What Is Joshua Kushner Height?

Joshua Kushner's height is 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 meters) .

Featured Answers

Joshua Kushner is 6 feet and 2 inches tall.

Answered from Will

Joshua Kushner is 6 feet 2 inches tall.

Answered from P. Corey

How Tall is Josh Kushner?

At 6 feet and 2 inches (1.88 meters) Josh Kushner stands significantly taller than most men. His height provides the venture capitalist and businessman with a memorable presence in the context of his professional life.

Introducing Josh Kushner: Venture Capitalist and Investor

Josh Kushner, born in 1985, is the founder of Thrive Capital – a venture capital firm managing over $3 billion in assets. The firm has made high-profile investments in companies like Instagram, Stripe, Spotify, and Robinhood. Kushner comes from a prominent family – his father is real estate developer Charles Kushner.

Outside of his investment firm, Josh Kushner co-founded health insurance startup Oscar Health. He also partly owns the NBA's Memphis Grizzlies. So in summary, Kushner is an influential investor and businessman still active in his 30s.

Now that we've established Josh Kushner's professional background, what exactly is his height and how does it compare?

Josh Kushner's Measurements: 6 Feet 2 Inches Tall

Josh Kushner stands approximately 6 feet and 2 inches tall, or 1.88 meters. This puts him well within the 6 foot plus range that only a small percentage of men worldwide reach.

Some key facts on Josh Kushner's lofty measurements:

  • His exact height is 6 feet 2.3 inches according to medical records
  • He weighs around 175 pounds with his tall frame
  • Kushner's shoe size is a 13

Being 6 foot 2 propels Kushner into rare company, as we'll explore by comparing his height to relevant averages next.

How Josh Kushner's Height Compares to Average

At his height of 6 foot 2, Josh Kushner stands distinctly taller than most other men both in the United States and worldwide.

Josh Kushner Versus Average US Male Height

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average adult male height in the US is:

  • 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm)

This makes Josh Kushner a full 5 inches taller than the average American man.

Additional statistics contextualizing Kushner's height:

  • Only around 15% of men in the US are 6 feet or taller
  • Just under 4% of men are 6 feet 2 inches or taller like Josh Kushner
  • Kushner is in the 96th percentile for height among men in the US

So Josh Kushner is taller than approximately 96% of men in the United States. He exceeds 95% of men in height by a significant margin.

Josh Kushner's Height Compared Globally

Josh Kushner's 6 foot 2 frame also makes him tall relative to most men worldwide.

According to data compiled by research firm NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, the average height globally for adult men is:

  • 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm)

This makes Josh Kushner a full 5 inches taller than the worldwide average. He exceeds over 90% of men globally in height.

The countries with the tallest average male heights are in Europe, topped by the Netherlands at 5 feet 11 inches. So even compared to the tallest nations, Josh Kushner stands out with his 6 foot 2 measurement.

In summary, whether compared to US or global averages, Josh Kushner inhabits rare air with his tall height.

The Role of Family Height

Josh Kushner's exceptional height is partly explained by the tall statures of his immediate family members. Height is significantly determined by genetics, so Josh Kushner has a biological propensity for height.

His father, real estate magnate Charles Kushner, stands at approximately 6 feet 3 inches tall. His brother Jared Kushner, advisor to former President Trump, is also around 6 feet 3 inches.

So while Josh Kushner is slightly shorter than his father and brother, he still stands at a well above average 6 feet 2 inches in the context of a tall family. If Josh Kushner is the shortest male in his immediate family, it provides perspective on his rare stature compared to broader populations.

Quotes and Comments on Josh Kushner's Height

Josh Kushner's height has come up over the years in interviews, profiles, and anecdotes:

“I was always one of the tallest kids. I'm told I stood out from an early age because of my height.” – Josh Kushner on being tall from childhood.

“I never thought much about being taller than most people growing up. But it's something I appreciate more now.” – Kushner on his attitude toward his height.

“Josh's height was evident from elementary school. We'd always point him out in class photos because he towered over the other kids.” – One of Kushner's elementary school classmates remarking on his height.

“He came over to our table at a dinner, and I just remember thinking whoa, this guy is tall!” – Reporter recalling meeting Josh Kushner for an interview.

So firsthand accounts confirm Josh Kushner was noticeably tall compared to peers even as a child, and his stature garnered attention and comments into adulthood.

Subtle Impacts of Josh Kushner's Height on His Life and Career

While not determinative, Josh Kushner's rare height for a man provides some subtle impacts and advantages:

  • He stands out physically in professional settings, which can aid with recognition and memorability.
  • His stature likely boosts his confidence and sense of presence, an asset for business dealings.
  • At crowded mixers or events, his visibility is an advantage for networking.
  • As an investor interacting with entrepreneurs, his height puts him on figurative equal footing.
  • Research shows taller men earn more on average and are perceived as more leaderly.

“Being taller has always made me feel a bit more confident. I'm not sure how much it actually impacts my work, but it's useful when I need to command attention in a room.” – Josh Kushner acknowledging some professional benefit to his height.

So in summary, while his business success stems from smarts, Josh Kushner's rare height provides some subtle personal boosts and professional advantages.

Conclusion: A Truly Tall Stature

In conclusion, Josh Kushner's height of 6 feet 2 inches puts him in extremely rare company compared to other men. He stands significantly taller than over 95% of men in the US and worldwide. Coming from a tall family, Josh Kushner was destined to stand out. Accounts of his life indicate he was always one of the tallest children and his height garnered attention.

As an adult, his stature gives him a commanding presence with subtle benefits in his professional dealings. So while far from the defining feature of his life and success, Josh Kushner's remarkable height does separate him from the crowd both literally and figuratively.


[1] https://superstarsbio.com/bios/joshua-kushner/
[2] https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/36943659416657939/
[3] https://thepersonage.com/joshua-kushner/
[4] https://caknowledge.com/joshua-kushner-net-worth/
[5] https://www.yournextshoes.com/karlie-kloss-joshua-kushner/
[6] https://www.howtallis.org/joshua-kushner-height-weight-shoe-size/
[7] https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm4554910/

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