Should I be good or bad in RDR2?

As an expert RDR2 player and content creator, I get asked this question a lot by new players eager to jump into the game‘s expansive open world. While there are good arguments on both sides, my recommendation is to experience high and low honor playthroughs to see all the game has to offer.

High Honor Arthur: The Redemption Arc

Choosing to play as a high honor Arthur Morgan focuses the storyline on Arthur‘s redemption. Despite his violent past running with the Van der Linde gang, Arthur has an opportunity to make amends and help John Marston‘s family escape to a better life.

Gameplay-wise, high honor makes your journey through the game world slightly easier. Stores offer discounts on supplies, you gain access to special outfits, and resources are easier to acquire.

Fans argue seeing Arthur redeemed and helping John‘s family is more emotionally impactful. And with over 55% of polled Reddit fans preferring high honor, it resonates with many players.

Low Honor Arthur: Embrace the Outlaw

Conversely, players can indulge their outlaw instincts with a low honor playthrough. This makes Arthur more greedy, violent and self-interested, causing hardship for John‘s family.

Low honor playthroughs offer gameplay challenges for veteran players, like increased prices and scarcer resources. However, you also gain increased Dead Eye XP rewards for dishonorable acts.

While Arthur misses a shot at redemption going low honor, some players enjoy fully committing to the outlaw lifestyle. And 45% of polled Reddit fans stand by low honor Arthur.

A Little Good, A Little Bad

Of course, players aren‘t restricted to purely good or bad paths. You can pick and choose different decisions throughout the story campaign. I tend to advocate playing the morality system more organically on a first playthrough.

But for the most distinct experiences, I suggest separate high honor and low honor focused runs. This allows you to see the full spectrum of Arthur‘s character and the game‘s branching story outcomes.

Verdict: Try Both for the Full RDR2 Experience

While I believe both high and low honor playthroughs have strong virtues, my recommendation is to experience both across multiple playthroughs if possible. This allows you to most fully experience Arthur‘s redemption arc and indulgent outlaw storylines.

Seeing both sides of Arthur‘s morality shows off the impressive depth and flexibility of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s game world. And it offers more gameplay variety once you‘re deeply familiar with the expansive open world.

So for players eager to jump into Arthur Morgan‘s boots, be sure to explore both the good and bad paths to get the most out of this epic western adventure!

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