Is Zero a Girl in Borderlands? Examining the Debate Around Zer0‘s Gender Identity

Zer0 is officially considered a male playable character in the Borderlands video game series according to developer Gearbox Software. In Borderlands 2, he uses he/him pronouns and is voiced by Michael Turner, a male voice actor. However, many fans believe Zer0‘s true gender identity is intended to be more ambiguous by the developers. His mysterious backstory and concealed persona have sparked ongoing debate within the Borderlands community about whether Zer0 might actually be better classified as non-binary or genderfluid.

The Case for Zer0 as Cis Male

First, let‘s lay out the evidence from the games that suggests Gearbox does classify Zer0 as cis male:

  • Referred to as "he" by other characters in Borderlands 2

    Throughout missions and dialogue, other characters refer to Zer0 using words like "he" and "him". This occurs hundreds of times through gameplay, clearly establishing those pronouns as his official designation.

  • Voiced by accomplished voice actor Michael Turner

    Gearbox hired Michael Turner, known for his extensive voice acting work across male video game characters, to voice Zer0‘s role in Borderlands 2 and its DLCs.

  • Humanoid shape appears masculine

    The physique and anatomy of Zer0‘s costume suggests a male form, with broad shoulders and masculine angles.

  • Speaks with a deep, masculine-sounding unmodulated voice

    A few rare times when Zer0‘s voice modulator is disabled, his natural voice sounds like that of a human male. Through loud, pained grunts and short phrases, this underlying voice has a distinctly deep pitch.

Based on this evidence directly from the source material of the games, the developers do intend for players to view and regard Zer0 as male in terms of his gender identity.

The Case for Zer0 as Potentially Non-Binary

However, many fans point to factors from the games that also support theories of Zer0 being non-binary, genderfluid, or another identity outside the male/female binary. Reasons for such speculation include:

  • Extremely mysterious backstory and persona

    Practically nothing is known about Zer0‘s origins or identity underneath his suit and helmet. Unlike other vault hunters, his past and connections are left intentionally vague. This gives little context to discern or assume his gender identity.

  • Fully concealed physical form

    Though his costume has masculine shapes, Zer0 could theoretically be any sex or gender underneath the armor and material masking him. His biological identity is purposefully obscured from view.

  • Use of a voice modulator that disguises gender

    Thanks to this technology, the pitch and tone of Zer0‘s natural voice is unclear. The modulator allows him to conceal vocal clues about gender from fellow characters and players alike.

  • Exhibits some interests and behaviors often viewed as traditionally feminine

    From his haiku poetry obsession, to keeping a diary, to collecting stuffed animals, some of Zer0‘s quirks subvert stereotypically male attributes. This adds another layer of gender role ambiguity.

Based on these aspects of concealment and secrecy around his form and origins, theorists posit that possibilities beyond cis male better fit this vault hunter. Let‘s dig deeper into the arguments.

Lack of Backstory Allows for Diverse Possibilities

Some argue that if Gearbox never definitively labels Zer0‘s gender identity one way or the other, it allows for inclusive representation by letting players project their own perspectives. Unlike binary identities of past Borderlands characters, Zer0‘s blank slate history means imagining him as non-binary, genderfluid, or trans male aligns just as well as cis male. His mysterious persona empowers fans to visualize diverse depictions.

Comparisons to FL4K in Borderlands 3

When non-binary robot FL4K was introduced as a playable character in Borderlands 3, many viewed it as confirmation that Gearbox is open to exploring identities outside the gender binary. As another robotic vault hunter concealing their true self, FL4K‘s characterization lends credence to interpretations of Zer0 as non-binary. The developers did it purposefully once, so past assumptions about Zer0 seem outdated.

Actions & Attributes Subvert Stereotypes

Some fans argue Zer0 exhibits enough behaviors defying traditional cis male attributes that imagining him as non-binary better fits his substance. The haiku, stuffed animals and other quirks represent Gearbox injecting femininity to undermine assumptions. Along with the secrecy around his body and origins, they interpret this as purposefully preventing clear designation within the gender binary.

Table: Evidence for Different Perspectives

Evidence for Cis MaleEvidence for Non-Binary Possibilities
He/him pronouns by other charactersExtremely vague identity/backstory
Male voice actor: Michael TurnerPhysical form fully concealed and unknown
Masculine anatomy shape to costumeVoice modulator masks natural vocal sound
Deep male voice in rare unmodulated instancesSome interests/behaviors subvert male stereotypes

In the end, both perspectives have compelling cases to be made using examples pulled straight from details of the games. As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I think this shows just how effective Gearbox was at building an aura of enticing mystery around Zer0 within the context of Borderlands 2. They expertly crafted enough contradiction and obscurity to justify fans imagining Zer0 across a fluid spectrum of gender identities, all while officially labeling him cis male in literal text and voice acting.

What Might This Say About Representation in Gaming Going Forward?

Personally, I don‘t think any definitive reveal of Zer0‘s "true" gender identity will ever materialize in future Borderlands games. The developers themselves likely never created an explicit internal canon designation outside of the cis male public treatment of the character. Leaving it undeclared serves the themes and style of this universe better than clarity.

But that ambiguity now takes on new significance following wider calls demanding increased diversity and inclusion across the gaming industry. Gearbox took a bold step by introducing the non-binary FL4K in Borderlands 3 during ongoing discourse around representation. By leaving Zer0‘s inner identity open for interpretation since 2012, I believe they actually served as early pioneers embracing the same inclusive spirit. They tapped into the power of player imagination and projection. Even if unintentional, it‘s perhaps a smarter approach than definitive labels that inevitably fail to resonate with parts of the audience. Empowering fans to internalize their own perspectives aligns well with overarching themes of the franchise emphasizing player choice and freedom.

The evidence makes reasonable cases both for and against declaring Zer0 specifically non-binary. But the debate itself has value in showing how even characters originally conceived years ago under typical industry norms contain untapped potential. Their inherent mysteries, once seen as just stylistic flair, can foster welcome new representation through player perspective.

As creators design more inclusive characters upfront moving forward, existing ones like Zer0 also gain renewed dimensionality. While respecting an origin story that made no conscious efforts around representation, we can still find glimpses reflecting society‘s evolving standards buried within older properties. We uncover courageous steps forward made before their time. And the ultimate genderless quality of video games means visions of leads like Zer0 remain perfectly primed for reshaping by audience projections as culture continues progressing.

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