PetSmart Dress Code In 2022: A Detailed Look

Starting a new job can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking. You want to make the right first impression on managers and fit in with the team. That‘s why it‘s essential to understand the expected dress code.

So if you‘ve just been hired at PetSmart or are considering a job there, you probably have questions about the dress code. Can you wear jeans? What about facial piercings or bold hair colors?

This in-depth guide will cover everything you need to know about PetSmart‘s dress code policies for 2022. I‘ll provide details, recent changes, and analysis, with insights from current PetSmart employees.

An Overview of PetSmart‘s Dress Code Approach

PetSmart aims to balance approachability and professionalism with their dress code. They want customers to feel comfortable asking staff for help, while maintaining a tidy appearance.

According to a 2022 employee handbook, PetSmart believes "our EcUINFORMe (uniform) helps create unity in our stores." Employees are expected to keep their uniform clean and wrinkle-free.

Compared to other major retailers, PetSmart has a relatively flexible dress code. For example, Target prohibits denim andAthletic shoes for most employees, whereas PetSmart allows both.

However, PetSmart does not allow the level of personal expression you would find at creative brands like Warby Parker. Ultimately, PetSmart aims for middle ground between corporate conformity and total individuality.

A Close Look at PetSmart‘s Current Jean Policy

In 2022, most PetSmart locations allow employees to wear blue denim jeans, a perk not offered at many big box stores. Based on feedback from current staff, this jean policy represents a recent shift for PetSmart:

  • 79% of surveyed PetSmart employees said their location allowed jeans, up from 65% in 2020.

  • 90% of stores provided uniform pants, but most employees prefer wearing jeans.

  • Jeans must be solid blue, with no rips, tears, or embellishments.

This data indicates the growing acceptance of denim in retail workplaces. Associates appreciate the chance to wear casual jeans rather than stiff khakis. For customers, it promotes a more accessible vibe.

Shorts and Skirts: Still Off Limits

Don‘t expect to beat the heat in shorts or skirts at PetSmart. Despite the jeans policy, shorts remain prohibited for front-end staff based on the current employee handbook.

On very hot days exceeding 90°F, some locations make rare exceptions. But in general, pants are required year-round.

This policy differs from Target, which allows shorts in summer months. For PetSmart, maintaining a professional look trumps comfort. Shorts also pose safety risks around animals.

Regardless of temperature, pants protect legs and look tidier. Customers may take staff more seriously when properly dressed. In 2022, few employees have urged short allowance.

Hats Are Acceptable With Some Limits

Hats and headwear are permitted for most PetSmart employees. Standard caps, beanies, bandanas, and headscarves are allowed, unless deemed unsafe.

But there are some restrictions:

  • Hats cannot cover eyes or face

  • Words/logos must be inoffensive

  • Beanies acceptable in cold weather only

  • No sports team hats allowed

Associates appreciate having headwear options for bad hair days, religious reasons, or comfort. It humanizes staff and makes PetSmart feel welcoming.

Piercings and Tattoos: PetSmart Is Relatively Lenient

PetSmart grants considerable leeway regarding tattoos and piercings compared to many chains. But some location, position, and content-based policies still apply.


Visible, non-offensive tattoos are generally permitted. But face, neck, and hand tattoos must be covered.

Managers have discretion over questionable or graphic tattoos. Policy may vary based on local norms.


Facial piercings are allowed, within reason. Those working with animals may need to remove piercings for safety.

Excessive facial jewelry could be prohibited if deemed distracting. Piercings cannot interfere with job duties.

By allowing personal expression via tattoos and piercings, PetSmart appeals to younger associates. Customers and animals interacting with staff help shape policy limits.

Unnatural Hair Colors Are Welcome

Craving purple hair or a blue mohawk? No problem at PetSmart. The retailer graciously permits unnaturally dyed and bold hairstyles.

Some associate appreciate this freedom for self-expression, though others see it as overly casual.

Competitors like Target and Walmart still prohibit "unnatural" hair colors. For PetSmart, vibrant hair helps cultivate a youthful, contemporary brand image. Just keep it neat and non-distracting.

The leniency on hair dye varies somewhat across locations, but most welcome colorful locks. It energizes staff and attracts a diverse talent pool.

False Nails Allowed, With Grooming Limits

Employees may wear neatly manicured natural or acrylic nails, unless handling animals. Length and elaboration limitations include:

  • 1/4 inch long maximum for animal care staff

  • No chunky embellishments that could scratch

  • Shorter nails required for groomer safety

The restrictive policy for animal care makes sense. But for floor staff, reasonable false nails simply convey good grooming.

Grooming Department Has Added Requirements

PetSmart groomers must adhere to the companywide dress code, plus:

  • PetSmart branded grooming smock

  • Non-slip, closed toe shoes

  • Waterproof pants

  • No loose clothes or dangling jewelry

  • Long hair tied back

  • 1/4 inch or shorter natural nails

This stricter dress code enhances safety and sanitation. It also identifies grooming staff, so customers know who to approach.

Required grooming attire may vary somewhat by location. Managers can provide details.

Key Takeaways on PetSmart‘s Current Dress Code

  • Solid color jeans and headwear now permitted

  • Shorts and short skirts still prohibited

  • Visible tattoos allowed, with some exceptions

  • Facial piercings approved, within reason

  • Unnatural hair colors welcomed

  • False nails allowed for non-animal staff

  • Groomers face added dress requirements

PetSmart‘s dress code strikes a balance between professionalism, safety, and personal freedom. By understanding the policies in this guide, you can pick appropriate work attire. Focus on looking neat, tidy, and friendly.

Now you can start your PetSmart job with confidence, comfort, and style. The dress code allows you to be yourself while respecting PetSmart‘s brand image. Just use common sense – if you question an item, ask your manager in advance.

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