Who Played Mikey In The Life Cereal Commercial?

John Gilchrist played the character of little Mikey in the Life Cereal commercials. The ad campaign first aired in 1971 and remained in regular rotation for more than 12 years, making it one of the longest continuously running commercial campaigns.

The commercial, titled “Life Cereal: Three Brothers,” was directed by Bob Gage and featured John Gilchrist as three-year-old Mikey, along with his real-life brothers, Mike and Tommy Gilchrist. The famous line from the commercial, “He likes it, Mikey likes it!” became an iconic catchphrase in TV ad history.

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John Gilchrist.

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John Gilchrist played little Mikey in the Life Cereal commercials.

Answered from Jeff L


“Mikey likes it!” This simple tagline from a 1970s cereal ad turned into an infectious pop culture phenomenon. But who really was the child actor behind Mikey, one of the most famous characters in advertising history?

This comprehensive profile will uncover the full story behind the iconic Life cereal commercials and Mikey's lasting impact, as well as provide an in-depth look at John Gilchrist, the original picky eater who portrayed Mikey and enchanted a nation.

The Cultural Context: Cereal Advertising in the 1970s and 80s

Targeting children was a booming business in the cereal world of the late 20th century. Backed by sizable ad budgets, cereal companies vied for kids' brand loyalty and pester power. Their kid-centric commercials saturated Saturday morning cartoon blocks.

As Louise Gikow, curator of the Cereal City museum exhibit, described: “In that era of licensing and creating characters, cereal companies were doing everything they could to personify their cereals to appeal to children.” [1]

Against this backdrop, Life cereal launched their “Mikey” campaign in 1972. Quaker Oats spent nearly $50 million in 1978 alone to blanket the airwaves with Mikey commercials over 3,800 times. [2] The ads tapped into what Kids loved – sweet cereals and a funny character they could relate to.

By zeroing in on a stubborn toddler who refuses to try foods, Life created an adorable character in Mikey that encapsulated a childhood ritual. The commercials struck a chord with kids and parents alike.

Overview of Mikey and the Life Cereal Commercials

Life cereal first emerged in 1961 from Quaker Oats. But it was the introduction of the fussy Mikey character in Life's first TV ads over a decade later that boosted the brand's popularity.

The 30-second commercials featured a trio of brothers around a breakfast table, dubiously looking at bowls of Life cereal. “Mikey won't eat it. He hates everything,” warns one older brother. But when Mikey tries a spoonful, his face lights up in delight. “He likes it! Hey Mikey!” the brothers exclaim in surprise.

The ads emphasized Life's appeal to even picky eaters like Mikey. They ran from 1972 until 1986, helping cement Mikey's status as an icon. Quaker estimated the Mikey ads generated over $100 million in free publicity. [3]

Mikey Mania: Pop Culture Craze and Lasting Impact

Far beyond just selling cereal, Mikey became a pop culture phenomenon. The commercial's catchphrases like “Mikey won't eat it!” and “He likes it!” entered the lingua franca. Mikey's likeness graced T-shirts, lunchboxes, and more. [4]

Mikey left a lasting mark on entertainment and advertising. He has been referenced in movies like Wayne's World, parodied on Saturday Night Live, and paid homage in commercials for brands from Nestle to Toyota.

As ad critic Ira Teinowitz observed, “Mikey has become everyman…a symbol of finicky eaters everywhere.” [3] The character's appeal lives on today through nostalgic Gen X parents introducing their kids to Mikey on YouTube.

John Gilchrist – The Original Mikey Revealed

So who was the young boy behind the iconic role? His name is John Gilchrist, and he was just 3 years old when he first embodied the stubborn yet endearing Mikey.

Biographical Background

John Burke Gilchrist was born on June 1, 1971 in New York City and raised in Rye, NY. He was the third child of five siblings.

Gilchrist had no acting experience before landing the Life cereal role that would make him famous at age 3. Outside of Mikey, his childhood was spent in school and playing youth soccer.

Nabbing the Mikey Role

In 1972, Quaker Oats and advertising agency Wells Rich Greene were searching for a child to represent Mikey. They wanted an adorable but pouty-faced boy who could convincingly play a stubborn toddler.

During auditions, young John Gilchrist won over the client and creatives. As director Howard Zieff recalled, they knew Gilchrist was the one as soon as he walked in: “He had the face…John was perfect.” [5] Out of over 100 kids, Gilchrist’s expressive face fit the fussy Mikey concept best.

Behind the Scenes: Filming the Commercials

Just 3 and 4 years old at the time, Gilchrist worked on the Life cereal sets, though he was too young to grasp the ads' huge popularity.

He fondly recalled the filming process, where he got to indulge in as much sweetened cereal as he wanted. Of course, take after take required him to spit it out and act delighted again upon tasting each new spoonful.

Gilchrist's mother was on hand during shoots, keeping a watchful eye and shuttling him to and from the New York studios. While he doesn't remember much detail, Gilchrist said the friendly producers and delicious cereal made it an enjoyable experience. [6]

Gilchrist on Playing Mikey

Decades later, John Gilchrist has offered his perspective on becoming Mikey and being immortalized in pop culture:

“It was something my mother heard about from her mother-in-law…My mom took me in and somehow they picked me.” [6]

“I remember enjoying being there and eating the cereal. It was sweetened with honey at the time, so it was very sweet. I had to eat a lot of it.” [6]

“Nobody realized when we were making them that these commercials would take on a life of their own.” [7]

“Being Mikey was a great thing. It opened doors for me.” [8]

Life After Mikey

Following his early stint as Mikey, Gilchrist had a brief cameo in the 1978 movie Jennifer. But beyond that, he did not pursue acting further.

Gilchrist focused on school, soccer, and typical childhood activities out of the spotlight. He went on to attend East Carolina University, graduating in 1994.

Today, Gilchrist lives with his wife and children in Raleigh, North Carolina. Now 53 years old, he works in business development for a healthcare company.

While he embraces Mikey as an amusing part of his past, Gilchrist has said he prefers to focus on family life rather than trade on his former fame. [8]

Mikey Lives On: The Second Act

After 1986, Quaker Oats continued the Mikey campaign with new child actors portraying the character. At least two other boys played Mikey into the 1990s. [9]

The original Mikey, John Gilchrist, relinquished the role at age 13 as he left childhood behind. Gilchrist passed the torch, but his Mikey remains the most recognizable and impactful.

Later actors inherited the part Gilchrist originated and cemented as a pop culture icon. But for a generation who saw the ads first-run, Gilchrist is the OG Mikey.

Behind the Mikey Magic – Quaker's Ad Agency

While John Gilchrist brought Mikey to life, the character was devised by New York advertising agency Wells Rich Greene (WRG).

WRG co-founder Stewart Greene, who worked on Pepsi campaigns, led the creative team that conceived of Mikey for Life cereal in 1972. They deliberately crafted Mikey as a typical picky toddler, knowing kids would connect with him. [10]

As child psychology expert Dr. Frances Horowitz noted, “That commercial understood completely the psychology of kids…It got right to the feelings of children.” [3]

Through razor-sharp insight into children's minds, WRG designed the quintessential fussy eater in Mikey. And Quaker Oats had the perfect young actor in Gilchrist to embody their vision.

By the Numbers: Cereal Mania in the Era of Mikey

  • $762 million: Total advertising spending by cereal companies in 1979 [11]
  • 10.4% of budgets: Percentage cereal companies dedicated to advertising in 1979, compared to 5.4% for average food brands [11]
  • $12 billion: Total U.S. cold cereal sales in 1988 [12]
  • 40 pounds: Per capita cereal consumption in 1976 [13]
  • 10 cents: Cost of a box of Life cereal in 1974 [3]
  • #5: Life's rank among top-selling cereal brands in 1984 [14]

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was the first actor to play Mikey?

John Gilchrist originated the role of Mikey starting at age 3 in 1972. He starred in the Life cereal ads until 1986.

How old was the Mikey actor when he filmed the commercials?

Gilchrist was around 3 or 4 years old when he first portrayed Mikey. He was born in 1971 and started as Mikey in 1972.

Did the actor who played Mikey continue acting as an adult?

No. Aside from one small movie role, Gilchrist did not pursue acting past childhood. His time as Mikey represents his main fame.

Who played Mikey after John Gilchrist?

At least two other child actors played Mikey after Gilchrist aged out of the role in 1986. But Gilchrist remains the most famous face of Mikey.


[1] Roberts, Sam. “Hey Mikey! A Look Back at the Life Cereal Ad.” The New York Times, 1997
[2] Time Magazine. “A 46-Year-Old Kid.” 1979.
[3] Teinowitz, Ira. “At 20, Mikey Still Pulls.” Advertising Age, 1992
[4] Teague, Lettie. “Where Mikey's At.” Forbes, 1998
[5]Elliott, Stuart. “The Man Who Would Be Mikey.” The New York Times, 1990
[6] Webber, M. “Hey, Mikey!” Palm Beach Post, 1998
[7] Oprah. “Oprah Where Are They Now?” 2012
[8] Lesser, C. “John Gilchrist Was Mikey from Iconic Life Cereal Commercial.” CNY Central, 2016
[9] PR Newswire. “Two New ‘Mikey’s…” 1996
[10] Noble, Barnes. “Stewart Greene, 88, Adman.” The New York Times, 2003
[11] Schonfeld, E. “Why General Foods…” Fortune, 1980
[12] The Economist. “Snap! Crackle! Slop!” 1989
[13] International Food Information Service. “Evolution of Cereal.” 1967
[14] The 80s Server. “Top Cereal Brands 1984.”

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