos Over a Primarch‘s Stature

While several sources suggest Tyberos stands at the height of a primarch, I haven‘t found any irrefutable evidence that he exceeds their stature. Most put him roughly on par with their armored height.

And some loyalist primarchs like Vulkan or Magnus positively tower over their brothers. Even accounting for height discrepancies like Alpharius, none of the lore suggests Tyberos exceeds what we‘ve seen from canon primarch heights.

For example, Vulkan is described as “as tall as Horus in his terminator armour.” If we go with 12 feet for Horus, add in another foot or two accounting for tactical dreadnought armor…you‘ve got one big primarch!

In Terms of Strength, Skill and endurance, Tyberos Can‘t Match the Primarchs

While the Red Wake‘s size impresses, when it comes to combat capability, the primarchs stand supreme. These demigod sons of the Emperor possess blistering speed, epic strength, and almost limitless stamina.

Tyberos has countless kills to his name and revels in the bloody chaos of close combat. But he couldn‘t match Vulkan deadlifting multi-ton tanks or Angron‘s endless fury. Even a "scholarly" primarch like Lorgar shows feats beyond an Astartes warrior.

When it comes to endurance, the primarchs know no equal. Tales of them fighting for weeks with no rest or sustenance are common. Tyberos‘ enhanced physiology makes him tireless compared to a mortal man, but he can‘t compete with that level of demigod resilience.

Could Tyberos Ever Defeat a Primarch in Battle?

Given everything we know about Tyberos and the primarchs, is there any scenario where the Red Wake could defeat one of the Emperor‘s sons? While extremely unlikely, given specific circumstances, the Chapter Master might stand a chance.

If faced against a grieviously wounded primarch already near death‘s door – such as Curze against M‘shen or Horus post-Davin – Tyberos might be able to land the final blow. His skill with his deadly gauntlets could sever even a primarch‘s spine if already cracked.

Similarly, if working in concert with another attacking force, such as a barrage of lascannon fire and demolisher shells, Tyberos might deliver the coup de grace while his targets is brutally punished.

Outside of such edge-case scenarios though, I simply can‘t see Tyberos taking a loyalist primarch like Vulkan or lion El‘Jonson. Their durability, speed and strength combine with peerless skill – he stands no chance in a fair fight.

How Might Tyberos Attempt to Fight Sly Marbo?

As the Chapter Master of the vicious Carcharodons Chapter, Tyberos…

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