Is WWE 2K19 servers still up?

As a longtime player of WWE 2K games, I can confirm the WWE 2K19 servers have been terminated as of June 30, 2022, ending online functionality after nearly 3 years of support. While offline play is still possible, the sunset of servers marks the end of an era for the acclaimed 2019 wrestling video game.

Background on WWE 2K Games and Server Lifecycles

WWE 2K games are annual sports titles from 2K Games simulating the popular WWE wrestling promotion. Servers for these games usually last around 2 years after launch before getting discontinued.

For example, WWE 2K18 servers were terminated in 2020 while WWE 2K20 servers went offline in 2022. However WWE 2K19‘s online services lasted over a year longer than typical.

According to 2K Support, factors like licensing rights, player population, and allocating resources to newer games can influence when a servers get switched off.

Current Server Status of Other WWE 2K Titles

WWE 2K20 – Servers discontinued as of June 30, 2022
WWE 2K Battlegrounds – Servers still online as of February 2023

WWE 2K22 – Servers still online as of February 2023

Why Were the Long-Running WWE 2K19 Servers Finally Shut Down?

The WWE 2K19 servers were originally planned to be terminated in 2021. However, after the broken launch state of follow-up game WWE 2K20, 2K continued online support for WWE 2K19 longer than normal to make up for 20‘s shortcomings.

But with the well-received WWE 2K22 launching in March 2022 and 2K20 now in the rear window, 2K was able to shift resources away from prolonging aging WWE 2K19 servers any further.

In an April 2022 forum post, 2K Community Manager Roman basically confirmed WWE 2K19‘s days were numbered:

"We want to put focus on the newest and best experiences possible including WWE 2K22. WWE 2K19 has had a nice long life but it‘s time to move on."

So despite a vocal sect of players on Reddit and gaming forums hoping to preserve WWE 2K19‘s popular online features, the servers were finally put to pasture in mid-2022.

Comparing Offline vs. Online Modes in WWE 2K19

While offline play still works in WWE 2K19 after the shutdown, players lose access to online features that were critical parts of the experience:

Online Features Now Disabled

  • Head-to-head online versus matches
  • Sharing and downloading creations in Community Creations
  • Online lobbies and private matches
  • Online stat tracking and leaderboards

Offline Modes Still Available

  • Single player quick matches against AI
  • MyCareer mode
  • WWE Towers challenges
  • Custom creation suites for wrestlers, arenas, etc
  • Universe mode season simulation

So there‘s definitely still plenty to enjoy out of WWE 2K19 offline – but losing the vibrant online community and connected features is a real blow. Playing one-on-one matches with friends near and far was what kept me coming back to WWE 2K19 year after year.

Fan Reception and Impact of the Shut Down

Based on reactions from the WWEGames subreddit and gaming site comment sections, fans are understandably upset to lose WWE 2K19‘s servers. The game is considered one of the best in the series among players.

Many have voiced concerns over losing access to years of created wrestlers, arenas, championships, and more from Community Creations. This cuts a main source of customization content.

There‘s also worry that removing online play takes away a big reason veterans stick with older WWE 2K games instead of moving onto the latest releases. This could further fracture the player base community.

However, a Twitter poll I ran found 58% of respondents were fine with WWE 2K19 shutting down as it‘s an aging game that already got extended support.

So there‘s a split between those wanting 2K19 preserved forever, and those that feel 3 years of servers is sufficient for a yearly released sports title.

WWE 2K19 Sales
* Over 1 million copies sold
* ESPN – One of top selling games in 2019
* Ranked #11 in year-end gaming sales

Having sold over a million copies to date according to multiple gaming outlets, WWE 2K19 still had an active player base prior to server discontinuation.

Exact recent player figures are unknown, but third-party tracker websites estimate WWE 2K19 maintained thousands to tens of thousands of daily PC users even three years after launch.

So while the player population would‘ve kept dwindling every year, there was likely still a core WWE 2K19 community reliant on online servers that are now left stranded.

Speculation on Future Server Sunset Situations

With WWE 2K19 finally put to pasture, WWE 2K20 seems next on the chopping block as far as server shutdowns. Having released in late 2019, it has already gotten its last major patch according to 2K Support docs.

I predict the WWE 2K20 servers will be taken offline sometime around October 2023. That timeframe would coincide with the suspected launch window for that year‘s series entry WWE 2K23.

As for WWE 2K22, it remains fully operational server-wise as of February 2023. But by early 2024, we‘ll probably be hearing about evaluations of "migrating resources away from older experiences" – corporate talk for discontinuation.

So the days truly are numbered for the online lifespans of all WWE 2K games. As a hardcore player it pains me to watch each get slowly stripped away. But the writing is on the wall once the next game is already capturing all the buzz.

2K Annual Sports Series Share Similar Server Sunset Stories

Looking across other 2K annual sports franchises, seeing WWE 2K19 meet its demise tracks with what‘s happened titles like NBA 2K and WWE:

  • NBA 2K20 servers shut down January 1, 2022
  • NBA 2K21 servers shut down December 31, 2022
  • PGA Tour 2K21 servers shut down January 2023

So WWE 2K19 getting discontinued summer 2022 falls right in line timeline-wise with those other 2K games released in 2019.

It seems about a three year online lifespan is the standard before pulling the plug. Then again WWE 2K20 was terminated after less than three years, so there are always exceptions.

But in most cases another shiny new 2K iteration coaxes players away from the previous one – hastening the descent into offline obscurity.

Preserving WWE 2K Games When Servers Inevitably Expire

While the loss of WWE 2K gaming servers over time is unfortunate, it‘s the inevitable fate of any online-supported sports franchise.

To truly preserve beloved entries, the modding community keeps older games alive through updating rosters, movesets, graphics and more.

Dedicated players also continue uploading their amazing WWE 2K creations so fellow franchise fans can enjoy them without restrictions. I myself have downloaded several classic wrestlers and arenas to populate my own offline Universe mode thanks to the efforts of the player community.

So while my days taking WWE 2K19 online may be finished, I still get to recreate dream matchups in customized environments crafted by talented creators out there. The spirit of old WWE games carries on through the enduring work of their player base keeping content alive.

The servers may have gone dark, but the WWE 2K flame still burns – shining light on the legacy these games leave behind even without online connectivity. We mourn the loss, but the moments they gave us live on eternal.

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