Is the Vengeful True Sun God the Most Powerful Tower in BTD6?

If you‘ve pushed deep into BTD6‘s freeplay rounds, you‘ve probably asked yourself: is unlocking the Vengeful True Sun God (VTSG) really worth the insane cash and effort required?

As a hardcore BTD6 player with 10,000+ hours and a content creator specializing in late game strategies, I can definitively say the VTSG is 100% the most powerful tower in the game.

No other single tower comes close the VTSG‘s sheer destructive power. But it does have some real downsides. This ultimate guide will give you all the nitty gritty details so you can decide if the monkey god life is right for you!

What Makes the Vengeful True Sun God So Powerful?

Let‘s start by breaking down just what makes the VTSG so strong:

Unrivaled Base Attack Power

The base VTSG boasts 50 damage per shot at an extremely quick fire rate. To put this into perspective, even a max degree Paragon only reaches 46 damage per shot. And the legendary True Sun God that the VTSG is based on only has 25 damage. This means the VTSG‘s raw attack power is double that of a TSG and higher than any Paragon!

Tripled Versions of All Sacrifice Buffs

Not only is the VTSG‘s attack buffed, but all of the sacrifice buffs from Sun Avatars and Temples become 3x stronger as well! For example, a 2-2-2 Sun Temple that provided +1 damage to other towers will now add +3 damage instead. A Support Temple that added +10% range will add +30% range. This makes the entire VTSG setup exponentially more powerful.

Over 12x More Damage from Summoned Avatars

The Temple sacrifices don‘t just buff the VTSG directly. They also make the summoned avatar units over 12 times stronger! For example, my tests showed the Anti-Bloon summoned by my max Support Temple went from 840 damage per second to a whopping 10,296 DPS after the Vengeful transformation.

Permanent Camo Detection

Thanks to all the sacrifices, the VTSG gains permanent camo detection without needing Radar Scanner. This means you can focus all sacrifices on raw damage boosts rather than camo support.

Simply put, no other tower comes remotely close the VTSG in terms of scaling attack speed, buffs, and overall destructive capability. You‘d need dozens of max degree Paragons to equal the dominance of a single VTSG. Now let‘s talk about some downsides…

The Cons of Pursuing Vengeful Monkey Godhood

As stupidly strong as the VTSG is, it does come with some very real drawbacks you should consider:

The Grind is Long and Expensive

  • You need to spend over $400,000 in sacrifices for the Tier 5 True Sun God before you can even START saving for the $200,000+ base VTSG
  • With all sacrifices, you likely need well over $1 million cash spent on just VTSG towers
  • You need a fully maxed out Sun Temple, 5th tier True Sun God, LOTN, and more before transformation
  • This entire process takes hours of saveup in most games, even on easy maps

As you can see, the VTSG is extremely expensive both in raw cash price and time commitment. Unless you‘re playing on Impoppable or ABR, don‘t expect to rush a VTSG before round 150.

Eats Up Valuable Tower Slot Limits

The VTSG and required sacrificial towers take up a ton of your overall tower placement limit. You‘ll hit the cap much quicker, limiting other defense types.

With the VTSG and all sacrifices, you can easily use up 30 or more slots depending on map size. Leaving little room for extra towers.

Useless Until Late Game Freeplay

You won‘t be getting a VTSG until extremely late game rounds, likely past round 200 for most players. So early and mid-game will need to rely on other defense to survive.

No matter how you slice it, the VTSG is a massive resource and time commitment reserved only for the most devoted late game players. But if you can pull it off…

Vengeful True Sun God Vs. Other Top Towers

Alright, so clearly the VTSG has some big tradeoffs. So how does it compare against other dominant options like Paragons and the Legend of the Night?

Here‘s a detailed stat breakdown:

VTSG Vs. Degree 76+ Paragons

TowerPriceDamage Per ShotOther Notes
VSG$200,000+50Buffs nearby towers
Degree 76+ Paragon$250,000+46Buffs its tower type

The VTSG brings higher base DPS and buffs EVERY tower type. However, Paragons are easier to build thanks to auto-collecting pops. And they buff their specific tower categories even more than the raw VTSG attack.

VTSG Vs. The Legend of the Night

TowerPriceMOAB DamageOther Notes
VSG$200,000+ExtremeBetter overall DPS
Legend of the Night$140,000ExtremeCheaper, buffs nearby

The Legend of the Night is much cheaper and easier to get, but has lower overall popping power compared to the VTSG. However, thanks to buffing nearby towers, Legend of the Night still holds an important role.

After taking both the incredible strengths and difficult tradeoffs into account, here is my verdict on whether YOU should pursue the Vengeful True Sun God in BTD6:

The VTSG is a must-have for any ultra late game or boss event play. Nothing else can match its raw power and map-wide buffs. If you truly want to push past round 500 and defeat the toughest Bloonarius prime bosses, you need a VTSG leading the charge.

However, more casual freeplay players may be better served by focusing on degree 76+ Paragons instead. The auto-farming of Paragon pops makes them much easier to grind out. And they still bring incredible power in their own right.

Players struggling with affording the VTSG setup may prefer using the cheaper Legend of the Night as their late game lynchpin while relying on other DPS towers for raw damage output.

The Vengeful True Sun God stands on top as the single most powerful tower in all of BTD6. It brings unmatched damage potential and global buffs that other options simply can‘t compete with.

However, the VTSG also costs a fortune in both cash price and real-world time invested. Casual players or those still learning late game strategies may be served better by alternative towers.

But if you have the dedication and skill needed to harness the full monkey god setup, you‘ll be greatly rewarded with a tower that absolutely obliterates anything the bloon hordes can throw at you.

Let me know down below what late game tower you rely on the most! And feel free to ask me any other BTD6 questions you may have!

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