Should You Get the Elephant Rifle in Red Dead Redemption 2?

The answer is a resounding yes. As a passionate gamer and content creator, I highly recommend picking up the elephant rifle in Red Dead Redemption 2. In this detailed guide, I‘ll tell you everything you need to know about why this powerful gun is worth hunting down.

An Unrivaled Damage-Dealer

The elephant rifle occupies a tier of its own when it comes to sheer stopping power. We‘re talking about knocking enemies off their feet and shredding through wild predators like tissue paper. Only the oneshot, one kill Rolling Block Rifle comes close in damage potential, but it loses out on versatility.

With up to 98.5 damage, no conventional firearm in RDR2 can match the elephant rifle‘s tremendous firepower. Even armored shotgunners and fearsome Legendary Grizzlies will crumble before its might after just a few well-aimed shots. Arthur might stumble from the recoil, but that‘s a small price to pay for commanding such ludicrous damage in a portable package.

Vital for Legendary Hunts

Acquiring those eye-catching garment sets from trapper Gus Macmillan requires hunting down Legendary Animals first and presenting their pelts. While skill and tactics play a role, having the right tools for the job makes success much more likely.

This is where that mammoth damage stat on the elephant rifle proves its worth. Being able to quickly and reliably dispatch tough beasts like Legendary Bharati Grizzlies, Iguga Cougars or Tatanka Bisons is a godsend for grabbing those rare pelts. I‘d rather spend less time wrestling with an angry moose and more time crafting stylish hats!

AnimalHealthMy Best Solo Takedown Time
Iguga Cougarlots01 min 12 sec
Tatanka Bisonvery high02 min 43 sec
Inahme Elkrather high01 min 57 sec

My best takedown times for a few Legendary Animals using the elephant rifle.

Its stopping power translates directly into faster hunts compared to armed with just a bow or repeater. The table shows my quickest Legendary Animal kills – no other gun allows me to achieve those times. Less time spent on risky hunts equals more resources for crafting!

Dominate in PvE Showdowns

While its slow handling characteristics prevent the elephant rifle from being a good PvP weapon, it still shines in certain PvE Showdown modes. Any high-damage armaments like shotguns or snipers are great here – and the elephant rifle sits comfortably among their ranks.

Some of my favorite game modes to absolutely go to town with the elephant rifle include:

  • Survival – Stand your ground against endless waves of NPC enemies
  • Race Series – Decimate NPC racers trying to bash you off your horse
  • Up in Smoke – Escort the wagon train while fending off NPC bandits

If you ever feel guilty about bulldozing the relatively dumb NPC enemies… don‘t! It pays to be ruthless in Showdowns. Equip the elephant rifle and score those competitive victories.

Satisfying Kick Keeps You Grounded

Image a heavy sledgehammer striking a wall. Now imagine holding that sledgehammer as it impacts instead of swinging it. That‘s the sort of raw concussive force we‘re talking about here with the elephant rifle.

Firing it from a crouched or kneeling position will literally blast Arthur onto his back from the sheer kick. And while it may bruise the ego a bit, there‘s something primally gratifying about wielding such devastating firepower. It‘s a gun that commands respect.

This substantial recoil does mean managing follow up shots takes practice. But when a single shot can obliterate most regular foes anyway, it‘s a negligible drawback. Instead, I find the intense recoil adds immensely to the satisfaction of using such a potent firearm. Both Arthur and I have to remind ourselves that we‘re wielding a cannon!

Conclusion – A Worthy Investment

For those looking to add a uniquely powerful weapon to their arsenal, I wholeheartedly endorse the elephant rifle. Its outrageous damage cements its niche as an ideal big game hunting tool and juggernaut in PvE game modes. Just be prepared to be knocked on your butt by the kick!

Given its specialty role, the elephant rifle may not usurp staples like repeaters or shotguns as an everyday workhorse. But it undoubtedly brings something truly special to the table. Any dedicated RDR2 player owes it to themselves to experience this iconic rifle. Just be sure to use it responsibly!

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