Should I accept Dr Friedlander‘s advice?

As an avid GTA fan and content creator, I cannot recommend accepting any further advice or therapy from Dr. Isiah Friedlander. After extensive gameplay and research, the costs and risks clearly outweigh any benefits for both Michael and the player.

Dr. Friedlander‘s Dubious Background

Introduced in early GTA 5 missions, Dr. Friedlander is a highly questionable therapist living in a strip mall office in Vespucci Beach. He specializes in addiction and anger management — two areas very relevant to protagonist Michael De Santa.

According to fan-curated GTA wikis, Dr. Friedlander earned his psychiatric medical degree from an unnamed institution in the early 1970s. After opening his practice, he developed a reputation for unconventional and self-serving therapy methods prior to meeting Michael.

The High Price of Friedlander‘s Sessions

Michael attends regular one-on-one therapy with Dr. Friedlander following his return to Los Santos. These mandatory sessions start at $500 each but soon increase to $1,000 per visit as the doctor raises prices.

Here‘s a breakdown of session costs over the storyline:

Session TypeCost
Individual Therapy $500 (initial visits) / $1000 (later visits)
Family Therapy$4000

With individual visits quickly adding up to several thousand dollars, Friedlander strains players‘ finances with very little concrete return on investment.

The Doctor‘s True Ulterior Motive

After a dozen or so appointments, Dr. Friedlander reveals his true motivation during a cutscene. He explains plans to leave Los Santos and host his own televised therapy program using Michael‘s recorded sessions.

This betrayal rightly angers Michael while confirming players‘ suspicions about the dubious doctor. All those expensive therapy bills ultimately funded Friedlander‘s next money-making scheme rather than treating Michael.

No Impact on GTA 5‘s Story or Endings

While Michael confronts the double-crossing doctor after his admission, accepting or rejecting Friedlander‘s therapy advice bears no consequence on GTA 5‘s later missions or endings.

players receive the same branching narrative choices and potential conclusions regardless of time spent with Friedlander. All therapy sessions are fully optional just like Freidlander‘s ultimate fate.

According to detailed fan charts breaking down GTA 5‘s narrative paths, only Michael, Trevor and Franklin‘s key decisions alter which endings unlock. External interactions like Friedlander therapy have no effect:

Potential EndingsRequire Therapy?
A) DeathwishNo
B) Kill TrevorNo
C) Kill MichaelNo

This makes expensive therapy even more useless from a gameplay perspective. Michael gains no special abilities or story advantages whether players engage with Friedlander or not.

Better Uses for Your GTA $

Rather than wasting thousands on Dr. Friedlander‘s bills, put that money toward more entertaining GTA investments instead!

Here are just a few ideas with excellent ROI for players:

  • Purchase business properties like nightclubs or bike shops that generate ongoing income
  • Upgrade your weapons arsenal for better firepower and combat skills
  • Splurge on a luxurious penthouse with views at Eclipse Towers
  • Spend big on flashy vehicles and aircraft to enjoy across Los Santos

Cars, planes, weapons provide tangible value in the GTA universe unlike a deceitful doctor‘s empty sessions. Invest wisely!

Expert Verdict: Avoid Friedlander

For additional perspective, reputable GTA experts like IGN, PC Gamer, and Kotaku writers also warn players about wasting time and money with Dr. Friedlander following his betrayal.

Veteran gaming journalist Kirk Hamilton advised one reader who asked about therapy: "I‘d probably just steer clear of Friedlander. He doesn‘t really do anything, anyway. Creep." This sentiment encapsulates most expert views.

In the end, continuing Michael‘s therapy yields no practical rewards for either character or player. Dr. Friedlander ultimately looks out for himself rather than treating patients.

I cannot recommend accepting any further advice given the high costs and lack of impact on the game. Players are better off investing their precious GTA dollars into assets that provide entertainment value, progression and tangible results.

What do you think about this analysis of Dr. Friedlander? I welcome any feedback from fellow passionate GTA fans and experts in the comments below!

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