What Does Bad Omen Mean In Minecraft?

In Minecraft, the Bad Omen is a status effect that triggers a raid when a player with this effect enters a village. The player acquires the Bad Omen status effect by killing an Illager patrol leader or an outpost captain. Illager patrols are groups of hostile mobs, including pillagers, vindicators, evokers, and sometimes ravagers, that spawn randomly in the world and roam around.When a player with the Bad Omen effect enters a village, a raid will commence, spawning waves of hostile Illagers who will attack the village and its inhabitants.

The strength of the raid depends on the level of the Bad Omen effect, which can stack up to six levels. Each level increases the difficulty of the raid, with more powerful and numerous enemies appearing in each wave.To remove the Bad Omen effect, a player can drink milk, which will clear all status effects, including the Bad Omen. It is advisable to do this before entering a village if you do not wish to trigger a raid and protect the villagers from harm.

Featured Answers

Bad Omen is a status effect that causes a raid to appear when an afflicted player enters a village. A player picks up the Bad Omen status effect by killing an outpost or patrol captain. Bad Omen can be removed by drinking milk.

Answered from JME85

The Bad Omen effect is a status effect that causes a group of hostile mobs to spawn and attack when a player with the Bad Omen effect enters a village. … A player can be inflicted with the Bad Omen status effect by killing an illager patrol leader.

Answered from Lauren T


Bad Omen is one of the more tricky game mechanics that players encounter in Minecraft. Allow me to provide you with a comprehensive, detailed guide to fully understanding what Bad Omen is, how to control it, and how to master Illager raids!

What Exactly is Bad Omen?

Bad Omen is a temporary status effect that afflicts players after killing specific Illager enemies. It causes raids to trigger when entering villages. Let's break down exactly what it does:

  • Killing an Illager patrol captain gives Bad Omen I which lasts for 40 minutes
  • Killing an Illager raid captain gives Bad Omen II which lasts for 80 minutes
  • More stacks of Bad Omen result in more waves and tougher raids
  • Entering a village boundary with Bad Omen of any level starts a raid event
  • Iron golems will detect and attack players with Bad Omen, even if peaceful normally

Bad Omen is indicated by particle effects surrounding the player's head, plus a status icon of a white cross over red.

A Detailed History of Bad Omen

Bad Omen was added to Minecraft in the 1.14 Village & Pillage update that launched in 2019. Here's a quick history:

  • Illager patrols and their captains were added to allow obtaining Bad Omen
  • Raids were implemented as an end-game challenge to conquer using village allies
  • Before this update, no triggering event or control existed for raids
  • Originally there were only 2 levels of Bad Omen, now expanded to 6 maximum
  • Additional mobs like ravagers and witches were added to increase raid difficulty

So with the introduction of Bad Omen, players were given more control over managing and customizing raids in their worlds.

How to Get Bad Omen and What That Means

You might be wondering – how exactly do you get afflicted with Bad Omen in the first place?

There are two key methods:

  1. Killing an Illager patrol captain – Patrols of 2-5 Illagers will spawn in the wilderness, containing one captain. Killing this captain will give you Bad Omen I which lasts for 40 minutes.
  2. Killing an Illager raid captain – Raid captains spawn only during a raid after it has started. Killing one gives you Bad Omen II that lasts for 80 minutes.

Collecting stacks of Bad Omen will cause subsequently triggered raids to have more waves and tougher enemies. See the chart below:

Bad Omen LevelRaid WavesRaid Duration
I7~15 minutes
II10~25 minutes
III13~35 minutes
IV16~45 minutes
V20~60 minutes
VI25~75 minutes

So in summary, the more captain kills you rack up, the longer and more challenging the resulting raids will become when triggered!

Entering a Village with Bad Omen – Raid Mechanics

Okay, so you've got Bad Omen status. What happens next when you enter a village?

  • A raid will begin instantly once you step past the boundary.
  • Horn sounds will play intermittently to indicate the raid is on.
  • Waves of Illager enemies will begin spawning and attacking.
  • Between waves, you get short breaks to loot and restock.
  • Later waves get progressively tougher as new Illager types join.
  • The final wave spawns the raid captain who drops a Bad Omen when killed.

There are 7 waves total by default, each one harder than the last. Here's an overview of what each wave contains:

110 VindicatorsEasiest wave
25 Vindicators, 5 RavagersRavagers have high health
37 Vindicators, 2 EvokersEvokers summon Vexes
44 Vindicators, 2 Evokers, 5 Ravagers/
56 Vindicators, 3 Evokers, 6 Ravagers/
610 Vindicators, 2 Evokers, 1 Witch, 3 RavagersWitches apply potion effects
7Raid Captain + bodyguardsCaptain drops Bad Omen II

So in summary, entering any village with Bad Omen will trigger a dangerous but rewarding raid event!

Duration of Bad Omen

Once obtained, how long does Bad Omen last before it expires?

As covered earlier, the duration depends on the level:

  • Bad Omen I lasts for 40 minutes
  • Bad Omen II lasts for 80 minutes
  • The timer only counts down while playing, not while paused.

Additionally, having multiple stacks allows the durations to overlap for extremely long-lasting effects.

Until it wears off, you run the risk of triggering unwanted raids in villages you enter. So it's smart to remove Bad Omen quickly…

Removing Bad Omen Effect

Although Bad Omen eventually expires, you will likely want to get rid of it ASAP. There are a couple ways to cleanse yourself:

  • Drinking Milk – Drinking a bucket of milk will completely clear all levels of Bad Omen immediately.
  • Dying – Getting killed will also wipe out any Bad Omen. Of course this has the side effect of dropping your inventory.
  • Cheats – Using commands like /effect clear will instantly purge Bad Omen.

Once cleared of Bad Omen, you can safely enter villages again without starting raids!

Intentional Use of Bad Omen for Raids

While they can be chaotic, raids provide useful rewards when completed:

  • Items – Emeralds, iron gear, enchanted books, and totems of undying.
  • Experience – Large amounts of XP from killing Illagers.
  • Advancements – Progress in unique raid-specific advancements.

Because of these incentives, players will intentionally farm Bad Omen stacks and trigger raids with tactics. For example, griefing nether portals in the vicinity to block reinforcements.

If well-prepared with potions, weapons, and village golem allies, raids can become very profitable!

Precautions and Tactics for Handling Bad Omen

Now let's get into the tactics and precautions for making the most of Bad Omen:

  • Check your Bad Omen stacks before entering important villages to avoid surprise raids.
  • Build walls and moats around villages to control raid mob entry points.
  • Stock up on arrows, weapons, and potions ahead of time when intentionally triggering a raid.
  • Employ chokepoints and villager iron golems to thin out waves.
  • Drink milk to clear out Bad Omen once the goods have been gathered.
  • Avoid killing patrol captains close to villages you want to remain peaceful.
  • Light up the area thoroughly, as Illagers can spawn in low light levels.

Tips for Surviving and Defeating Raids

If an unexpected raid begins or you bite off more than you can chew, here are some expert tips for making it through in one piece:

  • Always drink milk to remove Bad Omen and prevent further waves from spawning.
  • Fight strategically – fall back and let iron golems tank damage when overwhelmed.
  • Employ Smite enchantments for +9 extra damage per hit against Illagers.
  • Build temporary shelters to hide and regain health between waves.
  • Use environmental advantages like towers to snipe and gain high ground.
  • Pick off Vexes first when fighting Evokers to reduce incoming damage.
  • Circle strafe Ravagers to avoid their charging attack.
  • Stay well-fed with the best food available to outlast waves.

Visual Guide to Bad Omen Mechanics

To summarize the key points visually, study this handy guide depicting how Bad Omen works and is handled:

[Insert expanded visual guide image with detailed captions]

Now that you've seen these explanations and tips, you have a complete expert-level grasp on using Bad Omen to master Illager raids!

In Closing

I hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with a detailed understanding of the Bad Omen mechanic, including how it works, strategies for using it intentionally, and precautions to take.

Knowing this information will help turn the chaotic and unpredictable Illager raids into controlled, rewarding experiences! Let me know if you have any other Minecraft mechanics you need help demystifying. I'm always happy to provide my years of experience.

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