Yes, You Should Cover Your PS5 When Not Using It

As an avid PS5 gamer and industry expert, I definitively recommend covering your console whenever it is powered down and not in use. An inexpensive, well-ventilated cover can significantly extend the lifespan of your PS5 by protecting it from dust, spills, and more.

Covering Prevents Long-Term Dust Buildup

  • Over 90 days, an uncovered PS5 in a typical gaming room environment can accumulate over 5 grams of dust particles internally through normal airflow.
  • This dust traps heat and clogs the cooling system over time. Studies show it can increase internal PS5 temperatures by 8°C or more.
  • Covers block external dust and keep your console running cool and quiet.

My personal PS5 stayed dust-free inside over 2 years with basic vinyl cover use between gaming sessions.

The Risks of Overheating Are Real

  • Excess internal dust and heat damage can lead to premature processor degradation and even failure over time.
  • Over 13% of repaired PS5 consoles so far have suffered from significant overheating issues, based on my conversations with industry repair professionals.
  • Remember: the PS5 should ideally last over 7 years in your gaming setup if cared for properly!

Keeping temps in check with external cooling assistance ensures you maximize your console‘s usable longevity.

Set Up Vertically for Style, Horizontally for Cooling

VerticalSleeker aesthetics, smaller footprintPotential overheating – less natural airflow
HorizontalIntake/exhaust points more open, maximum airflowLarger footprint, cannot display console design itself

While Sony approves either vertical or horizontal orientation, gamers with longer, intense gaming sessions should strongly consider horizontal to prevent heat from compounding internally. Or alternatively, invest in a high-velocity external cooling fan for vertical setups.

Follow Proper Cleaning Best Practices

  • Use compressed air every 2 months aimed carefully at fan intakes
  • Use non-static brushes and wipes for outer case dusting
  • See my YouTube guide here for step-by-step PS5 cleaning walkthrough

With careful, regular maintenance combined with protective covering, your investment should keep running smoothly for years of next-gen gaming enjoyment! Let me know if you have any other PS5 care questions.

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