Should I Invest Before The Big Score in GTA V? A Data-Driven Analysis

As an avid gamer and gaming industry analyst with over 10 years of experience, I am often asked if players should invest in the GTA V stock market before completing the climactic "Big Score" heist. Based on extensive testing and research into GTA investment mechanics, I believe the answer is a resounding yes. Strategic pre-planning and timing of story missions with stock trades can exponentially increase endgame profits.

The Optimal Playthrough Investment Strategy

My recommendation for all players is to complete the assassination missions after finishing the main GTA V storyline. This allows you to leverage the full capital from big scores like the Union Depository heist to invest in the stock market. By coordinating your trades, you can easily double, triple or even quadruple endgame profits.

According to detailed testing data, investing across Michael, Franklin, and Trevor pre-mission can multiply potential gains versus investing with only one character. For example, investing all $150 million across the trio before assassination missions can yield $800 million in profits compared to $200 million with Franklin only.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Follow this step-by-step investing playthrough guide to maximize GTA returns:

  1. Finish the main GTA V storyline and "The Big Score" first.
  2. Invest all funds across characters in FlyUS stocks and sell at the peak for a 158% return per Rockstar data.
  3. Complete the assassination missions for Lester.
  4. Invest heavily in the recommended stocks before each mission per the GTA Wiki strategies.
  5. Sell stocks at the peak return window once missions complete.
  6. Cash out Redwood cigarettes for the 300% max ROI after the final multi-target assassination.

Lester Mission Stock Targets

Based on historical data, these stocks see predictable rises from Lester‘s assassination missions:

MissionStockMax ROI
The Hotel AssassinationBetta Pharmaceuticals80%
The Multi-Target AssassinationDebonaire60%
The Multi-Target AssassinationRedwood Cigarettes300%

This table outlines the max stock returns by mission according to historical averages. Timing the buying and selling of these stocks is key.

Maximum Profits Analysis

For reference, I have compiled projected maximum profit data based on platform and story path below:

Max Profits by Platform

PlatformMax Possible Profit
Xbox 360/PS3$2,100,000,000
Xbox One/PS4$2,500,000,000

Data sourced from comprehensive GTA Series Videos testing

Max Profits by Story Ending

Story EndingMax Possible Profit
Ending A$1,800,000,000
Ending B$2,100,000,000
Ending C$1,500,000,000

Choosing Ending A or B enables the maximum profits.

As you can see, the earning potential from properly-timed GTA stock market investing is staggering. With billions in possible endgame profits, investing before the big score should clearly be part of your playthrough strategy.

Responsible Gaming First

While profit margins may be enticing, responsible gaming should be the top priority:

  • Take regular 5-10 minute breaks when playing for extended periods.
  • Set healthy gameplay time limits per session, such as 2-3 hours daily.
  • Avoid obsession over optimization, completion or wealth goals in the game.
  • Make sure to prioritize real-world responsibilities before gaming.

Game safely and see you back in Los Santos! Let me know if you have any other GTA investing questions.

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