Is WWE 2K19 better than 2K22?

As an ardent WWE gaming fan who has played every franchise entry extensively since the Smackdown days, I get asked this question a lot: "Is WWE 2K19 better than the just-released WWE 2K22?"

My unequivocal answer: No, WWE 2K22 surpasses 2K19 by sizable margins to deliver the best contemporary WWE gaming experience yet. But 2K19 still stands tall as an all-time great for recreating classic WWE eras.

Let‘s compare these two legendary wrestling video games across the essential factors to declare a definitive winner:

Gameplay and Controls – Faster, Smoother and More Responsive

WWE 2K22‘s gameplay leaps past 2K19 with a quicker pace, more fluid animations and a soup-to-nuts overhaul of wrestling mechanics. Matches play out faster yet under precise control. Reversals and payback moves provide more counter variety. Strikes and grapples pack noticeable "oomph" absent before.

Overall, everything feels tighter and more responsive. Within an hour you can execute moves fluidly despite 2K22‘s visual flash. This plays in stark contrast to 2K19‘s occasional sluggishness and input lag, which created unwanted friction during matches. Smoother gameplay equals better gameplay.

Graphics, Visuals and Attention to Detail – Next Gen Excellence

As a game built from scratch for modern consoles and gaming PCs, WWE 2K22‘s visual presentation awes. Wrestler models and environments offer ultra-realistic detail – from skin textures to venue dimensionality, it‘s a graphical showcase. Matches feature slick camera cuts, vivid lighting and a broadcast sheen missing in older entries.

Comparatively, WWE 2K19 shows its last gen limitations on newer hardware. Wrestlers lack fine facial definition by today‘s standards. Clothing and hair still look a bit stiff and awkward in motion. And background visuals don‘t pop with the same vividness. There‘s just no visual comparison between these titles.

Game Mode Variety – New Ways to Play

WWE 2K22 wisely retains franchise favorites like Universe Mode while introducing alluring new modes. The GM Mode empowers you to book shows, manage superstars, arrange matches and grow your promotion. MyFaction lets you collect wrestler cards to build unique rosters. The MyRise story-based career mode brings 50+ hours of play.

Conversely, WWE 2K19 offers a relatively straightforward experience centering on Exhibition, Online and Universe modes. There were some nice customization options but nowhere near 2K22‘s creative breadth in tailoring experiences and unlockables. More quality modes means more ways to play and enjoy the game.

Rosters and Superstars – Recency Over History

WWE 2K22 and 2K19 take differing roster approaches. 2K22 focuses heavily on active wrestlers and NXT standouts like Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Rhea Ripley and Bron Breakker. Its 185+ wrestlers skew toward WWE‘s current product. But it lacks many big names who exited recently like Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt.

Meanwhile WWE 2K19 embraces "roster as history" – spotlighting past eras and legends like The Rock, Ric Flair, Razor Ramon who current fans may not know. Its 265+ wrestlers encompass a wider swathe of WWE lore. So 2K19 wins out for historical variety and nostalgia while 2K22 better represents today‘s programming and stars.

GameTotal WrestlersOverall Roster Focus
WWE 2K22185+Current wrestlers and NXT
WWE 2K19265+Past eras and legends

Ongoing Support and Content Updates

As the newer release, WWE 2K22 enjoys an advantage in ongoing developer support and post-launch updates. Numerous patches have already fine-tuned mechanics and fixed bugs since launch. DLC packs add fresh wrestler packs like Banzai Pack and Most Wanted Pack regularly.

In contrast, WWE 2K19 is essentially a complete static package. The game still plays great but will never be updated again. Its servers shut down in 2022 as well. So only WWE 2K22 can provide the living game experience that evolves over time.

The Verdict – 2K22 is Where Future Lies

For capturing today‘s WWE product and stars, WWE 2K22 wins handily through superior mechanics, graphics and modes. But fans of historic WWE eras should still play WWE 2K19 for its immense retro roster. Ultimately both belong in a dedicated wrestling gamer‘s library!

But between the two, WWE 2K22 offers the most well rounded, feature-rich experience. I give it an 9.5 rating out of 10!

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