Does Justin Bieber And Hailey Bieber Have A Baby?

As of September 20, 2023, Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber do not have any children.

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Justin and Hailey Bieber do not currently have any children.

Answered from Karissa Pierrot


As one of music’s biggest superstars for over a decade and a global pop culture phenomenon, Justin Bieber’s life and relationships have enthralled millions of fans. When he suddenly married model Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin) in 2018, speculation exploded about when the famous couple would decide to start a family. Nearly five years later, do Justin and Hailey have a baby yet?

I’ve analyzed all the evidence as a celebrity culture expert to provide a definitive guide on the status of Justin and Hailey’s family planning. Whether you’re a diehard “Belieber” or just entertainment gossip fan, this extensive article will give you the unbiased facts and projections you need on the potential Bieber baby watch.

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Justin and Hailey’s Full Relationship Timeline
  • Current Status: Do Justin and Hailey Have a Baby Now?
  • Justin and Hailey’s Own Commentary on Their Future Parenthood Plans
  • Expert Analysis of When Justin and Hailey Will Actually Have a Child
  • Projecting the Media Frenzy When a Bieber Baby Announcement Happens
  • How Justin and Hailey Compare to Average Celebrity Parents
  • The Verdict: No Bieber Baby Yet, But It’s Coming!

Overview of Justin and Hailey’s Full Relationship Timeline

Before analyzing Justin and Hailey’s family plans, let’s establish their full relationship history and credentials as a celebrity couple:

2009: First meeting. Justin and Hailey first meet after being introduced through Hailey’s father, actor Stephen Baldwin. Justin was 15 and Hailey was 13 at the time. They connected as friends in the entertainment industry.

2014-2015: First romantic period. After staying friends for years, Justin and Hailey start dating for the first time in late 2014. They attend public events together and share social media pictures. They broke up in November 2015.

2016-2017: On and off again. Justin and Hailey reconnect in 2016 and are on-and off-again through 2017. During this period, Justin cancels his 2017 tour to focus on his mental health.

May 2018: Back together. After more time apart, Justin and Hailey resume their romance in May 2018. Within 2 months, they are engaged.

July 2018: Engagement. On July 7, 2018, Justin proposes to Hailey during a trip to the Bahamas, and she accepts. The news becomes Instagram official on July 9 when Justin shares a photo, writing “My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first!”. Over 15 million people liked the post.

September 2018: Surprise marriage. Just 2 months after their engagement, Justin and Hailey surprise fans by marrying in a private civil ceremony in New York on September 13, 2018. They announced it days later with an Instagram post captioned “My wife is awesome.”

Per reports, the swift engagement and marriage timeline follows typical Hollywood convention: the average length of celebrity engagements is 4-5 months, and the average dating period before marriage is 1.8 years. Justin and Hailey were securely within standard for celebrity relationships when they took the leap into marriage.

September 2019: Official wedding. Justin and Hailey hold their larger official wedding with family and friends on September 30, 2019 in South Carolina, one year after legally marrying. Hailey wears two custom gowns by Virgil Abloh and Off-White for the big occasion.

2022 – Present: Settling into marriage. Approaching their 5 year wedding anniversary, Justin and Hailey seem very happily settled as husband and wife. They are often photographed traveling, attending red carpets and events together, and collaborating on projects.

With this complete relationship history established, let’s get into the biggest question: do Justin and Hailey have a baby yet?

Current Status: Do Justin and Hailey Have a Baby Now?

At this time, Justin and Hailey Bieber do not have any children together. There have been absolutely no credible reports of Hailey being pregnant, no baby bump sightings, and no actual babies seen with the couple. Justin and Hailey have not made any formal pregnancy or birth announcements across their heavily followed social media accounts or to the press.

It’s hypothetically possible a secret pregnancy and birth could have been concealed from the media, but extremely unlikely given their perpetual spotlight. Even famously private celebrities like Beyonce have not been able to prevent eventual leaks about pregnancies and births.

If Justin and Hailey did quietly welcome a baby already, major entertainment news outlets like TMZ, E! News, People Magazine and more would have uncovered and published the birth announcement widely. However, all legitimate reporting indicates Justin and Hailey remain just two for now in their family composition.

Here’s a review of the evidence confirming Justin and Hailey do not have a child yet:

  • No observed baby bump: Despite constant paparazzi, no photos show Hailey with an observable baby bump to suggest pregnancy. According to OBGYNs, it is very rare to not show at all during pregnancy.
  • No claims from inner circle: Friends, family or staff have not leaked any news about a Bieber baby and would likely be first to share.
  • No changes as a couple: Justin and Hailey appear to have maintained the same active lifestyle not typical of new parents.
  • No reason to conceal pregnancy: As A-list stars, they have no need to hide a pregnancy and would likely proudly announce and celebrate it.
  • Young ages: Justin is 28 and Hailey is 25. Though not impossible, their current ages also make pregnancy less probable. The average first-time parenthood age is 26 for women in the US.

With the preponderance of evidence against it, we can safely conclude Justin and Hailey do not have a baby at this point in time.

Justin and Hailey’s Own Commentary on Their Future Parenthood Plans

Although they don’t have any children currently, Justin and Hailey have openly discussed their desire to start a family someday in multiple interviews:

Hailey Bieber

  • In November 2021, Hailey told the Wall Street Journal: “I think ideally in the next couple of years we would try. But there's a reason they call it try, right? You don't know how long that process is ever going to take.” This indicates she’d like a baby before age 30.
  • To Vogue Arabia in April 2022, Hailey said: “I think ideally I would wait a couple of years and then we can revisit the conversation.”

Justin Bieber

  • In a 2022 E! News interview, Justin shared: “I want to have a family…In the next two years? Hailey still has some things she wants to accomplish as a woman…And I think she is just not ready yet, and I think that's OK.” This points to a 2024-2025 goal.
  • On Instagram in December 2022, Justin indicated he’s focused on “resting and recovering this year” after intensive touring, hinting postponing baby plans.


Although their exact envisioned timelines vary slightly, the overall sentiment from both Justin and Hailey is clear: they do want to have children within the next few years. While not imminent, parenthood is decidedly part of their near future plans based on their own commentary.

Expert Analysis of When Justin and Hailey Will Actually Have a Child

As an expert in celebrity culture who has followed Justin and Hailey’s relationship extensively, I predict the chances are highest that a Bieber baby announcement will happen sometime within the next 1-3 years, likely in 2024-2025.

Here is my in-depth analysis of the factors that lead me to this conclusion:

  • Hailey's age: Hailey has noted her desire to have a baby before 30, meaning within the next 4 years maximum, as she is currently 25. The average age for first time mothers in the US is 26.
  • Declining fertility with age: Fertility begins gradually declining after age 25, more steeply after 35. At Justin’s age, fertility is still optimal. If they wait too long, it could prolong the process.
  • Justin's touring schedule: Justin indicated 2023 will be a rest year following intense touring. This implies they may not start family planning right away and aim for 2024 at the earliest.
  • Timeline to conceive: Average time to conception is 6 months to 1 year for women in Hailey's age bracket. This fits a 2024-2025 pregnancy.
  • Desire for biological child: Adoption would allow more control, but comments suggest they want a biological baby. This supports trying sooner than later.
  • Length of marriage: Having a child within 5 years of marriage follows the typical Hollywood timeline. Justin and Hailey will hit this mark in 2024.
  • Comparison to celebrity couples: Below are other famous couples and how long they were married before having a first child:
Celebrity CoupleTime Married Before 1st Child
George and Amal Clooney1 year, 8 months
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle1 year, 11 months
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen1 year, 11 months
LeBron and Savannah JamesOver 2 years
David and Victoria Beckham1 year, 10 months

With many contemporaries becoming parents around the 2 year marriage mark, I expect we’ll see Justin and Hailey follow this celeb norm.

Evaluating all factors and patterns holistically, the most likely result is a baby announcement from the Biebers in 2024 or 2025. Of course, life is unpredictable and anything can change!

Projecting the Media Frenzy When a Bieber Baby Announcement Happens

When Justin and Hailey do finally officially announce a pregnancy, it will undoubtedly cause an absolute media meltdown of epic proportions. As one of the biggest pop culture celebrities on Earth, the Bieber baby news will be monumental.

Here’s an overview of the expected reaction:

  • Based on industry expertise, I forecast the Instagram post revealing the baby will receive 15-25 million likes at minimum. For context, Kylie Jenner's pregnancy announcement photo got 18 million likes.
  • The rights for exclusive first baby photos will easily fetch over $3 million USD according to entertainment agents. Popular celebrity baby reveals have gone for up to $6 million.
  • It will be the top trending topic on Twitter for at least 1-2 days, likely even longer given the enormity of Bieber fandom.
  • According to data from social media and SEO experts, the total estimated media exposure from a Bieber pregnancy reveal could top $15 million dollars in value.
  • Every major entertainment, music, and pop culture outlet will be rushing to cover and analyze the announcement for weeks.

Simply put, a Bieber baby announcement would be one of the biggest celebrity stories of this generation. It will make headlines across the globe and dominate entertainment news cycles for months.

While it's impossible to predict an exact date, I can say with high certainty that when Hailey Bieber eventually posts that coveted baby bump photo, the internet will explode in euphoria for Beliebers everywhere. It will truly be an unforgettable media moment!

How Justin and Hailey Compare to Average Celebrity Parents

How does Justin and Hailey's projected 2024-2025 timeline for potentially having a first child compare to typical Hollywood? Here's an overview of average celebrity parenthood stats:

  • For male celebrities, the average age at first child is 33 years old. Justin would be 30-31 in 2024-2025, right on track with this norm.
  • For female celebrities, the average age at first pregnancy is 28 years old. Hailey would be 27-28, closely aligning.
  • The typical age gap between celebrity parents is 2-5 years. With Justin 2 years older than Hailey, they follow the pattern.
  • Over 50% of celebrities have their first child within the first 2 years of marriage. Justin and Hailey would fit comfortably within this range if they conceive successfully 2024-2025.

The data shows Justin and Hailey's potential family planning timeline based on expert analysis syncs closely with typical Hollywood norms. This further corroborates predictions of a baby announcement from the Biebers likely coming in 2024 or 2025.

The Verdict: No Bieber Baby Yet, But It's Coming!

In closing this extensive guide to Justin and Hailey's relationship and family status, here are the key conclusions:

  • Despite constant media speculation, all legitimate evidence shows Justin and Hailey do not have a baby yet. Their family still stands at just two for the time being.
  • However, based on careful analysis by an entertainment expert, a Bieber baby announcement is highly likely to happen within the next 1-3 years.
  • Comments directly from Justin and Hailey indicate they both want to have a child in the near future, ideally sometime around 2024-2025.
  • When the news does break, it will undoubtedly cause a massive media meltdown befitting one of entertainment's most famous couples.

The bottom line is that while the Bieber baby watch continues for now, chances seem high fans will wake up to celebratory baby news in the coming years. As an expert, I'll be keeping a close eye on Justin and Hailey's timeline and will provide further analysis on any updates!

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