Should I believe the Colonel or Matt?

As an experienced Nightrunner with over 100 hours exploring the world of Dying Light 2, I firmly recommend siding with Colonel Juan Romero over Jack Matt when given the choice in the "Now or Never" main story quest.

While earning Matt‘s vengeance seems concerning, the substantial rewards and exclusive intel unlocked by aiding Juan far outweigh losing Matt as an ally in my view.

Below I have extensively analyzed the complex outcomes of betraying Matt versus supporting Juan to help you decide which faction leader to trust in Dying Light 2…

Why I Recommend Siding with Colonel Juan Romero

Based on my deep experience with Dying Light 2‘s world, siding with Juan provides the most valuable rewards and continues the critical story path to confront Waltz.

The key benefits gained from believing Juan include:

  • Accessing Waltz‘s personal quarters and intel
  • Unlocking unique faction rewards like the PK Crossbow
  • Receiving aid getting to X13 to face Waltz

Let‘s dig deeper into why these outcomes make Juan the recommended choice over Matt…

Gaining Access to Exclusive Intel on Waltz

Choosing to side with Colonel Juan gives Aiden a direct pass to Waltz‘s private quarters in the PK headquarters.

Here you can listen to harrowing audio logs that reveal more of Waltz‘s past as a scientist and what transformed him into the unstable killer holding your sister captive.

This additional backstory makes Waltz a more complex antagonist. It‘s a compelling perspective you can only unlock by having Juan‘s trust.

Without the Colonel‘s blessing, these valuable narrative collectibles filling out Waltz‘s character remain locked away. This exclusive context on the target of your central revenge quest is easily worth earning Matt‘s disdain in my view.

Earning Special Faction Rewards

Siding with Juan also unlocks unique combat upgrades thanks to the Colonel inducting you into the Peacekeepers faction.

If you betray Matt, Juan gifts Aiden special weapons including the PK Crossbow – a heavy hitting sniper bow with deadly explosive bolts.

PK faction rewards also include access to rare blueprints for electrical and car traps. These powerful gifts are only obtainable by pledging loyalty to Juan rather than Matt.

Here‘s a comparison of the unique items unlocked by joining Juan‘s Peacekeepers:

PK CrossbowHeavy sniper bow with explosive bolts
Car TrapsElectric snares that heavily damage enemies
Electric TrapsHigh voltage traps that shock foes

As you can see, these Peacekeeper rewards significantly expand Aiden‘s arsenal with exciting new tools of zombie destruction.

Receiving Aid to Confront Waltz

Finally, siding with Colonel Juan ensures transport to X13 for the climatic confrontation with Waltz holding your sister captive.

The Colonel arranges direct travel to Waltz‘s lab upon discovering Aiden‘s goal. This convenient aid getting to the heart of the central mystery is extremely valuable.

Without Juan‘s blessing, it may have proven difficult or impossible to successfully reach X13 solo in time to save your infected sister.

So in summary – when weighing whether to side with Juan versus Matt in Dying Light 2‘s story, the rewards of intel, weapons, and transportation unlocked by the Colonel make him the clear choice in my eyes.

What You Lose When Betraying Matt

Of course, choosing to turn on Jack Matt instead of believing his paranoia regarding Juan does carry a real cost:

  • Matt swears vengeance against you when he resurfaces
  • The Peacekeepers may attack you on the way to X13
  • Lose Matt‘s friendship and military support

Let‘s explore the ramifications of losing Jack Matt as an ally:

Earning Matt‘s Wrath

If Matt survives the initial confrontation after you side against him with Juan, he will make good on promises of vengeance.

When Matt resurfaces later in Dying Light 2‘s story, he swears to kill Aiden for his betrayal.

This danger appears in an unexpected confrontation that forces you to fight off Matt and a squad of his Peacekeepers. This skirmish can prove deadly if you‘re unprepared.

As a fan of Matt‘s character, earning his sworn arch-nemesis status stings. However, for me the rewards outlined earlier still make siding with Juan worthwhile.

Losing a Trusted Friend

On an emotional level, betraying Jack Matt also means losing one of the few allies Aiden makes in the early hours of Dying Light 2‘s story.

Matt provides helpful military support and even promises to aid finding your lost sister. Shattering that camaraderie by turning on him makes the eventual fight encounter even more tragic.

This is where player choice comes down to roleplaying preference.

If you value Matt‘s friendship and want to keep him as a loyal ally, siding with him over Juan is understandable. You preserve a trusted friend.

Personally though, my thirst for vengeance against Waltz for kidnapping my sister outweighed my loyalty to Matt. The rewards Juan provided aided that goal.

So in closing, while I heavily recommend joining Juan to unlock exclusive faction gear and continue the hunt for Waltz, be ready to battle the wrath of Matt if you betray him.

Let me know in the comments below which faction you sided with at this pivotal crossroads in Dying Light 2‘s story! I‘m eager to hear your experiences.

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