Is Ultra Sun or Moon Harder? A 2023 Update

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon pose moderately more challenge than Sun and Moon, but core gameplay remains accessible for all ages. As enhanced versions of the 2016 titles, Game Freak injected additional difficulty in selective areas while preserving the welcoming spirit of Pokémon for new fans. For those seeking adventure and not sheer adversity, both serve up rewarding journeys through Alola.

Notable Sources of Added Difficulty

While still easier than notoriously challenging entries like Gen 4’s Pokémon Platinum, Ultra Sun/Moon do expect more of trainers in certain respects. Here‘s a taste of fresh tests awaiting veterans and newcomers alike:

Expanded Pokédex & Regional Variants

The Alolan Pokédex swells over 400 with new additions like Poipole and Stakataka. Veterans may need time acclimating to novel movesets and typing shakeups.

Ultra Space Wilds & Necrozma Fights

Wormhole portals lead to chaotic worlds with unfamiliar terrain and creatures. Battling the dangerous Necrozma demands careful preparation too.

Advanced Trials & Totem Foes

Late-game Trials and Totems pack higher levels and tricks than base Sun/Moon – stay alert!

Difficulty ComparisonSun/MoonUltra Sun/Moon
Pokédex Size~300Over 400
Trial Length★★☆☆☆★★★☆☆
Necrozma FightN/A★★★★★

*Difficulty in star ratings, 5 as highest

While newcomers may find areas like the Necrozma climax steep, the Ultra follow-ups are overall only marginally harder thanks to the foundation of accessibility set by the originals.

Ultra Exclusive Pokémon & Their Catch Rates

Version mascots Lunala and Solgaleo headline the new species in Ultra, but obtaining some derives more sweat than others. Below are catch rates for the rarest encounters:

PokémonGame(s)Catch RateSpawn Method
StakatakaUltra Moon255 (Highest)Ultra Space Wilds
BlacephalonUltra Sun30 (Very Low)Ultra Space Wilds
PoipoleUltra Sun/Moon45 (Low)Gift Pokémon
NaganadelUltra Sun/Moon45 (Low)Evolve Poipole

While higher catch rates indicate easier captures, certain factors like low health or status conditions still influence outcomes. And the Ultra Space wilds sheltering exclusives like Blacephalon and Stakataka test trainer survival skills beforehand.

Veterans note some returning faces also prove stubborn: the Gen 7 tapus, Type: Null and Cosmog lines all clock below 45 catchability. Factor itemless battles on their home turfs and these mythicals stay hard-won prizes.

Strongest Non-Legendaries: A Statistic Breakdown

Kommo-o stands atop non-legendary titans in Alola thanks to its mighty 600 base stat total – the hallmark of pseudo-legendaries. For comparison, here’s how kommo-o and rivals size up:

Toucannon8012075757560485Skill Link/Keen Eye
Gumshoos8811060556045418Stakeout/Strong Jaw

While base 600 OU dynamos like Kommo-o and legendaries eclipse all else, Vikavolt, Toucannon and Gumshoos headline non-legendary threats – they accel given the right chances.

Ultra Sun or Moon – Which to Pick in 2024?

Veterans craving replays can weigh version differences, but first-timers should focus on preferred cover mascots and times:

  • Solgaleo (Sun) – Steel/Psychic lion, diurnal game time
  • Lunala (Moon) – Ghost/Psychic bat, nocturnal game time

Both deliver the same Alola tour with minor tweaks like exclusive Pokémon. Those adoring day or night may factor times accordingly too.

For postgame, ample extras await in either version like the Battle Tree, Ultra Space excursions and returning legendaries. With evenly robust adventures, story and theme resonating most drives preferences today.

Top Ultra Sun/Moon Battles

In an official Pokémon poll ranking hardest story battles in 2017, fans voted the below as most demanding tests of skill:

  1. Ultra Necrozma: No surprise for veterans here
  2. Elite Four Kahili: A new yet brutal champion-level fight
  3. Totem Kommo-o: Late trial catches unprepared teams off guard
  4. Ultra Recon Squad: Enigmatic new 4v4 fight before Ultra Necrozma
  5. Solgaleo/Lunala: The box legendaries still impress

While talk circulates about fan hacks or mods upping difficulty further, official Game Freak difficulties aim for balance welcoming to all.

Even casual fans can overcome through smart type matchups, items and prudent leveling. Those seeking truly brutal tests may await fan game takes on Alola instead.

Spotlight: Ash-Greninja in Ultra Sun/Moon

Ash-Greninja‘s unique Torrent ability and form in the anime caught fan adoration. The Ultra titles enabled bringing it to home titles at last. But imports face hurdles:

  • Shiny Locked – Its black colorway remains exclusive to Ash‘s frog ninja.
  • One Transfer – Just one chance to bring it across saves via Pokémon Bank.
  • Level Range – Arrives between Lv. 36-50 depending on trial progress.

Once transferred, its impressive stats compare thusly:

StatHP: 72Atk: 145Def: 67SpA: 153SpD: 71Spe:132Total: 640

Its 153 SpA and 145 Atk are stunning – surpassing legendaries and variants like Mega Sceptile. Trainers lucky enough to import it find its Scripture of the Sword specialty makes short work of UL beasts.

While gone from the anime‘s current Journeys era, veterans eagerly await Ash-Greninja’s next animated encore. Perhaps we’ll see it alongside Ash in 2024‘s climatic Scarlet/Violet arc this fall!

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