5 Easy Use Cases of Process Mining Salesforce in ’23

Let‘s face it – getting the most out of Salesforce isn‘t easy. Between complex approvals, long sales cycles, and poor adoption, it can be a challenge to optimize processes and gain insights from all that CRM data.

But what if we could extract hidden insights from Salesforce using process mining?

In this post, we‘ll explore 5 common ways organizations can use process mining to transform the way they use Salesforce. Whether you‘re looking to accelerate sales, improve service or boost adoption, process mining delivers quick wins.

Leveraging the Goldmine of Data in Salesforce

First, let‘s fathom the vast volumes of untapped data within Salesforce.

According to Salesforce‘s Q3 earnings report, the CRM giant processes a staggering 9 billion transactions per day! All that order, service and marketing data could unlock treasure troves of insights. But Salesforce‘s reporting alone can‘t synthesize it.

This is where process mining comes in. It automatically transforms scattered Salesforce data into visualized process models like order-to-cash.

Let‘s examine some specific process insights you could gain:

Order-to-cashIdentify bottlenecks causing delays
Incident-to-resolutionPinpoint resolution steps with highest failure rates
Lead-to-opportunityDetermine conversion rates by lead source

Armed with these granular process metrics, we could optimize critical workflows, boosting productivity and customer experience. No more flying blind!

Discovering Automation Opportunities with RPA

Automating repetitive manual tasks is one of the top use cases of RPA. But identifying the right processes to automate can be a major bottleneck.

Process mining provides the missing link – shining a light on repetitive, high volume activities ripe for automation.

According to McKinsey, RPA can deliver 20-25% cost reductions for back office processes by eliminating manual work. Which cumbersome Salesforce tasks should we target first?

Process mining quickly highlights top candidates, like copying data between records, importing/exporting data, or reconciling data errors. We can deploy software bots to automate these tasks and free up employees for higher value work.

Beyond discovery, process mining helps govern automation by tracking KPIs before and after RPA implementation. How much efficiency did those new bots bring? Process mining has the answer.

Optimizing Support Processes

While core Salesforce modules get lots of attention, support processes are just as critical for operational excellence.

Let‘s explore how process mining can optimize support workflows like service escalations, approvals, and internal IT ticket handling.

For example, analyzing incident management processes could reveal:

  • 23% of VIP customer cases miss first response time SLAs
  • Hardware issues take 2x longer to resolve than software issues
  • Most delays occur during parts procurement from vendors

Equipped with these insights, we could implement automated escalation workflows for VIP cases. We could also streamline vendor part fulfillment to reduce hardware downtimes.

By continuously monitoring support processes, we drive efficiencies company-wide.

Cleaning Up Customizations

Customizing Salesforce to match unique business processes is tempting. But excessive customization causes complexity and rigidity down the road.

How can we avoid a mess of convoluted workflows and bloated data models? Here again, process mining provides answers.

By analyzing actual processes, we can identify custom fields, workflows and objects that are no longer used in reality. Studies indicate at least 30% of custom fields become obsolete.

Pruning this waste streamlines the data model. We can also pinpoint areas where simpler configurations would suffice based on user behavior.

With process mining‘s guidance, we can judiciously customize Salesforce without creating downstream headaches.

Diagnosing and Resolving Adoption Issues

Without user adoption, Salesforce rollouts flounder. Where should we start looking when processes in Salesforce don‘t match reality?

Process mining compares the system process model with actual execution data to instantly highlight deviations.

We may uncover steps skipped by reps or fields left empty due to lack of training. Armed with facts, we can tailor training and change request priorities to address the biggest adoption gaps first.

According to research by Gartner, companies using process mining for system implementation see 60% faster user adoption. Now that‘s results you can take to the bank!

The bottom line? Combining process mining and Salesforce unlocks game-changing visibility into your business operations. Imagine confidently optimizing processes, boosting productivity, and aligning teams. The possibilities are endless.

Ready to transform your Salesforce investment? It‘s time to put process mining to work!

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