Should You Join the Greybeards or Blades in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player, I get asked this question a lot by newer Dragonborn – which faction should I ally with, the scholarly Greybeards or the martial Blades? It‘s a key decision that will significantly impact your gameplay style and story options. After hundreds of hours mastering Way of the Voice with the Greybeards and slaying dragons with the Blades, I‘ve put together this definitive guide comparing the factions to help my fellow Dovahkiin make the right choice for their character build and roleplaying priorities!

The Greybeards: Pacifist Mentors in the Voice

The Greybeards reside in seclusion atop the Throat of the World, committed to peaceful study of the Voice. As Dragonborn, you can learn new Words of Power and training in advanced Shout techniques from these quiet philosopher-monks. They see your Dovahkiin abilities as a gift to be tempered through meditation, not a weapon to unleash wantonly.

I have spent many hours with the Greybeards enhancing my Thu‘um skills and believe joining them is right for these types of players:

  • Those focused on roleplaying a scholarly hero who defeats foes with the Voice itself
  • Pacifist characters who avoid violence when possible
  • Mage/rogue builds reliant on Shouts over physical combat
  • Players who enjoy slower-paced, contemplative gameplay


  • Learn new Words of Power for Shouts
  • Receive training to strengthen Shouts
  • Study the Way of the Voice philosophy
  • Opportunity for thoughtful, non-violent playstyle
  • Question need to slay the dragon Paarthurnax


  • Limited material support offered
  • Peaceful isolationist outlook
  • Disappointment if seeking open warfare against dragons
  • Not suited for warrior/weapon focused builds

The Blades: Dragonslayers Reborn

The Blades were once honored guardians of the Septim Emperors and slayers of beasts in humanoid form. After years in exile, they see the return of the dragons as a chance to renew their ancient purpose – marshaling a dedicated force to hunt dragons to extinction.

Based on my battles fought alongside these fierce warriors, I recommend the Blades for:

  • Players focused on combat-heavy, high-action gameplay
  • Those roleplaying a traditional prophesied hero leading an army
  • Warrior/weapon builds over magic or stealth
  • Anyone seeking to defeat Alduin by any means


  • Access armory of weapons/armor in Sky Haven Temple
  • Gain warriors as followers for battles
  • Focused mission to defeat Alduin
  • Opportunity to command a dragon hunting force
  • Uncover lost dragon-slaying techniques


  • Pressure you to slay Paarthurnax
  • Vengeful outlook clashes with Greybeards
  • Limited training offerings beyond combat
  • Not suited for stealthier, magic focused playstyles

Below I‘ve summarized the key differences between the factions in table form:

CategoryThe GreybeardsThe Blades
PhilosophyPacifist study of the VoiceMilitant dragonslayers
PlaystyleContemplative, mysticalAction-focused, warriors
QuestsFind Words of PowerDefeat dragons
Support OfferedTraining in ShoutsWeapons/Followers
Primary LocationHigh HrothgarSky Haven Temple

Weighing Your Options

So in final analysis, who should you ally with – the Greybeards or the Blades? As your resident Skyrim expert gamer, I don‘t believe there is one "right" choice here. It depends entirely on your character concept and what you hope to get out of the gameplay experience.

If you‘re roleplaying a scholar looking to temper your Thu‘um abilities through study of the Voice, join the Greybeards. You‘ll enjoy uncovering new Shouts and expanding your understanding of Dovahkiin traditions. But if you envision a heroic warrior marshaling forces against the dragons, the Blades offer the troop strength and armory to wage open war on Alduin.

My recommendation: pick the faction that resonates most with your player character‘s backstory motivations and future aspirations! Both paths are rewarding in their own way. I hope this guide gives you the insights needed to make the best choice for the destiny your Dragonborn envisions. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions before cementing this pivotal decision!

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