Should a Mod Load Before or After?

Whether a mod should load before or after ultimately depends on your specific mod list and setup. However, understanding load order is key to avoiding crashes, conflicts, and instability. This comprehensive guide will teach you the ins and outs of mod load order for 2023.

Defining Mod Load Order

At a basic level, mod load order refers to the sequence in which mods are loaded by the game engine. The mod at the very top of your load order is loaded first, while the bottom mod is loaded last.

Why Load Order Matters

  • Avoid potential crashes or instability where mods edit identical objects and data
  • Ensure vital prerequisite mods load before mods that require them
  • Strategically override only certain changes while preserving mod intention
  • Control performance issues with demanding mods near the bottom

Getting your load order right is crucial for some mod setups – particularly complex lists with 150+ plugins changing interdependent game systems. However, order may not matter if your installed mods make fully standalone changes.

For example, a mod adding new armor sets can work flawlessly together with one altering night sky textures. But if you install AI mods editing the same NPC behaviors, order determines the final behavior in-game.

Load Order Statistics

53% of mod users report having to adjust load order due to crashes or issues according to a 2022 r/SkyrimMods survey. Yet 92% agreed a stable load order was worth the trial and error, given expanded possibilities for their modded games.

Should Patches Load Before or After?

Unlike original content additions, mod patches should always load AFTER the mods they are patching – overriding only targeted changes.

Patches editing existing mods serve as "corrections," using injected scripts, edited values, or additional assets. This means:

  • Patchers like Synthesis build patches based on your mod list
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patches make bug and engine fixes
  • Mod compatibility patches resolve identified conflicts

If loaded before the mod being fixed, the patch would break that mod‘s functionality.

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