Is Watch Dogs 2 Appropriate for Children?

After reviewing concrete data on Watch Dogs 2‘s mature content and conducting further analysis on video game research, my recommendation is to avoid allowing play for those under 15 years old. While parental involvement can lead to positive outcomes, the pervasive violence, adult language, sexual material and lack of ethical messaging make it unsuitable for many children.

Summary of Mature Content

Watch Dogs 2 received a Mature 17+ rating from the ESRB for:

  • Blood and Gore
  • Intense Violence
  • Strong Language
  • Strong Sexual Content
  • Use of Drugs and Alcohol
F-word and other profanityOver 300 times
Nudity/Sexual activity13 scenes
Alcohol/Drug use17 scenes
Killing innocent civiliansFrequent

Data sourced from and

These pervasive elements contribute to desensitization concerns.

Research on Video Game Violence

While research on gaming impact has limitations, patterns linking violent games to increased aggression and decreased empathy are recognised by groups like the APA and AACAP:

Video Game Violence Research

Image source:

Without ethical messaging or consequences, youth can internalize problematic norms like violence against police being acceptable.

With Proper Oversight, Benefits Are Possible

However, parents can leverage tools like rating summaries, content settings and co-play to benefit from games like Watch Dogs 2. Research shows proper oversight around violent media can assist with:

  • Parent-child bonding
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Cognitive skills

But the onus falls heavily on guardians to actively parent around gaming habits.

Alternate Recommendations By Age Group

To satisfy technical curiosity while protecting kids, here are suggested alternatives:

Ages 8-11

  • Portal 2
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • Rocket League

Ages 12-14

  • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Splatoon 2
  • Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville

Ages 15+

Select titles with less concerning content:

  • Spiderman
  • Horizon Zero Dawn

Best Practices for Media Safety

To promote responsibility and self-regulation around technology:

1. Maintain an open and judgement-free dialogue

  • Discuss ethical considerations and context

2. Set clear limitations around gaming

  • Require visibility and reasonable durations

3. Monitor emerging research on gaming impacts

  • Adapt perspectives as new evidence arises

Healthy gaming habits require mutual understanding and standards aligned to child maturity levels. While easier access is tempting, erring on the side caution ensures healthy development.

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