PayPal Security Checks in 2024: What Triggers Them and How to Remove

PayPal security checks are on the rise. The platform confirmed over 1.9 billion check reviews in 2021 to validate users and combat suspected unauthorized transactions, representing a 30% year-over-year surge as digital payments scaled up drastically during the pandemic (source: PayPal Annual Report 2021).

With check volumes unlikely to slow in 2024 given elevated ecommerce volumes, understanding triggers and managing checks grows important for consumers and businesses relying on digital payments. This expert guide examines what’s behind recent increases, exactly how checks work, removal tips and cutting-edge solutions PayPal is developing for more seamless and highly protected experiences in the coming year.

Behind the Surge: Top Activities Triggering Security Checks

PayPal checks aim to quickly verify real account owners when automated monitoring systems or fraud teams detect high-risk signals associated with unauthorized access. According to PayPal transaction data, the top security triggers include:

  • Irregular logins ($430M blocked): Criminals compromised over 26 million PayPal accounts through phishing and hacking in 2022. Logging in from an unrecognized device or location flagged over $430 million in blocked suspected fraudulent transactions (PayPal Fraud Report 2022).
  • Spam payments ($38M blocked): Spammers and scammers often use small, repeated transactions to verify working accounts for larger fraud campaigns. PayPal blocked 38 million low-value attempts totalling $38 million.
  • Chargeback spikes: When merchants see dramatically above-average chargeback rates, PayPal thoroughly reviews activity for indicators of merchant account misuse driving increased disputes.
  • High-risk location changes: Updating account profiles with addresses, phone numbers or bank accounts traced to previously risky entities prompts identity confirmation reviews.

Completing Security Checks: Verifying Your Identity

When PayPal triggers a security check, users cannot access accounts until completing identity confirmation. Lucky, PayPal built an intuitive step-by-step verification process with multiple options:

  • Text message code: Have PayPal text a 6-digit confirmation code to your primary phone to enter for validation.
  • Security question answers: PayPal may prompt you to answer account security questions if text messaging fails.
  • Recent card entry: Manually entering full card details of the latest linked card proves account ownership quickly.
  • Email and push notifications: Clicking unique confirmation links in emails or push alerts sent to your verified contact info passes most checks.

I recommend recipients attempt text message codes first (where available) for fastest in-app resolution. However, try secondary options if issues arise.

Upon successful confirmation, access immediately restores with on-screen confirmation. PayPal may follow-up with emails detailing the security activity as part of their comprehensive user protection initiatives.

Preventing Repeat Security Checks

Legitimate users often get frustrated by banks and platforms like PayPal administering frequent, repetitive security reviews after already confirming identity initially.

Based on common user complaints and expert insights, I advise users facing regular checks to:

  • Update contact details: Keep mobile numbers, emails and addresses tied to your PayPal account current or checks could reoccur trying to reconfirm changes.
  • Increase login safeguards: Activate PayPal’s free security key integration or SMS/authenticator 2-factor authentication to harden account access against unauthorized access attempts triggering checks.
  • Consolidate logins: Access PayPal consistently from a single recognized mobile and/or computer when possible to avoid device changes flagging your account.

PayPal’s Expanding Security Infrastructure

Alongside security checks, PayPal directs massive resources toward advancing security and fraud innovations like:

  • AI monitoring upgrades: PayPal claims 90% of company fraud investigations will utilize AI capabilities by 2023 to bolster real-time monitoring and accelerate response velocity.
  • Security key expansions: PayPal now allows security key 2SV protection for PayPal wallets and peer transfers after initial merchant checkout implementation. Keys strengthen against malware which bypasses SMS and software-based 2FA options.
  • Responsible AI guidelines: PayPal pioneers ethical AI standards across fraud prevention and security systems ensuring fairness and avoiding overreach that could mistakenly restrict legitimate users.


PayPal security checks aim to balance robust identity verification and fraud prevention with smooth digital payment experiences. As PayPal transactions see continued double-digit percentage growth in 2024, users should expect ongoing check frequency prompted both by actual threats and precautionary protocols.

However, PayPal works to minimize friction through versatile confirmation processes with multiple paths to quickly validate users. Combining identity vigilance with ethical parameters and the sector’s most sophisticated AI and infrastructure defenses also highlights why PayPal market leadership seems poised to continue in 2024 and beyond.

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