The Top 5 Psychology Graduate Programs in Denver: An Expert‘s Guide


As an esteemed education reformer dedicated to advancing psychology training, I‘m thrilled to guide you through Denver‘s top programs. This sunny mountain city has nurtured a bumper crop of outstanding graduate schools preparing psychology scholars and mental health professionals.

From my reviews, five programs rise above the rest for their sterling reputations, esteemed faculty, and career-launching curriculums built on scientific rigor. I‘ll highlight why each institution stands out and considerations for choosing your best-fit program in the mile-high city.

Let‘s dive into my expert analysis!

A Private Gem – Regis University

Kicking off our list is Regis University, a private institution guided by Jesuit values for the past century. Boasting a #5 regional rank from U.S. News and World Report, Regis offers bread-and-butter psychology training infused with ethics and social justice.

Regis runs small yet thorough Master‘s programs in Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy and Applied Psychology – all deeply resonant with the Jesuit mission.

The stellar counseling program holds coveted CACREP accreditation, with a 92% graduation rate and 100% licensure exam pass rate for recent cohorts. I appreciate how the curriculum integrates spiritual development alongside evidenced-based practices.

Marriage and family therapy trainees also thrive at Regis. The COAMFTE-accredited program equips students in systemic approaches with a 100% national exam pass rate.

Meanwhile, the Applied Psychology program builds core research and assessment skills for those not seeking licensure. Students partner with faculty driving innovative projects on positive psychology, addiction and trauma recovery.

Clinical opportunities abound through Regis‘ professional counseling clinic serving low-income clients. Students accrue over 280 hours of supervised practice before graduating.

Regis faculty take a nurturing approach. With a 7:1 student-faculty ratio, professors provide highly personalized mentoring. This intimate setting breeds warm peer support too.

If you align with Jesuit social justice values, appreciate small classes, and want faith elements woven into your training, Regis University has strong appeal. You‘ll earn your Master‘s credential grounded in both scientific rigor and compassionate service.

Student Profile

Graduation RateLicensure Exam Pass RateAcceptance RateNet Price

A National Research Leader – University of Denver

For those keen to join a powerhouse research community, look no further than the prestigious University of Denver (DU). With a top #100 national psychology program anchored by $12.4 million in research funding, DU offers world-class science training.

DU‘s Graduate School of Professional Psychology runs clinical and school psychology PhD programs as well as a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master‘s program.

The Clinical Psychology PhD particularly stands out, ranked #63 nationally by U.S. News and World Report. Du trains the next generation of psychological scientists with rigorous coursework, stellar research opportunities and 1,500+ hours of supervised clinical work.

DU emerges as Colorado‘s leader producing clinical psychology doctorates. And the numbers speak volumes about the program quality:

  • 91% graduation rate
  • 93% licensure exam pass rate
  • 100% internship placement rate

DU also outpaces Colorado programs for research activity. Psychology faculty reel in over 90 research grants annually, contributing cutting-edge discoveries on substance abuse, human memory, social psychology and more.

Doctoral students publish prolifically thanks to the university‘s supportive infrastructure, including:

  • Funded conference travel
  • Cutting-edge research facilities
  • Weekly colloquium series bringing in academic luminaries

With rigorous training rooted in real scientific advances, DU launches graduates into competitive clinical and research careers. Alumni often join university faculty or leadership roles advancing psychology nationally.

If you thrive on intellectual intensity and want your graduate studies powered by scientific discovery, consider the University of Denver.

Student Profile
|Graduation Rate|Licensure Exam Pass Rate|Acceptance Rate| Net Price |

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