Should You Keep Xs Pokémon in Pokémon GO?

The short answer? No, Xs Pokémon are not worth special attention or keeping in Pokémon GO.

An Xs tag on a Pokémon simply means it visually appears smaller on the catch screen. But despite appearances, an Xs variant has no differences in battle abilities, stats, or potential from a normal sized version.

So while your team leader may humorously comment on size when appraising catches, you can safely transfer Xs Pokémon without concern for losing out on power or performance.

In this comprehensive guide from a Level 47 trainer, I‘ll cover:

  • What size tags like Xs actually mean
  • Why size doesn‘t affect battle attributes
  • What to focus on instead when catching Pokémon
  • When to consider keeping oversized variants

Let‘s dive deeper into the mechanics behind Pokémon sizes!

What Do Size Tags Like Xs Actually Mean?

Every Pokémon encountered in Pokémon GO will display a random size, with a label if it‘s noticeably above or below average dimensions:

Size TagDefinition
XXSExtra, Extra Small
XSExtra Small
Average Size
XLExtra Large
XXLExtra, Extra Large

For example, you might catch a Bulbasaur displaying the "XS" modifier, meaning it just appears smaller visually than normal. Or a giant Charizard with an "XXL" tag, dwarfing its regular species size.

But while they may look bigger or smaller, that size tag does not change how that Pokémon battles.

An XXS Mewtwo functions exactly the same in raid fights as a normal Mewtwo! So why doesn‘t size affect performance? Let‘s unpack the game mechanics behind the scenes…

Why Size Doesn‘t Affect Battle Performance

In the main series Pokémon games, a monster‘s dimensions could sometimes influence moves like Low Kick or Heavy Slam. But the battle mechanics tied to size do not carry over into Pokémon GO.

Instead, every individual Pokémon relies entirely on its hidden Internal Values (IVs) and outward Combat Power (CP) when battling. So while aesthetic size varies randomly, the strengths that determine battlefield prowess stay consistent across all encounters of a species.

Think of it this way…

  • IVs are like a Pokémon‘s talent stats
  • CP shows how those talents are expressed in fights

And neither metric shifts at all whether you catch an XXS or XXL variant!

So for a real world analogy, think of two tennis pros with identical skill ratings. One pro may be shorter than the other visually on the court, but their actual ability to play and win matches should remain equal. Similar story for Pokémon and their hidden battle mechanics that ignore displayed size!

Okay, so now we‘ve established size doesn‘t change fighting effectiveness. Next let‘s cover…

What REALLY Matters: IVs and CP Instead

While random size variables don‘t affect Pokémon, IVs and CP should be your focus for catching and building battle teams.

IVs – Hidden Stats That Determine Potential

Every Pokémon has Individual Values for Attack, Defense, and Stamina (or HP) that range from 0 to 15 points each. And just like talent stats in traditional RPGs, they influence how much raw strength can be channeled in fights.

Higher IV totals result in higher possible Combat Power, up to defending gyms more effectively. So seek out and appraise Pokémon with perfect or near perfect IVs when catching:

IV RangeAppraisal TermBattling Impact
0 – 10Not likelyLikely too weak for competitive team building
11- 14DecentUsable but imperfect for trained teams
13 – 15Really StrongIdeal! Catch and power up

Now what should you actually DO with those good IV Pokémon? Raise their…

CP for Maximizing Actual Strength

While IVs represent untapped potential, CP directly measures a Pokémon‘s current usable battle stats. And it can be boosted steadily through activities like:

  • Catching stronger CP specimens
  • Powering up with stardust/candy
  • Purifying, trading, or using special items

Get a high IV Pokémon up to maximum CP, and you‘ll have an absolute powerhouse for defending gyms or raiding down Legendaries!

So in summary, focus attention on:

  • High IV Pokémon worth investing in
  • Raising CP steadily to unlock that potential

Ignore superficial size tags completely. Now let‘s move onto…

When To Consider Keeping Big Variants

Up to now, we‘ve established size means nothing for battling. But that doesn‘t mean some collectors don‘t still care about aesthetic differences!

While you safely transfer XXS or XS Pokémon without concern, you may want to selectively keep oversized XL or XXL variants. Why?

  • Trade potential – Some players enjoy unique sizes for collections
  • Visual distinctiveness – The exaggerated models stand out in gyms
  • Bragging rights – Impress friends with sheer scale!

Just don‘t assume bigger is actually better performance-wise. An XXL Pidgey functions no differently than a normal one!

But if you want to hang onto some enormous Pokémon as trophies, focus on these species that really flaunt mega or micro dimensions:

Best XXL TypesBest XXS Types
Alolan ExeggutorMagikarp

So feel free to keep the occasional huge variant if you simply enjoy the aesthetic. Just be sure to appraise thoroughly and double check it has strong IVs before investing extra resources!

Transfer XS Pokémon Freely

And in summary, you can securely transfer any XXS or XS tagged Pokémon without concern. Tiny size does not indicate rare potential or resale value to collectors.

Instead, focus on:

  • Appraising IV strength
  • Leveling up high CP candidates
  • Trading rather than transferring interesting XL specimens

Battle effectively by maximizing the internal qualities of each Pokémon rather than getting distracted by displayed exterior dimensions!

I hope this guide gave lots of insight into why size tags don‘t actually affect performance in Pokémon GO. Let me know in comments if you have any other questions!

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