Rust Proxy Servers: The Ultimate Guide to Anonymous Web Scraping

Web scraping is an essential skill for any developer looking to gather data from the internet at scale. However, making a large volume of requests to a website from a single IP address is a surefire way to get blocked or banned. This is where proxy servers come to the rescue, masking your real IP address and allowing you to make requests anonymously.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore how to set up and use proxy servers in Rust applications for web scraping. You‘ll learn how to configure a local proxy using Nginx, create a basic Rust web scraper, route requests through the proxy, and even rotate between multiple proxies for extra stealth. We‘ll also look at using a premium proxy service like Bright Data to simplify proxy management.

By the end of this tutorial, you‘ll have all the knowledge and code samples you need to build robust, anonymous web scrapers in Rust that can gather data without fear of IP bans or geoblocking. Let‘s dive in!

What Are Proxy Servers?

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. When you use a proxy, your requests are first sent to the proxy server, which then forwards them to the destination website. The website sees the request as coming from the proxy‘s IP address rather than your own.

There are a few key benefits to using proxies for web scraping:

  1. Avoiding IP bans: Sending a high volume of requests from one IP is an easy way to get banned. By rotating proxies, each request comes from a different IP address.

  2. Bypassing geoblocking: Some content may only be accessible from certain countries. A proxy located in the required country allows you to access geoblocked resources.

  3. Anonymity: Proxies mask your real IP address, making it harder for websites to track your scraping activity back to you.

  4. Improved performance: Premium proxy services route your requests through high-speed data center proxies, which can be faster than using your own internet connection.

Now that we understand why proxies are so valuable for web scraping, let‘s look at how to set one up locally using Nginx.

Setting Up a Local Proxy Server with Nginx

Nginx is a powerful web server that can also function as a proxy. We‘ll configure Nginx locally to forward requests to a target website and add a custom header to the proxied requests.

First, make sure you have Nginx installed. On Ubuntu/Debian systems, you can install it with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx

Once installed, start the Nginx service:

sudo service nginx start

Next, we need to edit the Nginx configuration to set up proxying. Open the config file in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 

Find the server block and add the following location block inside it:

http {
  server {
    location / {
      proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri;
      proxy_set_header X-Proxy-Server Nginx;  

This tells Nginx to proxy all requests to the URL specified in proxy_pass, while adding a custom X-Proxy-Server header.

Save the file and exit, then reload the Nginx configuration:

sudo nginx -s reload

Our local Nginx proxy is now ready to use on http://localhost:80. Let‘s create a Rust web scraper that leverages this proxy.

Building a Rust Web Scraper

We‘ll build a basic web scraper in Rust that extracts book titles and prices from the sandbox website.

Create a new Rust project:

cargo new rust_scraper
cd rust_scraper

We need a few dependencies for making HTTP requests, parsing HTML, and async runtime. Add them to Cargo.toml:

reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["blocking", "json"] }
scraper = "0.12.0"
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = ["full"] }

Now open src/ and add the following code:

use reqwest;
use scraper::{Html, Selector};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let url = "";

    let resp = reqwest::get(url).await?;
    let body = resp.text().await?;

    let document = Html::parse_document(&body);
    let book_selector = Selector::parse("article.product_pod").unwrap();

    for book in {
        let title_selector = Selector::parse("h3 a").unwrap();
        let title ="Could not find title").inner_html();

        let price_selector = Selector::parse(".price_color").unwrap();
        let price ="Could not find price").inner_html();

        println!("{:?} - {:?}", title, price);


This code fetches the HTML from the Books to Scrape homepage, parses it, and extracts the book titles and prices using CSS selectors.

Run the scraper to see it in action:

cargo run

You should see output like:

"A Light in the Attic" - "£51.77"
"Tipping the Velvet" - "£53.74"
"Soumission" - "£50.10"

Okay, our basic scraper is working, but the requests are coming directly from our IP address. Let‘s route them through the local Nginx proxy we set up earlier.

Proxying Requests in the Rust Scraper

To send requests via our Nginx proxy, we just need to configure the base URL and proxy in the reqwest client.

Modify the main function to look like this:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let url = "";

    let proxy = reqwest::Proxy::http("http://localhost:80")?;
    let client = reqwest::Client::builder()

    let resp = client.get(url).send().await?;

    // rest of code remains the same


Here we create a reqwest Client configured with our proxy URL, then use it to make the GET request.

Run the program again and you should see the same output. However, if you check the Nginx access logs:

tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

You‘ll see a line like:

localhost - - [06/Nov/2022:13:23:01 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 17 "-" "-"

This confirms the request was routed through Nginx. Nice! Now we‘re scraping anonymously. But to really reduce the chance of detection, we‘ll want to spread requests across multiple proxy IP addresses.

Rotating Multiple Proxies

Rotating proxies is a tactic where each request uses a different proxy server, selected at random from a pool. This spreads out the traffic to make our scraping even more stealthy.

To implement proxy rotation, we first need a list of proxies to choose from. Let‘s define them in our Rust code:

struct Proxy {
  ip: String,
  port: String,

fn get_proxies() -> Vec<Proxy> {
        Proxy {
            ip: "localhost".to_string(), 
            port: "80".to_string()
        Proxy {
            ip: "localhost".to_string(), 
            port: "81".to_string()
        Proxy {
            ip: "localhost".to_string(), 
            port: "82".to_string()

This defines a hard-coded list of three local proxies (you would use real proxy IPs and ports in production).

Next, we need a way to randomly select one of these proxies for each request:

use rand::seq::SliceRandom; 

// in main function:
let proxies = get_proxies();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let proxy = proxies.choose(&mut rng).unwrap();

let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
    .proxy(reqwest::Proxy::http(format!("http://{}:{}", proxy.ip, proxy.port))?)

// make request with client as before

We use Rust‘s rand crate to randomly select a proxy from the list, then build the reqwest client with it. Now each run of the scraper will use a random proxy from the pool.

Try running it a few times and checking the Nginx logs to confirm the IP is rotating with each request.

Using a Premium Proxy Service

For serious scraping projects, it‘s usually better to use a dedicated proxy service rather than hardcoding your own proxy servers. Services like Bright Data offer massive pools of reliabile, high-speed proxies perfect for large scale scraping.

To use Bright Data, sign up for an account at

Once logged in, go to "Proxy Manager" and click "Add Proxy" then "Data Center IPs". Configure your proxy settings and click "Add" to create the proxy.

On the proxy dashboard page, you‘ll see your new proxy‘s hostname, port and authentication details. Use those to configure the proxy in your Rust code:

let proxy_hostname = "hostname";
let proxy_port = "port";
let proxy_username = "username"; 
let proxy_password = "password";

let proxy = reqwest::Proxy::http(format!("http://{}:{}", proxy_hostname, proxy_port))?
    .basic_auth(proxy_username, proxy_password);

let client = reqwest::Client::builder()

Bright Data provides a massive pool of data center, ISP and residential proxies to choose from. Their proxy manager allows you to configure which countries and networks your proxy IPs come from, and automatically rotates the IPs with each request to maximize success rates.

Let‘s do a quick test to confirm the proxy is hiding our real IP address. We‘ll make a request to which returns the IP of the client:

let url = "";

let client = reqwest::Client::builder()

let resp = client.get(url).send().await?;
let ip_info: serde_json::Value = resp.json().await?;

println!("Bright Data proxy IP info: {:#?}", ip_info);

Run this and you‘ll see the IP and geolocation info for the Bright Data proxy that was used:

Bright Data proxy IP info: {
  "ip": "",
  "country": "US",
  "asn": {
    "asnum": 36351,
    "org_name": "SOFTLAYER"
  "geo": {
    "city": "Dallas",
    "region": "TX",
    "region_name": "Texas",
    "postal_code": "75247",
    "latitude": 32.7787,
    "longitude": -96.8217,
    "tz": "America/Chicago",
    "lum_city": "dallas",
    "lum_region": "tx"

As you can see, the public IP exposed to the website is the proxy‘s IP, not our real IP address. We have achieved anonymity!


Proxies are an essential tool for anonymous web scraping at scale. In this post, we learned how to:

  • Set up a local proxy server using Nginx
  • Create a basic web scraper in Rust using reqwest and scraper
  • Route the scraper‘s requests through the Nginx proxy
  • Rotate the proxies to use a random IP for each request
  • Leverage a premium proxy service like Bright Data for production scraping

With these techniques and code samples, you now have everything you need to start building robust, anonymous Rust web scrapers. Just remember to always scrape ethically and respect robots.txt rules.

Happy scraping!

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