NFT Loans in 2024: Unlocking Liquidity for Collectible NFTs

NFT loans allow collectors and investors to unlock liquidity from their NFT assets without having to sell them. By using NFTs as collateral for loans, you can access funds to re-invest, cover expenses, or manage cash flow disruptions.

In 2024, NFT lending is poised for rapid growth as more platforms emerge to connect lenders and borrowers. But it also comes with risks around volatility and regulation. As an NFT holder, how can you evaluate if NFT loans are right for you? And what should you look out for?

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about NFT lending – how it works, key benefits and risks, leading platforms, and what the future looks like. Let‘s get started!

What are NFT loans?

NFT loans allow you to use your non-fungible tokens as collateral to borrow stablecoins or fiat currencies. The NFT acts as a guarantee to the lender, while you retain ownership. If the loan is repaid on time, the NFT is released back to you.

These loans are facilitated through smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Solana, or Flow. You connect your crypto wallet containing the NFT, agree on terms like loan amount, duration, and interest rate, and then receive the borrowed funds directly in your wallet.

The decentralized nature of NFT loans makes the process faster, more transparent, and accessible globally compared to traditional lending.

NFT lending is growing rapidly

  • According to Arcane Research, the total value locked in NFT lending was $93 million at the end of 2021.
  • This grew to $679 million by September 2022, a 630% increase.
  • Leading platforms like NFTfi, Drops, and Aave account for most of this TVL.
  • Further growth is expected as more NFT categories and lending products emerge.

How do NFT loans work?

The step-by-step process of taking out an NFT-backed loan is straightforward:

  1. Connect your wallet – You connect your crypto wallet like Metamask which contains the NFT collateral.
  2. Select loan terms – Specify the loan amount, duration, and interest rates you need. Some platforms let you set terms, others have fixed rates.
  3. Lender match – Loan requests are matched with lenders willing to provide funds on those terms.
  4. Collateral locked – Once matched, your NFT is moved to a smart contract escrow while the lender transfers the loan amount to your wallet.
  5. Make payments – You make installment payments as per the repayment schedule. Interest fees go to the lender.
  6. Collateral returned – After repaying the full loan, the NFT collateral is released from escrow back to your wallet.

If you miss payments or default, the lender gets ownership of the NFT collateral as compensation.

Key factors that influence NFT loan terms

NFT loans have unique risk considerations compared to traditional lending. As a borrower, these key factors will determine the loan terms you can get:

NFT value and liquidity

More valuable and liquid NFTs like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes allow you to borrow larger amounts. Illiquid assets may only fetch smaller loans with stricter terms.

According to NFTfi, the average loan amount is $84,000 but can go up to $2 million for top-tier collateral.

Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio

LTV indicates how much of your NFT‘s value you can borrow. Typical LTV ratios range from 20% to 50%. Lower LTVs reduce the lender‘s risk. Expect higher interest rates for loans with high LTVs.


Standard NFT loan durations are 3 to 24 months. Longer durations represent higher risk for lenders, so may have steeper rates.

Interest rates

Interest rates vary across platforms. Rarible offers rates as low as 3%, while NFTfi’s average rate is 11%. Higher rates apply for riskier assets or terms.

Platform fees

Platforms like NFTfi charge lenders a 5% fee on interest earned. Borrowers may pay a 1-2% origination fee. These generate revenue for platforms.

Top benefits of NFT loans

Used responsibly, NFT loans can be win-win for borrowers and lenders:

1. Unlock liquidity without selling

NFT loans allow you to access liquid funds using your NFT assets as collateral while retaining ownership of the NFT. You don‘t miss out on any future price gains.

2. Flexible loan amounts

Borrow anything from a few hundred dollars to over $100,000 based on your NFT‘s value and lender appetite. Get funds for personal needs without liquidating investments.

3. Attractive interest rates

NFT loan rates can be competitive compared to other crypto lending yields, giving lenders healthy returns between 5% to 20% APR typically.

4. Global access

NFT lending is not limited by geography. Anyone can participate as lender or borrower, as long as they have internet access and a crypto wallet.

5. Owners retain upside

If the NFT increases in value, the original owner continues to own the asset and benefit from the price appreciation after repaying the loan principal and interest.

Risks and limitations to consider

However, NFT loans come with some unique risks that you should weigh:

  • Volatility risk – If NFT prices crash, your collateral may become inadequate to cover the loan.
  • Liquidation challenges – NFT markets are still illiquid, making it hard for lenders to sell collateral if needed.
  • Technical risks – Smart contract failures or bugs could impede the lending process.
  • Custody risks – Your NFT is only as safe as the custodial platform‘s security measures.
  • Regulatory uncertainty – Ongoing compliance for lenders and tax obligations for borrowers are still being defined.

Conduct thorough due diligence before exploring NFT loans. Start with smaller amounts and short durations to test processes.

Where can you get NFT loans?

Dozens of platforms now facilitate NFT-backed lending. Here are some of the top places to get a loan offer:

NFTfi – A leading decentralized protocol for NFT loans. $620 million in total loan volume funded since launch. Offers loans on major NFT collections like CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, and Doodles.

Aave – Popular DeFi platform that enables loans using Aavegotchis NFTs as collateral. Over $250 million in deposits. Fixed interest rates from 2% to 20%.

Tinlake – Leverages the Centrifuge protocol to offer asset-backed lending for tokenized real-world assets and NFTs. $34 million in total value locked.

Arcade – Focused on gaming NFTs, Arcade has facilitated over $600,000 in loans backed by assets like Axie Infinity.

Drops – Drops supports lending against digital art, domain names, avatars, and other collectibles. $22 million loan volume since 2021.

Swappery – Specializes in NFT loans for undercollateralized borrowers based on personal cash flow. Offers fixed 5% APR loans.

Liquid Loans – A Polkadot-based lending protocol for NFTs such as Art Blocks. Loans in stablecoins with interest rates set by borrowers.

The future looks bright for NFT lending

While still early stage, NFT lending is poised for rapid growth and innovation. Here are some expected trends:

  • Wider asset types like fractionalized property, insurance policies, and invoices will be collateralized through NFTs.
  • Integration with traditional banking can unlock bigger loan amounts in fiat currencies.
  • Gaming guilds and metaverse platforms may offer in-house lending against NFT assets.
  • Machine learning will better estimate volatile NFT values for risk modeling.
  • Adoption in emerging markets can provide financial access without credit checks.
  • New yield opportunities will attract more lenders beyond crypto natives.

Conclusion: Evaluate risks and start small

NFT lending opens up exciting possibilities to unlock liquidity without selling your digital collectibles. But it also comes with volatility, technical and regulatory risks to consider.

As you explore NFT loans, carefully assess your risk appetite, loan purpose and cash flow. Start small to understand processes before increasing amounts. With prudent use, NFT lending can provide attractive yields for lenders and much-needed liquidity for NFT holders.

The world of decentralized finance is just getting started. And NFT loans are bringing new utility and value to non-fungible tokens in this Web3 era!

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