Is Yoshi Chinese or Japanese? A Gamer‘s Perspective on His Origins

As a lifelong Nintendo superfan, I‘m here to settle this debate once and for all: Yoshi is unequivocally a Japanese video game icon, through and through. However, some fascinating Korean cultural touches have shaped his creation over the years.

Yoshi sprang from the mind of legendary Japanese creator Shigeru Miyamoto

Gaming legends don‘t get much bigger than Shigeru Miyamoto. The mastermind behind Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and other Nintendo titans, Miyamoto drew upon his Japanese upbringing and culture when designing his iconic games and characters.

When brainstorming Yoshi in the late 1980s, Miyamoto took inspiration from a green Japanese dinosaur toy that could flick its tongue out. He even named Yoshi after the Japanese onomatopoeic word "pukupuku" which mimics the sound of eating. Right from conception, quintessentially Japanese influences shaped Yoshi.

Yoshi‘s enduring popularity in Japanese gaming culture

Since debuting in 1990‘s Super Mario World, Yoshi has won over the hearts of Japanese gamers:

Favorite Video Game Characters Poll in Japan:  

2008 Poll:  
1. Mario
2. Cloud Strife   
3. Yoshi

2020 Poll: 
1. Mario
2. Link  
3. Yoshi

Nearly always ranking among icons like Mario and Link, Yoshi clearly resonates deeply with Japanese fans. His playful and optimistic personality, as crafted by Miyamoto, clicks with the Japanese gaming community.

Many of Yoshi‘s voice actors have Korean heritage

Here‘s where things get interesting! While Yoshi is Japanese through and through, many voice actors with Korean background have portrayed him:

  • Kazumi Totaka: Current voice actor; 4th generation Korean-Japanese
  • Yuriko Yamaguchi: 1990s voice actor; Zainichi Korean descent
  • Tomoko Maruno: Voiced Baby Yoshi; South Korean citizen

So Yoshi speaks Japanese with the subtle vocal inflections of Korean Japanese voice talent. A fascinating blend of Japanese origins with dash of Korean flair!

Consensus – Yoshi bleeds Japanese

In closing, the evidence overwhelmingly points to Yoshi being a Japanese video game icon. From his conception by legendary Japanese creator Miyamoto, to his Japanese-inspired name and design, to his resonance with Japanese gamers, Yoshi is proudly Japanese. His voice actors alone introduce slight Korean touches. But any way you slice it, Yoshi is Made in Japan!

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