Is Uplay still a thing?

As a long-time PC gamer and industry commentator, one question I still get asked a lot is – wait, is Uplay still a thing? Well, let this passionate gamer clear up the confusion! While the Uplay name has faded into gaming history, the platform itself has evolved and lives on in 2024 under a new brand – Ubisoft Connect.

The Evolution of Uplay into Ubisoft Connect

Uplay first arrived in 2009 as Ubisoft‘s desktop portal for accessing online features, DLC, and bonuses in Ubisoft games. By 2012, it became the mandatory gateway for playing Ubisoft titles on PC. Uplay wasn‘t always beloved though – a rocky launch and inconvenient dual-DRM with Steam gave it a mixed reception.

Over the years, Uplay slowly improved and built out more social features like achievement tracking, friends lists, and cross-game challenges. Then in 2020, Ubisoft rebranded Uplay into the slick new "Ubisoft Connect" ecosystem – unifying it with their Ubisoft Club rewards program into one cohesive desktop app.

The Ubisoft Connect Platform in 2024 – Bigger and Better?

Rebrand or not, many gamers just think of Ubisoft Connect as the modern incarnation of Uplay. But how has the platform itself evolved since 2020? Let‘s analyze some key stats:


  • Over 140 million players as of 2021 across PC and consoles
  • Likely north of 150 million currently with continued growth

Monthly Active Users

  • 75 million MAUs claimed at rebranding (2020)
  • Surely over 100 million MAUs now in 2024


  • Enhanced achievement system with expanded progression stats
  • Rewards program tied into 100+ games driving engagement
  • Redesigned interface and profiles for personalization
  • Cross-connectivity across platforms for seamless play

Reviewing the numbers and features, its clear Ubisoft Connect represents meaningful evolution as a modern gaming service – more players, more social tools, more reasons to stay engaged. Of course – a platform is only as good as the games it carries…

Ubisoft‘s Breakup and Reunion with Steam

Uplay‘s creation back in 2009 came as PC game stores like Steam rose to dominate distribution. For years, Ubisoft releases remained available on both Uplay and Steam. Then in 2019, Ubisoft abruptly shifted focus by:

  • Making new releases exclusive to Uplay and Epic Games Store
  • Doubling down on driving Uplay usage and growth

Industry chatter suggested Ubisoft wanted to reduce reliance on Steam. As a major publisher, why share 30% revenue when you control your own platform?

Of course, abandoning the PC‘s biggest store had consequences. Potential lost sales from skipping Steam likely hurt less popular franchises. Fan backlash also ensued from those preferring Steam‘s tools and communities.

Just this past December though, Ubisoft softened their stance by returning to Steam with Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla. More new releases coming to both Steam and Uplay/Connect seems likely going forward.

What Drove Ubisoft‘s Steam Strategy Shifts?

As an industry analyst, I‘d speculate a few key factors drove Ubisoft‘s evolving Steam stance:

  • Desire for bigger cut of revenue from own platform
  • Promoting Uplay brand and ecosystem investment
  • Adapting to player feedback and game performance

Of course, challenges in recent years like a wave of misconduct allegations and key talent departures have also occupied Ubisoft‘s focus. Rebuilding success may necessitate leveraging Steam‘s big audience despite the revenue split.

The Ongoing Challenges and Opportunities of Ubisoft Connect

Own platforms like Ubisoft Connect and EA‘s Origin offer major publishers more control, data ownership, and revenue share. However, direct competition with gaming juggernauts like Steam and massive investment in features and content are required to thrive.

For Ubisoft Connect, the road ahead still presents obstacles:

  • Winning back disenfranchised Steam fans
  • Rebuilding reputation and stability after company scandals
  • Fending off rival publisher platforms and storefronts

Equally though, clear opportunities exist:

  • Leverage existing 150M+ Ubisoft gamers into the ecosystem
  • Tie Connect deeper into major franchises like Assassin‘s Creed
  • Exploit cross-play and mobility to stand out

The Big Question – Can Ubisoft Connect Compete?

As an industry expert gambling man – I‘d say Ubisoft Connect‘s chances are solid. Ubisoft still wields blockbuster IPs. Connect itself now sports all the features demanded from a modern social ecosystem. Integration with Epic and Steam widens the funnel for adoption. Of course, execution depends on rebuilding Ubisoft‘s stability and culture – no small task.

But with the right leadership and enough fan goodwill, I‘d expect the Ubisoft Connect platform and community to thrive across PC and consoles for years still to come. Uplay may be gone, but the service it evolved into still serves an important role in this era of cross-play, live services, and engagement.

So there you have it friends – the past, present, and future outlook for Ubisoft‘s PC gaming platform. Let me know your thoughts in the comments – does Ubisoft Connect still hold a place in your gaming world? What improvements would you like to see? I‘m always eager to exchange perspectives with fellow gamers on the latest industry trends and news.

Happy gaming!

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