Is Wasteland 3 co-op good in 2024? Yes, it‘s an excellent strategic RPG experience.

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I‘ve played over 50 hours of Wasteland 3 co-op. In my expert opinion, Wasteland 3 features one of the best co-op implementations in a classic-style computer RPG to date.

How Wasteland 3 Co-op Works

Wasteland 3 supports two player online co-op across the full story campaign and side content. Here are the key technical details on how it works:

  • Host player handles recruiting companions from pool of up to 6 total party members
  • Players can divide control of party however they want
  • All progression systems, loot, and story choices are shared
  • Drop in/out functionality makes joining easy

This means you and your co-op partner can truly adventure together from start to finish, unlike some other RPGs where co-op is limited.

Coordinating Your Wasteland 3 Party

With up to six rangers and companions to control between you, coordination of role, gear, and skills is key in Wasteland 3 co-op.

In my experience playing a sniper/medic and having my partner handle a shotgunner/dialog expert allowed us to combo abilities for great effect.

Here‘s an example team make-up and how we utilized synergy in co-op:

RolePlayer 1Player 2Synergy
LeaderShotgun diplomatSniper medicBuff speech checks with medic skill
SupportMechanic/toaster repairField medicHeal robotic party members
DamageBrawlerExplosives expertSet up explosive chain reactions

This is just one example – the flexibility to build complementary skill sets is part of the fun in Wasteland 3 co-op.

Shared Progression Systems

All progression systems including XP, levels, loot drops, and in-game resource income are shared between players in Wasteland co-op. This means no one gets left behind which is fantastic.

However, gear and weapon mods do NOT automatically transfer between players. My recommendation is to coordinate on who should use which types of weapons and ammo before loot distribution. This reduces friction and wasted materials from crafting duplicates.

End Game Content in Co-op

Wasteland 3‘s co-op functionality holds up into the end game. Key pieces of late game content fully supported in co-op:

  • All main story branches and endings
  • Repeatablr Bizarre area with cosmetic rewards
  • Challenging battle arena game mode

The excellent Cult of the Holy Detonation DLC is also fully co-op enabled. This adds around 6-10 hours of additional mutant-filled content to conquer with your co-op buddy.

How Wasteland 3 Co-op Compares to Similar Games

As a passionate gamer, I‘ve played many of the contemporary CRPG greats in co-op where supported. Here‘s my perspective on how Wasteland 3 compares:

  • Divinity: Original Sin 2 – More systemic reactivity and environmental combos in combat, but weaker roleplaying focus
  • Baldur‘s Gate 3 Early Access – Better production values but very unfinished, much higher difficulty
  • GreedFall – Surprisingly robust co-op support but not as much depth in progression

Out of these, I found Wasteland 3 to strike the best balance between strong strategic combat and party-building options with an excellent reactive story you shape through choices.

Co-op Specific Tips

Here are some pro-tips I‘ve picked up from the Wasteland 3 subreddit and Steam forums on making the most of your co-op playthrough:

  • Have at least one Explosives expert to detonate environmental hazards
  • Bring animal whisperer to handle enemy robots/turrets
  • Max Nerd Stuff by mid game for intel on story branches
  • Alternate merchants with high barter skill to sell loot
  • Craft ammo and health items for whole party

Following this advice will help avoid frustrations we encountered in our first attempt at a co-op run.

The Verdict on Wasteland 3 Co-op in 2024

With incredible reactivity across story choices, rewarding progression systems, and some of the best turn-based tactical combat out there, Wasteland 3 offers an elite co-op CRPG experience.

Smooth drop-in/drop-out functionality, shared progression, and total content parity with single player really stand out. After over 50 hours playing co-op, I give Wasteland 3 my highest recommendation for you and a friend looking for memorable stories and challenging battles in a post-apocalyptic Colorado.

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