Choosing the Best Paralegal Programs in Raleigh, North Carolina

Paralegals play a crucial role in the legal field, handling a wide range of substantive and administrative tasks to support attorneys. As law firms and legal departments seek ways to improve efficiency, the demand for qualified paralegals is growing rapidly. For those interested in launching or advancing their career in the paralegal profession, pursuing specialized education is key.

There are several excellent paralegal programs in the Raleigh, NC area that offer rigorous and comprehensive training to prepare students for roles as legal assistants, legal secretaries, and other paralegal positions. When researching programs, it is important to look for several key factors, including accreditation, curriculum, career support services, and flexible scheduling options.

The Paralegal Profession in North Carolina

With nearly 7,000 paralegals employed statewide, North Carolina has become a major hub for the profession, largely fueled by booming legal centers like Raleigh. Demand for support staff capable of handling substantive legal work continues to rise.

Paralegal job growth in North Carolina is projected at 18% from 2016 to 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than double the average occupation. Positions increasingly concentrate around the major metro regions of Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro and Asheville.

The establishment of large corporate headquarters supporting legal departments along with sustained law practice growth generates substantial openings. Opportunities span law firms of all sizes, corporate legal departments, banks, insurance providers, government agencies and non-profit organizations.

While voluntary, roughly one third of paralegals in North Carolina obtain professional certification demonstrating their capabilities to employers according to surveys from the North Carolina State Bar Association. Common credentialing options include NALA’s Certified Paralegal (CP) designation and NCCP certification.

Highly Ranked Paralegal Programs in the Raleigh Area

Several colleges and technical schools in the Raleigh metro area offer ABA-approved paralegal certificate and degree programs designed to equip students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to thrive in legal environments.

Wake Technical Community College

Wake Tech Logo

  • Wake County, Raleigh, NC
  • Program: AAS Paralegal Technology
  • Length: 5 Semesters
  • Tuition: $2,768 in-state; $9,952 out-of-state

Wake Tech’s Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree program in Paralegal Technology is one of the most well-regarded paralegal programs in Raleigh.

The curriculum encompasses 62 credits hours spanning topics like litigation, legal research, criminal law, real property, family law, legal writing, contracts, torts, and civil procedures. There is also a 140-hour internship requirement allowing students to gain practical experience.

Classes take place on the Southern Wake Campus in both daytime and evening formats, along with select online course offerings. The program maintains strong ABA approval and aims to academically prepare students to pursue the North Carolina State Bar Association’s paralegal certification.

According to the school’s outcomes reports, the program enjoys exceptional engagement. The latest cohort saw a 92% course completion rate and 100% of respondents reported finding employment in their field of study. Many graduates secure positions at notable firms like Yates McLamb & Weyher LLP.

The active career center also connects students with local employers and prepares them for securing jobs through events like mock interviews, resume workshops and job fairs.

Meredith College

  • Raleigh, NC
  • Program: ABA-approved Paralegal Certificate
  • Length: 1 Year Full-Time
  • Tuition: $528 per credit hour

Meredith College offers an ABA-approved Paralegal Studies Certificate program encompassing 36 credit hours of advanced legal coursework, with classes held weeknights accommodating working students. Meredith takes an especially comprehensive approach by exposing students to a diverse range of legal topics rarely covered like eDiscovery, health law, immigration policies, environmental regulation, and intellectual property.

There is heavy emphasis on imparting practical legal skills across the 1-year program curriculum. Courses like ‘Legal Research & Writing’ and ‘Law Office Management’READY help students prepare documents, conduct research, handle evidence, and navigate software programs used in law offices. Further skills development occurs through an internship course placing students with practicing attorneys.

While geared towards legal professionals looking to transition into paralegal roles, the program appeals to a diverse student body given the broad foundation. The instructors consist of esteemed faculty from local law schools as well as attorneys practicing in specialized fields who relay timely, relevant insights.

Students also benefit from the program’s strong industry connections, fielding lectures from lawyers across sectors and firms of varying sizes. The Meredith Paralegal Association further enables engagement with area professionals through frequent meetups and networking events.

William Peace University

  • Raleigh, NC
  • Program: AAS Paralegal Studies
  • Length: 2 Years
  • Tuition: $378 per credit hour

William Peace University‘s AAS degree in Paralegal Studies provides a well-rounded education with curriculum spanning litigation, legal research and writing, contracts, family law, torts, bankruptcy law, and key specialty areas.

There is a strong practical component through the required 130-hour internship. Students are placed in law firms, government legal departments and non-profit legal clinics to gain hands-on paralegal experience. The civil practice courtroom and mediation clinic on campus also provides opportunities to develop skills through simulations.

Instructors consist of practicing attorneys imparting timely insights on legal trends and topics. Class sizes are kept under 20 students to enable impactful professor engagement. Students additionally benefit from the active pre-law club that connects them with area professionals along with LSAT/law school prep support.

The program enjoys a strong track record training capable paralegals – 92% of graduates secure full-time positions at regional and national firms ranging from small plaintiff practices to large corporate firms like Smith Anderson and Womble Bond Dickinson. The dedicated career development coordinator also aids students in identifying opportunities matching their interests.

Key Factors To Evaluate in Paralegal Programs

Those exploring paralegal programs should keep certain criteria in mind during evaluations:

Accreditation & Outcomes

Accreditation, specifically ABA approval, verifies programs meet stringent qualification standards (curriculum, faculty, resources etc.) set by the legal industry‘s governing body. The majority of reputable law firms show preference for ABA-credentialed candidates.

Program outcomes like graduation rates, certification passing rates, and graduate employment levels also indicate program quality and real-world applicability.

Coursework and Specializations

The best programs incorporate a balanced foundation of legal disciplines (contracts, litigation, legal research etc.) along with opportunities to specialize in high-demand practice areas through electives. Topic coverage mirroring local legal industry needs is ideal.

For instance, with Raleigh featuring prominent financial sectors, coursework in areas like bankruptcy and transactional law is advisable to bolster candidacy with certain firms.

Hands-on Training

Programs fusing classroom instruction with projects, simulations, and internships enabling students to directly apply concepts in legal environments have immense value. This practical exposure makes graduates significantly more capable and prepared to handle paralegal responsibilities.

Faculty & Industry Connections

Instructors with active law practices relay timely, real-world perspectives into course material and lend professional networks helping students develop industry connections. Programs bringing in guest lecturers, hosting firms for campus visits and symposiums also widen exposure.

Flexible Scheduling

Programs cognizant of student scheduling needs – offering night/weekend courses, remote learning etc. – tend to be more accessible for working individuals looking to earn paralegal credentials without career breaks.

Paralegal Career Outlook in North Carolina

Paralegal Projected Growth Chart

The job outlook for paralegals across North Carolina is very promising thanks to sustained law industry growth combined with paralegals taking on expanded roles to improve legal sector efficiency.

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, North Carolina paralegal employment is projected to grow 18% through 2026, more than double the 8% average rate forecast for all occupations. This translates to over 1,100 annual openings.

The continued drive for improved efficiency and cost management among law practices is expected to fuel demand. Leveraging skilled paralegals across areas like document drafting, case management, legal research and interviews realizes major time and financial savings.

Large corporate law departments and boutique practices alike seek candidates with specialized credentials to take on advanced responsibilities across areas like litigation, corporate law, compliance and contracts.

While the median income for North Carolina paralegals is $50,950 according to U.S. News salary data, those working with larger national and international firms in metro areas like Raleigh secure compensation beyond the six-figure threshold along with strong benefits (ex. 401k matching, education stipends etc.), especially in specialized roles.

Top industry employers of paralegals include:

  • Law Firms
  • Insurance Companies
  • Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Government Agencies
  • Corporate Legal Departments

While voluntary, paralegal certification enhances career prospects by formally verifying specialized capabilities through rigorous exams. North Carolina offers two major options:

Certified Paralegal Exam (NALA)

Administered by the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), this is nationally recognized private certification demonstrating superior expertise in areas like communications, research, litigation and judgment.

Key stats:

  • 5-hour exam
  • 94% first-time passage rate for graduates of ABA programs
  • Renewal every 5 years through continuing education

North Carolina Certified Paralegal (NCCP)

This is a state-specific credential overseen by the North Carolina State Bar Association mandating recertification every 2 years.


  • Paralegal degree/certificate OR bachelor's degree if 1+ years experience met
  • 6 hour skills exam passage

Earning certification validates capabilities to handle advanced paralegal work and opens up additional job opportunities. Fortunately, paralegal programs in the Raleigh area provide an excellent springboard to prepare for testing.

While most North Carolina paralegal programs continue to center traditional classroom environments, online offerings provide greater scheduling flexibility that appeals to certain demographics.

Online programs present courses through recorded lectures, interactive modules, video conferencing and other mediums allowing remote participation. Benefits include:

  • Learning from any location at your own pace
  • Avoiding campus commutes
  • Potentially lower tuition costs
  • Accommodation of work schedules

That said, pursuing paralegal education virtually has some drawbacks to consider:

  • Easy to feel disconnected and disengaged in remote settings
  • Limited face-to-face interaction and networking
  • Hands-on learning opportunities might be constrained
  • Requires more self-motivation and time management

Conversely, on-campus programs deliver in-person classroom instruction and access to campus facilities. Perks include:

Direct engagement with professors and peersCommuting and parking hassles
Immediate feedback and questionsRigid course scheduling
Access to campus career center resourcesPotentially higher tuition costs
In-person collaborations, clinics and networkingLimited flexibility for working students
Hands-on learning through labs, simulations etc.Can feel restricted to campus most days

From an expertise standpoint, on-campus paralegal programs still reign superior for social dimensions, consistent supervision, and ability to hone practical skills. That said, quality online programs meeting ABA requirements rival campus-based counterparts academically while offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility.

Here are best practices to thrive in a paralegal program whether participating online or on-campus:

Attend Every Class: Treat course schedules religiously – missing lectures puts you behind on material and disengages you from classroom dialogue central for processing concepts.

Treat Professors as Colleagues: They provide support well beyond imparting legal information and lend career mentoring. Building rapport through office hours creates a valuable professional ally.

Embrace Hands-on Learning: Actively pursue every clinic, internship and practical experience available. Applying classroom teachings in legal environments cements knowledge exponentially better than just reading textbooks while showcasing your abilities to employers.

Value Peer Learning: Group studying allows you to gain alternative perspectives on course topics while honing team collaboration still vital in law office settings.

Refine Writing Skills: Expect to produce frequent written deliverables mirroring legal documents, research summaries, client reports etc. Mastering concise, polished business writing is imperative.

Mind Time Management: Paralegalcurriculums stay fast-paced with heavy workloads. Allow proper attention towards assignments, factoring complex items that devour time like legal research. Avoid overstuffing schedules and jeopardizing performance.

Build Professional Connections: Tap school career fairs, industry speakers, symposiums and local paralegal associations to widen your network. Employers still heavily weigh relationships and referrals during hiring so visibility within the legal community is extremely helpful.

For those interested in securing a rewarding and meaningful role in the legal services industry, a paralegal career offers fantastic prospects, particularly in active legal markets like Raleigh. Paralegal programs in the Raleigh equip students with specialized legal knowledge, practical capability and professional connections to excel in roles spanning various legal disciplines.

The continued drive for improved efficiency, cost savings and work-life balance among law practices is expected to fuel strong job growth and expanded responsibility for paralegals in North Carolina. Those who leverage proper education, certification and experience establish themselves as pivotal members of legal teams with the opportunity to work on substantiative aspects of cases.

While entering the profession often involved starting in purely administrative capacities, expanded paralegal curriculums enable new graduates to take on advanced work immediately and climb the ranks faster at firms recognizing their broad capabilities.

For anyone seeking new career options or progressing from legal assistant roles towards more complex legal support positions, paralegal training pathways offer immense upside.

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