Ultra Balls Are More Effective for Catching Pokemon

As an avid Pokemon player for over 10 years, I can definitively say Ultra Balls have higher catch rates and are more effective PokeBalls than Great Balls – making them superior for catching Pokemon, especially higher level ones. But what exactly does this mean, and when should you be using each type of ball?

PokeBall Catch Rates Comparison

All PokeBalls have a "catch rate modifier" – essentially a multiplier applied to the base catch rate calculation. Here is how the various PokeBalls compare:

PokeBallCatch Rate Modifier
Poke Ball1x
Great Ball1.5x
Ultra Ball2x
Master Ball255x

As you can see, Ultra Balls have a 2x modifier while Great Balls are only 1.5x, meaning Ultra Balls provide a 33% higher chance of catching a Pokemon.

For some actual catch rate percentages based on these modifiers, a Pokemon with a 10% base catch rate would have the following chances with each ball type:

PokeBallEstimated Catch Rate
Poke Ball10%
Great Ball15%
Ultra Ball20%
Master Ball100%

So your odds definitely go up when upgrading to better balls!

When to Use Great Balls vs Ultra Balls

While Ultra Balls are unequivocally better, I still rely on Great Balls quite a bit early on depending on the Pokemon‘s level and my inventory. Here are my guidelines:

Use Great Balls When:

  • Target Pokemon is around level 12-20
  • Haven‘t amassed many Ultra Balls yet
  • Want to conserve Ultra Balls for later battles
  • Catch rate is already high for target species

Upgrade to Ultra Balls For:

  • Pokemon over level 20
  • Legendaries or ultra rare spawns
  • Shiny Pokemon encounters
  • Pokemon with low catch rates
  • Stock of Great Balls is running low
  • In the late game with plenty in inventory

As a general rule of thumb, I start phasing out Great Balls once I have around 20 Ultra Balls. By end game, Ultras are my standard go-to for just about everything besides early route fodder.

Other Catch Rate Boosting Tips

While the type of ball is huge, there are other factors that influence your chances as well:

Status Effects

Inflicting status effects like Sleep or Paralysis can make a Pokemon much easier to catch. Burn/Poison have more minor effects.

  • Sleep – 2x catch rate modifier
  • Paralysis/Freeze – 1.5x catch rate modifier
  • Burn/Poison – 1.25x catch rate modifier

I highly recommend having a Pokemon with Sleep Powder or Thunder Wave on your team!

Lower HP

The more HP that has been depleted, the higher the catch rate. Get them down to low health, especially for tanky Pokemon! False Swipe helps a ton here.

Razz Berries

Using a Razz Berry makes a Pokemon slightly easier to catch on your next throw attempt. They are more useful early on when supplies are limited.

Catch Bonuses

Equipping bonuses like the Catch Combo ability in Let‘s Go can further multiply your catch rate potential!

Stack bonuses with good ball selection for the best shot. For example, putting the legendary Zapdos to sleep and using a Dusk Ball or Repeat Ball provides massive catching power.

Ultra Balls Reign Supreme Late Game

In summary, Ultra Balls provide the highest catch rates outside of Master Balls due to their substantial 2x catch modifier. They remain extremely useful into the late game and postgame content against formidable foes – whereas Great Balls fall off once you start facing tougher species and higher levels. Every serious Pokemon trainer should strive to stock up on Ultra Balls before taking on the Elite Four!

Of course items are only one piece of the catching puzzle – intelligent use of status infliction, HP reduction, and catch bonuses all complement PokeBall selection. But pair those with some Ultra Balls and you‘re sure to assemble a formidable PokeSquad for your journey to becoming Champion!

Let me know if you have any other Pokemon catching questions – I‘m always happy to provide advice to up and coming trainers. Time to get out there and catch ‘em all!

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