Is UFC 5 on Steam?

As both a lifelong combat sports fan and PC gamer, I‘ve eagerly followed each new UFC video game release to see if it will finally make its way to my platform of choice – so far to no avail.

With developer EA Sports likely working on UFC 5 for next-gen consoles behind the scenes, I decided to dive deeper into the chances of highly-requested PC and Steam ports actually happening when the next entry drops.

Will UFC 5 Ever Get a Steam Release? History Suggests No

Since EA Sports acquired the exclusive UFC gaming license in 2011, each new title has launched solely on Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Despite some workaround options for playing the latest UFC games on PC, native ports have sadly never materialized.

Looking at the track record, UFC 5 following the same console-only release pattern seems probable based on these past events:

UFC Games Over Time

GameYearPlatformsPC/Steam Port?
EA Sports UFC2014PS4, Xbox OneNo
EA Sports UFC 22016PS4, Xbox OneNo
EA Sports UFC 32018PS4, Xbox OneNo
EA Sports UFC 42020PS4, Xbox OneNo

As this release history shows, EA Sports has clearly prioritized consoles over the PC platform when it comes to launching new UFC video games.

Despite a vocal subset of fans requesting these titles on Steam year after year, they‘ve remained stubbornly confined within the PlayStation and Xbox ecosystems.

Does EA‘s Partnership With UFC Prohibit PC Releases?

With EA Sports signing lengthy extensions to their UFC gaming rights through 2030 and possibly beyond, PC support sadly seems dependent on unknown contract stipulations.

If the initial 2011 deal did not specifically include provisions or options to produce PC/Steam ports down the line, EA might have their hands tied in only targeting Xbox/PlayStation platforms:

"If the initial contract agreement between EA and UFC didn‘t include a PC port, there‘s no possible way for the game to release on the platform. This is especially true if EA does not hold the right to re-negotiate contract terms."

– Expert analysis from PC Player Hub

Without insider knowledge of exactly what EA and the UFC agreed to in their exclusive video game deal, speculation remains the only option. Their continued overlook of PC unfortunately points to locked-in limitations.

UFC Fans Voice Frustration Over Lack of PC Games

A scroll through forum posts and social media reactions shows PC players loudly expressing disappointment over years of UFC game neglect on their platform of choice:

"It actually makes me mad that EA doesn‘t let you play UFC 4 on PC. A good chunk of UFC fans have PCs, not consoles!"

"Sick of waiting years for crusty console ports. UFC games would shine on PC if EA just showed us some love for once!"

"UFC 4 on next-gen consoles but no PC version? Get with the times, EA!! Big mistake ignoring us for so long…"

While these commenters may come across as entitled at first glance, their irritation seems justified when considering the massive 150+ million Steam users currently being ignored and unable to access leading UFC titles.

Porting games between PC and consoles certainly requires extra development time and coding expertise compared to direct platform-to-platform transfers. But with EA Sports raking in an estimated $1 billion from UFC 4 already, questions around their commitment level to PC persist.

UFC 5 – Potential Upgrades and Improvements

Though EA Sports keeps their cards close to the vest when it comes to long-term roadmaps, analyzing the iterative updates made between previous UFC games allows speculation around what UFC 5 could have in store:

UFC 4 Upgrades Over UFC 3:

  • Overhauled career mode progression system
  • More customization options for created fighters
  • Slicker replay UI and presentation
  • Enhanced gameplay responsiveness and control

Following this trajectory, educated guesses at UFC 5‘s improvements may include:

  • Deeper strategic elements added to promotions
  • Expanded roster of legends/combat sports athletes
  • Upgraded match broadcasting authenticity
  • Ray tracing graphical boost on next-gen consoles

Of course, the long-awaited addition of PC support would trigger celebrations from gamers like myself as well!

Even if locked into their current console-centric approach due to rigid contracts, EA Sports leaving massive potential profits and fans on the table by shunning PC year after year seems difficult to justify.

Let‘s hope their renewed agreement with UFC officials through 2030 included some flexibility to finally spread these experiences beyond PlayStation and Xbox down the road. Because appending "…Not on PC" to every UFC game trailer has gotten exasperating.

The Bottom Line – Don‘t Expect UFC 5 on Steam Anytime Soon

To directly answer the original question – no, UFC 5 almost certainly will not release on Steam in 2024 or beyond unless something radically changes. Which is a real shame.

EA Sports clearly dominates the MMA gaming space thanks to their exclusive UFC deal through the next decade. And while they‘ve incrementally improved the series across three well-received sequels, they just can‘t seem to kick the frustrating console exclusivity habit limiting fans.

As both a hungry PC gamer and UFC supporter through my own amateur Mixed Martial Arts participation, their stubborn refusal to embrace platforms like Steam with open arms remains mystifying and borderline insulting.

Still, with Microsoft and Sony making big bets on subscription gaming through Game Pass and PS Plus Premium, greed seems like the most logical driver keeping prized IP‘s isolated to corporate ecosystems instead of shared to benefit all.

Here‘s hoping we‘ll eventually reach an era of UFC inclusiveness beyond barriers. Until then, the saga around PC ports continues and UFC 5 on Steam stays a pipe dream.

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