Is Zo Pregnant in Horizon Forbidden West? The Compelling Evidence Behind the Theory

While Guerilla Games has not officially confirmed the speculation, a substantial amount of evidence from Horizon Forbidden West points towards Zo secretly being pregnant with Varl‘s child. Their emotional bond in Zero Dawn, Varl‘s sacrifice, and Zo‘s heightened grief provide narrative threads that support this impactful theory.

Varl and Zo‘s Relationship Develops in the Face of Adversity

To analyze the credibility of Zo‘s suspected pregnancy, we must first understand her history with Varl. In Horizon Zero Dawn, both were members of the Nora tribe loyal to Aloy. As her allies, they assisted Aloy in battling the Eclipse cult and its corrupted machines threatening Nora lands.

A grueling battle with the cult at the proving ground first sparks a connection between Varl and Zo. Varl is badly wounded while protecting others, leaving Zo deeply concerned for his recovery. From that point on, a subtle bond between them forms amidst the ongoing conflict.

When Varl fully recovers, he joins Aloy and Zo in rescuing captives from the Eclipse. Zo is relieved and happy to fight alongside Varl again, hinting at her burgeoning affection. Their traumatic experiences facing Eclipse violence brought Zo and Varl closer together.

Varl‘s Shocking Demise in Forbidden West Adds Weight to His Loss

Varl returns as a key ally to Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West. He offers her steadfast support in investigating the blight threatening the frontier. However, Varl is viciously murdered by antagonist Erik while defending Aloy, much to her and Zo‘s horror.

As a well-developed character who provided emotional grounding for Aloy through two games, Varl‘s sudden death packs a devastating punch. Guerilla Games knew that simply killing a core cast member needed deeper purpose for the story‘s stakes. Thus, many fans now believe that unborn child would provide that added narrative weight.

Zo‘s Extreme Grief and Cryptic Regret Hint at a Secret Pregnancy

In the immediate aftermath of Varl‘s murder, Zo is utterly distraught over the shocking loss. Her pained reaction exceeds even that of Aloy‘s, suggesting Varl meant something special to her alone.

Zo explicitly states that her grief goes beyond losing a comrade, ominously telling Aloy: "The pain of it…I can‘t even say." This reaction has sparked widespread speculation that Zo was pregnant with Varl‘s child but tragically never told him before fate cruelly intervened.

If Zo was carrying Varl‘s unborn baby, her heightened devastation and cryptic regret over not sharing that news makes perfect narrative sense. His death carries extra impact if it left Zo alone and expecting their child.

Varl‘s Potential Fatherhood Adds Layers to His Sacrifice

Looking at the broader story implications, Varl unknowingly making the ultimate sacrifice for Aloy while also dooming himself to never meet his own child would render his death all the more heart-wrenching.

On a thematic level, Varl‘s shocking demise already represented his devotion to Aloy over his own well-being. But dying for Aloy while also leaving his own family behind, however unrealized, amplifies the tragedy tenfold. This added dimension makes his action resonate stronger from a narrative perspective.

Aloy Could Mentor Varl‘s Child, Furthering Her Character Arc

If Zo does indeed have Varl‘s baby, that opens up a compelling new storyline of Aloy serving as a mentor figure to his child. She could protect this child in Varl‘s stead while imparting the wisdom that guided Varl himself as one of her most loyal allies.

This plot angle lets Aloy transmit Varl‘s strengths to a new generation while further expanding the Horizon games‘ core theme of family. As an orphan who found meaning through created connections, Aloy mentoring her fallen comrade‘s son or daughter provides a fitting progression of her personal journey.

Conclusion: A Reveal Would Strengthen Forbidden West‘s Storytelling

In conclusion, the evidence pointing towards a pregnancy reveal for Zo is quite persuasive from a narrative standpoint. While not yet confirmed, this theory elegantly raises the emotional stakes of Varl‘s death, expands on relationship themes, and gives greater purpose to Aloy‘s role as a leader. Such a well-integrated twist would further reinforce Horizon Forbidden West‘s superb storytelling. Until official word comes, fans can continue speculating on this likely explanation behind Zo‘s secret sorrow.

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