Should I Keep HDR On or Off for PS5 Gaming?

For most PS5 gamers, keeping HDR enabled provides noticeable visual improvements to color, contrast and brightness – enhancing realism and immersion compared to standard dynamic range (SDR). However, you need a compatible television and proper configuration to experience the full benefits. There are also some competitive multiplayer scenarios where disabling HDR may be preferred.

As a gaming content creator who has tested HDR across a wide range of PS5 games and display hardware, I think it delivers tangible upgrades when implemented well. The expanded color spectrum and highlights literally add more "dynamics" to the image.

How HDR Improves Visuals for PS5 Games

Unlike SDR which caps brightness levels, HDR allows a wider gamut of luminance steps. This translates to:

  • Deeper blacks: 0.0005 nits vs 0.05 nits with SDR televisions
  • Higher peak brightness: Up to 4000 nits for premium HDR displays compared to 100-300 nits with SDR
  • Wider color range: 10-bit (1.07 billion) colors compared to 8-bit (16.7 million)

This means dark shadow details that would previously clip to black can now retain more definition. Similarly, small bright highlights that would once peak at a TV‘s maximum brightness can now far exceed this spec, appearing much more vibrant. HDR expands the palette between these extremes allowing more "dynamic range" between light and dark scenes.

Sony claims HDR games on the PS5 can hit peak luminance levels over 1000 nits – over 3X brighter than most SDR displays. Analysis from Digital Foundry found a 26-46% increase in pixels illuminating over 300 nits in HDR modes for titles like Spiderman Miles Morales, demonstrating these benefits manifest in real game visuals.

My Experience With HDR Gaming on PS5

Playing Gran Turismo 7 in HDR showcases noticeably better car paint reflections and specular highlights from environmental lighting. Trekking through the varied landscapes of Horizon Forbidden West reveals finer detail transitions between bright sky and shaded vegetation.

Even older remastered PS4 titles like God of War offer significantly more punch and dynamics with HDR enabled. Across all game genres, it can better recreate the immense contrast real-world scenes exhibit across dark and bright areas simultaneously.

This makes for more immersive, visually impressive scenery that pops off the screen. Of course this assumes your television can faithfully reproduce these enhanced color and brightness levels.

Key Considerations for Unlocking PS5 HDR Gaming

To enjoy HDR while gaming on your PS5:

  • Your PS5 and television/monitor must support HDR10 or Dolby Vision standards

  • Use Premium Certified HDMI cables (48Gbps recommended)

  • Game titles need to implement HDR visual modes

  • Optimize TV picture settings specifically for HDR gaming

Getting these elements right avoids dark/muted images and unlocks the full visual potential. HDR introduces additional processing that could worsen input lag if not handled optimally by displays.

Poor calibration can also mean you lose details in bright areas of the scene. As such it‘s important to tweak settings for ideal results.

When to Consider Disabling HDR

For competitive multiplayer gaming where pinpoint reactions and targeting precision is vital, some may prefer disabling HDR. The boosted brightness/saturation can potentially create visual distractions in peripheral vision that obscure enemy character models.

Analysis websites like RTings have measured slightly higher input lag numbers for HDR vs SDR across compatible displays. Though quite minor on good TVs (10-15ms), this could impact hardcore competitive players.

Comparison of Display Input Lag SDR vs HDR

Display ModelSDR Input LagHDR Input LagDifference
Sony X90J15ms19ms+26%
LG C1 OLED5ms7ms+40%
Samsung QN90A10ms12ms+20%

Of course input lag only matters if it is perceptible. At under 20ms with good displays, HDR latency should be negligible for most. But individual sensitivity varies.

For multiplayer gaming, I suggest testing HDR enabled VS disabled using your optimal display settings to compare. Evaluate whether the increased image fidelity outweighs any compression in responsiveness or competitive visibility for your needs.

Single player games are often more forgiving for both input lag and visual distractions. This is where HDR really shines to showcase lush in-game worlds.

Recommendations for Configuring HDR on PS5

To recap, these are my top tips for unlocking the best HDR performance for PS5 gaming:

On Your Television

  • Select the HDR Game mode preset with lowest input lag
  • Set OLED pixel brightness and contrast to max values
  • Reduce sharpness to avoid excessive edge ringing
  • Enable dynamic tone mapping and local dimming features
  • Set color temperature slightly cooler (6500-7000K)

In PS5 System Settings

  • Match range & color format to display capabilities
  • Select HGIG or Dolby Vision mode if available
  • Set HDR brightness baseline per instructions


  • Follow HDR calibration tools if supported
  • Experiment between HDR presets
  • Toggle settings to find optimal balance

Getting your complete TV-to-console HDR pipeline fine-tuned pays huge dividends for image quality without sacrificing responsiveness.

The Bottom Line

Gaming in high dynamic range enables more lifelike, dramatic and colorful visuals that can significantly boost immersion on PS5. Provided your display gear and content supports it, HDR is absolutely recommended to enhance your overall viewing experience.

However for competitive multiplayer gaming, some may still prefer disabling HDR if they feel it introduces perceptible lag or visibility issues. As always, test what looks and plays best for your setup and personal preferences.

Hopefully these tips help PS5 gamers better unleash their console‘s HDR capabilities for maximum impact! Please share any other advice on optimizing HDR performance in the comments below.

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