Should I Call Walmart About My Job Application in 2024? The Complete Guide

Wondering if it makes sense to call Walmart about that application you submitted a couple weeks ago? Eager to speak to a real person and get insight into your candidacy?

You’re not alone. Calling to follow up on an application is nerve-wracking but can significantly influence your chances if done properly.

This comprehensive guide tells you when, why, and how to call Walmart to check your application status. I’ll also share insider knowledge from my 10 years in HR and retail recruiting to boost your odds of getting hired.

By the Numbers: Walmart Hiring Demands

Before calling, it’s important to understand Walmart’s hiring volumes. With nearly 5,000 stores and over 2 million employees globally, application review is no small feat.

Key StatU.S. Figures
Weekly job applications40,000+
Open roles at a given time30,000
Applicants per opening75-100
Share invited to interview25%
Final hire rate per opening1-3%

Clearly, standing out from the crowd is critical if you want your best shot. Calling to follow up puts you on their radar so your application doesn’t get lost in the mix when they receive an avalanche of submissions.

When Should I Call Walmart After Applying?

I recommend waiting 7-10 days post-application before making a follow-up call. This gives hiring managers adequate time to properly file and review new submissions.

Calling too soon can be a nuisance. And if you wait longer than 10 days, they may have already made interview decisions without considering you.

Set a reminder on your calendar so you remember to call. Walmart may not actively notify applicants who aren’t selected to move forward, so a call opens the door.

5 Must-Have Details to Reference

Before dialing Walmart’s recruiting line, gather these details so you can clearly provide:

Your full name
The exact position(s) applied for
Date + specific location you submitted the application
Names of any managers listed in the job posting
Your candidate ID number (if you have it)

Having this information handy verifies your identify so the recruiter can fast-track finding your application file.

Sample Follow-Up Call Dialogue

When you call Walmart about your application, clearly state your name and purpose in a polite, friendly tone.

Here’s an example call exchange:

You: “Hi, I’m [your name], calling to follow up on an application I submitted online for the [position] role at the Walmart store [#] located on [address]. I applied on [full date] and wanted to confirm my application was received successfully. Are you the right person to speak to about this or could you please transfer me to someone who can assist?”

Walmart: “Thanks for calling – yes I can pull up applicant files. Can you verify your full name and candidate ID number if you have it?”

You: “[State name and ID #]. I applied for the overnight stocker position at that store. The job ID was A234X. I haven’t received any confirmation emails from Walmart since applying, so I wanted to call and make sure you have my application on file and see if you need any more information from me.”

Walmart: “Thanks for checking in. I do see your application submitted on [date] for that stocker role. Our hiring team is still…[Provides status update]”

7 Tips for Calling Politely

When following up over the phone, be conscious of being professional and patient:

Don’t demand an instant response: Give staff time to reference your file.

No repeat calls: Check in once a week at most.

Thank the listener for their assistance.

Take notes on any next steps or timing promised.

Keep it brief: 5-10 minutes max.

Say please and thank you to be courteous.

Follow any directions if asked to email or call another contact.

The key is letting your interest shine through while being sensitive to the reality that recruiters handle high volumes daily.

Does a Follow-Up Call Really Make a Difference?

Calling to verify your application was received and see where you stand is more impactful than you may assume if done properly.

In today’s competitive hiring landscape, demonstrating genuine interest and initiative to follow up can grab a recruiter’s attention so they more closely review your qualifications.

Think about it…they may be toggling between dozens of near-identical retail resumes. A candidate who calls not only verifies their intent to join the team but also their commitment, communication abilities, and other soft skills.

My advice is don’t pin all hopes on one application or assume silence is a “no.” Use a call to nudge your way forward as a candidate worth meeting.

Key Takeaways

Still wondering whether making a call is worthwhile to speed your Walmart application decision?

✅ Wait 7-10 days then call with key details handy

✅ Keep call brief and professional in tone

✅ Can boost candidacy by showing interest

✅ Get insight into status and next steps

Job searching is stressful enough. Hopefully this guide gave you a clearer view into handling Walmart application follow up calls with confidence across any open role. Focus on standing out with kindness and patience.

Disclaimer: I am an independent career expert and do not represent Walmart or its affiliates.

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