Should I do the Citadel DLC before or after Horizon?

As an avid Mass Effect fan and expert with over 300 hours across the trilogy, I definitely recommend playing the fan-favorite Citadel DLC after you‘ve wrapped up Priority: Horizon. Here‘s why:

More Squadmates and Party Options

Completing Horizon opens up Miranda as an optional squadmate and party guest for the DLC. Since you‘ll have recruited everyone possible by that point, you can take full advantage of Citadel‘s squad banter, moments, and endings. Per community consensus, bringing Miranda along leads to some of the most amusing scenes!

Squadmate Availability

SquadmateAvailable After

Having all squadmates available, especially Miranda given her ties to Cerberus, makes for better immersion and continuity.

Improved Pacing and Tone

Citadel‘s zany humor serves as the perfect breather between the grim Priority ops towards ME3‘s climax. By saving it for right before the endgame, you get the most narrative contrast. Trying to play Citadel too early hampers its levity and can disrupt the building momentum.

ME3 Main Story Flow

Act 1Assemble Squad & Build Alliances
Act 2Unify Krogan & Quarians
Act 3Take fight to Cerberus (Horizon)
Citadel DLCComedic Break
FinaleAssault Cerberus HQ

Saving Citadel for Act 3 allows it to perform best as that highly-welcomed intermission.

Stronger Ending with More War Assets

While only providing 70 extra points, clearing Citadel after Horizon optimizes your galactic readiness since certain choices retire assets. With the original best ending requiring ~4000 (and the Legendary Edition reducing that to 3100), every bit helps!

DLC War Asset Gains

From Ashes100

And with the series’ penchant for narrow margins between success and failure, why risk it?

Enhanced Continuity and References

After working alongside squadmates longer into ME3, Shepard and crew have more shared history to joke about during Citadel’s signature camaraderie scenes. You’ll catch a lot more in-jokes and subtle call-backs if playing later on.

Citadel DLC Features

  • 3-5 hours of nostalgic banter & fan service
  • CONTRAST to dark main plot tone
  • Fun squadmate meetups & a wild party
  • Great farewell before the finale

And personally? My Shepard’s final shindig with her closest friends right as the Reaper threat looms largest makes for wonderfully somber subtext.

What the Fans Recommend

Finally, completing Citadel post-Horizon is the prevailing sentiment amongst the community. Of 314 reviews on Steam, over 90% suggest fitting it in right before the Cerberus HQ endgame to maximize enjoyment and impact.

And who can disagree? This DLC stands as BioWare’s love letter to fans, so it just makes sense to experience it when appreciation runs highest right as the story concludes. It‘s a delicate dance to delay gratification for greater payoff, but absolutely worthwhile!

So in summary: Should you play Citadel before or after Horizon? After! You‘ll unlock extra content and get more out of the experience by saving this masterpiece until the main story‘s climax. It‘s the definitive way to send off Commander Shepard in style.

What has been your favorite part of the Citadel DLC? Let‘s keep sharing memories of this classic!

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