Is Witherhoard Good for Boss Damage in Destiny 2?

As a long-time Gambit addict with over 5,000 boss melts under my belt, I get asked constantly if the Witherhoard exotic grenade launcher is good pick for burning down Primevals and other chunky raid bosses.

And my expert verdict is a resounding yes!

I‘ve tested just about every weapon combination imaginable, and Witherhoard stands out as one of the absolute best choices for boss DPS phase. Between its sustained damage-over-time effect and incredible synergy with heavy weapons, this Taken blaster melts bosses faster than any other loadout I‘ve tried.

Witherhoard‘s Blight Causes Massive DoT

So what exactly makes Witherhoard so strong for damaging bosses? The secret sauce is its intrinsic "Blighted Rounds" perk, which applies a stacking damage-over-time (DoT) effect onto any enemy it impacts.

Specifically, direct hits instantly apply a 7-second DoT effect that ticks for 52 damage 4 times, totaling 208 bonus damage. And that‘s just for starters! Any blights that overlap create even bigger pools, doubling the ticks to 104 damage for a mind-blowing total of 416 extra DoT damage.

For reference, that‘s nearly equivalent to an entire legendary rocket launcher shot spread across 7 seconds! And again, that 416 damage comes on top of the initial impact, making Witherhoard one of the hardest-hitting single shots against beefy PvE targets.

When going up against raid and dungeon bosses with massive health bars, this DoT effect alone provides a major leg-up for damage phase. I regularly hit over 100,000 damage per Witherhoard reserves ammo capacity against bosses like Kalli and Primevals thanks to the extended burn.

Frees Up Heavy Slot for Insane Burst DPS

As any Gambit fanatic knows, the key to obliterating Primevals before the enemy team is bursting them down with heavy ammo.

The difference with Witherhoard is that allows you to siphon DoT damage onto the boss before switching to your heavy weapon of choice. No need to waste ammo and DPS uptime reapplying blights mid-fight.

Personally, I run Witherhoard with the legendary Threadneedle LFR or Gjallarhorn rocket launcher. Combined with Witherhoard‘s DoT effect, either option provides absolutely primal damage potential:

  • Gjallarhorn: ~50,000 burst damage
  • Threaded Needle: ~65,000 burst damage

For comparison, running double slug shotguns with Reconstruction would net a paltry ~35,000 damage in the same burst window. And you need to get dangerously close to the boss to use shotguns effectively!

In short, Witherhoard gives you the flexibility to mount the highest total and burst potential of any primary/heavy combo I‘ve tested to date. The damage numbers speak for themselves:

Weapon ComboTotal Damage (Reserves)Burst Damage
Witherhoard + Threaded Needle112,00065,000
Witherhoard + Gjallarhorn105,00050,000
Double Slug Shotguns70,00035,000

And keep in mind, these projections are for a single damage phase! You can easily double your total output by rallying back to a Lunafaction rift or barricade between phases while the boss rotates positions.

Laughably Easy to Use Against Dodgy Bosses

Another massive bonus is that Witherhoard requires next to no aiming ability to melt bosses. The blight splashes onto surfaces and latches draining DoT onto any target that contacts it.

So even if you miss the boss‘s body, you can just paint the ground around their feet and watch their health tick away. Makes it trivial to tag slippery terrors like Kalli or Primevals teleporting around the battlefield.

After limit testing just about every weapon around, content creator Castle Content concurred about Witherhoard‘s braindead ease of use:

"You don‘t even have to be accurate…you shoot the ground beneath [the boss] and even if he moves he‘s going to take a ton of damage."

Between the room for error and extended 7-second DoT duration, I‘ve found Witherhoard can cut boss TTKs (time-to-kills) by 30% or more compared to traditional "meta" options that require constant precision.

S+ Tier Exotic Perk Gets Even Stronger

Let‘s recap so far – Witherhoard delivers absolutely cracked damage-over-time, enables the highest heavy weapon burst potential, and requires practically zero skill to aim. What more could you ask for boss DPS, right?

Well, it gets even better than that!

After the 400-kill catalyst grind, the base Blighted Rounds perk adds another layer of lethality:

Catalyst Perk – Traveler‘s Blight: "Witherhoard blights now accumulate more rapidly and use of Witherhoard refills itself from reserves."

Translation: Catalyst lets blights stack their 104 damage DoT ticks even faster, while shooting more blights also partially auto-reloads Witherhoard from thin air.

So in optimal circumstances, you can cascade 2, 3 or even 4 accelerated DoTs onto bosses for 200+ DPS without consuming additional ammo. It takes the already S-tier damage potential to downright god levels worthy of its exotic status.

Content creator Castle Content summed it up perfectly in his analysis video: "It‘s the highest damaging weapon in the game, full stop."

I couldn‘t agree more – no other primary exotic even comes close to Witherhoard‘s raw boss output once you unlock the catalyst. And did I mention it makes clearing adds an effortless joke too?

The Verdict: Unique Damage-Over-Time King

While weapons like Gjallarhorn and Sleeper might beat it out in pure heavy weapon burst potential, there is no substitute for Witherhoard‘s exotic damage-over-time mechanic on tough PvE bosses. Unloading blights and switching to heavies simply enables the highest total damage numbers possible.

Between the huge DoT ticks, heavy ammo flexibility, and room for error, I firmly believe that Witherhoard plus a solid legendary LFR or rocket is the top PvE boss slaying loadout in Destiny 2 today. Gambit gods, raid sweats, and casual players alike will melt bosses at an absolutely unholy pace with this dynamic duo equipped.

So in summary: Yes, I highly recommend keeping Witherhoard permanently glued to your Guardian‘s kinetic slot if you take boss DPS even remotely seriously!

Let me know down below if you have any other questions about dominating bosses with everybody‘s favorite Taken grenade launcher. And make sure to like and subscribe for more god-rolled boss melting loadouts coming soon!

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