Master or Ultra? Breaking Down Pokemon‘s Best Poké Balls

When it comes to catching Pokémon, one ball reigns supreme – the Master Ball. With a 100% catch rate on nearly every Pokémon, this rare item guarantees capture once thrown. However, the abundant Ultra Ball offers trainers a much more strategic and accessible option during their journeys. So which is better to use when trying to catch ‘em all?

Master Ball – The Premier Poké Ball

The Master Ball represents the pinnacle of capture technology in the Pokémon universe. According to experts at Bulbapedia, it has a 255 catch rate modifier – drastically higher than even the powerful Ultra Ball‘s 2x boost. As a result, no matter what Pokémon finds itself in the Master Ball‘s grip, it will be caught. Only under extremely rare circumstances can a Pokémon break free from this unmatched sphere.

As the ultimate capture solution, Master Balls allow trainers to bypass the risk of defeat when facing once-per game Legendary encounters. Without it, facing foes like Mewtwo or Zapdos risks days of effort lost should luck not favor an Ultra Ball throw. It also enables capture of Shiny Pokémon or powerful competitive monsters without concern for failure.

However, the Master Ball‘s sheer dominance comes with extreme scarcity. Usually, only one exists in each game. This singular count means that while it guarantees a successful capture, using the Master Ball comes at an enormous opportunity cost. Experts generally recommend saving it solely for emergencies based on their evaluations of in-game events.

Poké BallAvailabilityCatch RateWhen To Use
Master BallExtremely Rare (Often only 1)Guaranteed Catch (Some exceptions)Legendaries, Rare Events, 1-Chance Encounters
Ultra BallWidely Available2x Catch Rate MultiplierChallenging Catches, Late Game

"The prudent Pokémon trainer always pockets their Master Ball. With preparation and strategy, no monster remains out of reach without guaranteed capture aids!" – Veteran Trainer Brock

Ultra Ball – The Strategic Staple

While the Master Ball‘s perfect reliability makes it the premier Poké Ball, its scarcity means trainers rely much more heavily on the abundant Ultra Ball as their strategic staple. Available from Poké Marts as soon as late game areas open up, their highly boosted catch rate allows persistence and skill to overcome difficult captures.

Ultra Balls confer a 2x catch rate multiplier – double that of the Great Ball and four times the standard Poké Ball. Combined with status effects and damage that additionally increase the chances, this boost enables capture of legendary Pokémon without requiring the Master Ball‘s sheer dominance. For example, Bulbapedia reports that an Ultra Ball used on a 1/3 health, asleep Mewtwo jumps the success rate from 5.9% all the way up to 26.7% – much more reasonable odds.

The Ultra Ball‘s combination of availability and power gives trainers the numbers required to chip away at challenging catches through skill. Whereas only a single errant throw dooms a Legendary challenge without the Master Ball, smart play with Ultra Balls allows potentially hundreds of tries. Just be sure to bring many, as their 65% increased cost over Great Balls still adds up rapidly!

Poké BallCostCatch RateGreat For
Poké Ball2001xEarly Game
Great Ball6001.5xMid Game
Ultra Ball12002xLate Game
Master BallN/A100%Emergencies

"I can‘t rely on the first throw anymore – but that just means opportunity to push my technique! Just watch… with focus, skill, and Ultra Balls, no Pokémon remains uncatchable long!" – Ace Trainer Dawn

Making the Ball Choice

So when facing down Legendary beasts and uncommon spawns, what ball should trainers turn to? It depends completely on context! Master Ball captures require almost no effort, but sometimes patience and persistence pay off more with the accessible Ultra Ball‘s catch bonuses.

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I love showcasing my capture skills against tough monsters without resorting to sure things like the Master Ball. The thrill of slim odds and high stakes pushes my techniques to the limit! That said, I always keep my precious Master Ball in reserve for when I need a miracle – or lack time to sit through 500 Ultra Ball throws on story Legendaries!

Ultimately, maintaining a balanced inventory enables on-the-fly decision making for veterans and novices alike. A stocked bag gives flexibility across every battle and catch scenario on the journey to catch ‘em all! What balls will you turn to on your quest?

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