Is Zero Two a Virgin? An In-Depth Analysis

The short answer is yes – though the series never definitively states it, all signs point to Zero Two being a virgin, especially in terms of human intimacy. As a passionate Darling in the FranXX gamer and content creator, I wanted to do a deep dive into this question that many fans have wondered.

A Challenging Upbringing Impacts Zero Two‘s Understanding of Intimacy

As evidenced in several episodes, Zero Two had a tragic early childhood that severely stunted her social and emotional development. Taken from her klaxo sapien mother as an infant, she only knew isolation and experimentation at the Garden facility.

This table summarizes key events showing Zero Two‘s lack of proper nurturing care or guidance around intimacy:

BabyForcibly separated from klaxo parentLoss of parental affection/bonding
ToddlerImprisoned alone undergroundNo socialization opportunities
Young childForced to pilot FRANXX aloneEmotional immaturity; no healthy bonds

Zero Two was deprived of parental love or sibling connections growing up. Based on my own adolescent psychology knowledge and analyzing her behaviors, this severely limited her understanding of intimacy, sexuality, and healthy human relationships.

Piloting Partners Perished Before Emotional Bonds Formed

According to the fan wiki, Zero Two was infamously known as the "Partner Killer" as most pistils who piloted with her did not survive past 3 rides. While she had over 100 partners, there was no chance for emotional intimacy to develop before their deaths.

In the 5 years she was at Plantation 13 starting at age 9, assuming 2 partners per month average, Zero Two went through at least 120 partners in total.

As a fellow gamer and anime fan, I believe Zero Two‘s extreme emotional isolation and trauma created an almost feral mentality toward her partners. She struggled seeing them as anything beyond disposable tools for piloting.

Special Connection with Hiro Allows for Healthy Intimate Growth

It is only when Zero Two meets the first and only pistil who can survive multiple rides with her – Hiro – that she begins opening her heart. Their initial childhood bond was severed when Dr Franxx separated them, leaving longing feelings on both sides.

Meeting again years later allows them to rebuild trust and affection for one another. This is the first time Zero Two experiences an emotionally intimate pairing. As evidenced by their mutual tears, kisses and declarations of love, their ultimate bond transcends the physical.

While some speculation persists among fans, I believe the portrayal of their relationship suggests Zero Two was still a virgin when they reunited. The kissing and affection shown aligns with innocent, first-time teenage romance.

Conclusion: An Unconventional Upbringing, But Virginity Intact

In summary, while Zero Two‘s knowledge of sexuality may differ from average humans, analysis of her traumatic early life and brief piloting partnerships indicates she missed crucial nurturing experiences that would provide context for physical intimacy.

Her connection with Hiro is the first emotionally vulnerable relationship where sexuality could potentially develop over time. So the ultimate verdict in my expert gamer opinion – Zero Two does indeed seem to be a virgin based on the anime‘s events. Their bond remains touching and beautiful nonetheless.

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