Should a 13 Year Old Play Assassin‘s Creed Origins?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest news and insights in the world gaming, I often get asked by parents if games like Assassin‘s Creed Origins are appropriate for their 13-year-old child. This is an great question that deserves careful thought.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rates Assassin‘s Creed Origins Mature 17+ primarily for blood and gore, intense violence, sexual themes and strong language throughout the game. As such, it is generally recommended for players 17 years or older. However, every child‘s maturity and sensitivity level is different, so there is no definitive age when a game "becomes appropriate."

As a passionate gamer, I don‘t necessarily want to make that judgement call for you. Instead, I‘d like to equip you, the parent, with key information to evaluate yourself along with some guidance on setting healthy gaming ground rules for your family.

Assassin‘s Creed Origins – What to Know

First, let‘s quickly recap what Origins entails. This action-adventure RPG is set in Ancient Egypt at a time when the land is filled with political intrigue, social upheaval and opportunistic outlaws. Gameplay involves missions to uncover secrets and battle enemies using weapons including swords, bow & arrow, spears and shields.

Here are a few key content areas to note if considering Origins for a 13-year old:

  • Violence: Frequent combat violence against soldiers, outlaws and dangerous animals showing blood, impalements and serious injury.
  • Language: Sporadic use of strong profanity like f*ck across 60+ hours of dialogue and story narration.
  • Sexual Themes: Revealing outfits with some nudity, depictions of sexuality, and a couple minor sex scenes though without graphic detail.

So in summary – Origins is quite violent, has mature themes throughout, and likely exceeds what many 13-year olds have seen in other media. This matters.

However, with the proper approach and oversight from parents, some 13-year olds likely can handle playing Origins without long-term issues depending on their disposition. More on this next.

Guidance for Parents on Mature Gaming

The ESRB ratings provide a helpful guideline, but every child matures differently. As the parent, you know your child best. Here are a few tips:

  • Know your child‘s sensitivity – Consider their ability to separate fantasy from reality and process mature content. Do they become anxious, scared or obsessive over violence in films or games? If so, graphic combat games may not be the best match at this age.

  • Research the game yourself first – Ideally, play it yourself or at least watch candid game reviews on YouTube. Understand the content and context your child would experience.

  • Set expectations upfront – Discuss your concerns, set restrictions around playtime, and talk about healthy attitudes toward violence, relationships and more. Make sure they understand it is a game, not real life.

  • Keep an open dialogue – Check in with them about what they are experiencing in the game. Use it as a bridge for ongoing conversations about violence, social issues and life in mature civilizations like Ancient Egypt.

With this involvement and guidance, some parents may feel Origins has educational value related to history, culture and decision-making. You have to determine if the ends justify the means with the graphic content. But that‘s your call as the parent.

Alternative Game Options

If you decide Origins or other M-rated games are not the right fit at this stage, here are some good action-adventure alternatives to consider with Teen ratings:

  • Assassin’s Creed Rogue – Lower violence than Origins. Some profanity but less sexual themes.
  • Horizon Zero Dawn – Female warrior battles robot dinosaurs with bow & spear. Great story.
  • Shadow of Mordor / War – Fantasy action against Orcs set in Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

Any of these games provide lots of action and adventure more fitting for most young teens. You can always re-evaluate Origins after a couple more years of maturity too!

So in summary – take your time, understand the content, and set some gameplay guardrails. With that approach, some 13-year olds can probably benefits from the action and history in Assassin’s Origins. But use your best judgement when deciding if the overall game aligns with your family values and what you feel is appropriate.

I hope these gaming insights help bridge the gap between ratings and reality to empower your parenting decisions! Let me know if any other questions come up.

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