Is Xeno‘jiiva Armor Good in Monster Hunter World?

Absolutely – Xeno‘jiiva armor is easily one of the top 5 armor sets in Monster Hunter World, even after the Iceborne expansion. With its high defense, useful skills, slots, and flexibility, Xeno gear remains relevant for a variety of weapons and playstyles.

As a charge blade main with over 1000 hours played, I‘ve used Xeno armor extensively. In this guide from a gamer‘s perspective, let‘s dive into why it‘s so good:

An Overview of Xeno Armor Pieces and Skills

First, let‘s quickly recap the different Xeno armor pieces and the skills they offer:

Armor PieceSkills
Xeno‘jiiva Headgear β+Special Ammo Boost 2, Blight Resistance 2, 2 Lvl 1 slots
Xeno‘jiiva Hide α+Power Prolonger 2, Blight Resistance 1
Xeno‘jiiva Claws α/β+Critical Boost 1/2, Power Prolonger 1, Lvl 2/1 slot
Xeno‘jiiva Spine α+Power Prolonger 2, Flinch Free 1
Xeno‘jiiva Greaves α/β+Blight Resistance 2, Flinch Free 1/2, Lvl 1 slot

The key skills worth highlighting are:

  • Power Prolonger – Extends the duration of charge attacks
  • Blight Resistance 3 – Complete immunity to elemental blights
  • Flinch Free 2/3 – Super armor through attacks from allies

This alone makes it versatile for different weapons and multiplayer hunts. Then the set bonuses take it up a notch:

2 pieces: Bonus Skill Level 2
4 pieces: True Arcana Soul

That‘s just insane! You‘re essentially getting a free extra skill point and 20% affinity or attack.

Comparing Defense and Resistances

Now let‘s compare Xeno statistically to other popular armor sets:

Armor SetDefenseFire ResThunder ResDragon Res
Xeno‘jiiva α+4185-53
Drachen α458-2-6-2
Teostra γ+44815-4-10

A couple things stand out:

  • Xeno has 3 star dragon resistance – useful against Elder Dragons
  • Solid defense rating on par with endgame sets
  • Better balanced resistances compared to Drachen

So while the defense values are a bit lower than Drachen, the resistances and slots give it an edge in versatility.

Effective Playstyles for Xeno Armor

Thanks to its balanced stats and skills, Xeno excels in a variety playstyles:

  • Charge Blade & Gun Lance – Power Prolonger is perfect here
  • Long Sword – Flinch free enables non-stop combos
  • Bow & Bowguns – Extra coatings/ammo from helmet
  • Any elemental weapons – Blight immunity enables aggressive play

And it works great for both raw and critical/status effect builds. With so much flexibility, the armor set really grows on you.

Crafting Xeno Armor – Materials Needed

To craft a full set, you‘ll need these key materials from Xeno‘jiiva:

  • Xeno‘jiiva Claw x5
  • Xeno‘jiiva Tail x3
  • Xeno‘jiiva Hide+ x5
  • Xeno‘jiiva Shell x8

The claws, hide, and shell are common drops. Tails are severed rewards. I recommend going with partbreaker skill to ease farming.

Augmenting and Upgrading Xeno Gear

Once you craft the base high rank Xeno‘jiiva α set, use armor spheres to upgrade defense.

Then continue hunting Arch-Tempered Xeno‘jiiva event quests. This unlocks material to upgrade into the γ+ variant with better skills and slots.

You can use Warrior‘s Streamstones to add augments like defense, decoration slots, or resistance. Work on augmenting chest and legs first.

Conclusion – Viable Even in Iceborne Expansion

While Master Rank armor has released with the Iceborne expansion, Xeno‘jiiva‘s armor is still perfectly viable:

  • Skills complement most weapon and skill combos
  • Easy to fully augment gear for endgame viability
  • Provides a comfy, defensive setup for tough hunts

I still use a "mixed set" with Xeno chest and legs when helping friends in Master Rank. It just has a strong nostalgic value for many in the community and caps off an amazing base World experience!

So in summary – yes, Xeno‘jiiva armor is undoubtedly one of the best sets you can craft! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below!

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