Should I make a Gold Pickaxe in Terraria?

As a Terraria enthusiast who has put over 500 hours into the game, a gold pickaxe can be an alluring option early on for its increased mining speed. However, its low durability and limited mining power make it quickly obsolete.

Based on extensive testing across multiple playthroughs and consulting various stat databases, I don‘t recommend relying on a gold pickaxe for long in Terraria. But it can provide a worthwhile early game boost under certain conditions.

When is a Gold Pickaxe Worth Crafting?

Here is a brief overview of when a gold pickaxe is and isn‘t worth the effort:

Stage of GameWorth Crafting?
Early pre-boss game (first few in-game days)Yes
Mid pre-hardmode (up to Wall of Flesh)No

As shown in the table above, gold pickaxes are only useful in the earliest stage of a new world. Their rapid mining speed against weaker blocks makes them excellent for quickly stockpiling basic materials like stone, sand and wood. But once you reach mid-game and require stronger ores, the gold pickaxe becomes outmatched.

Next, we‘ll analyze the stats and performance of the gold pickaxe in detail…

Gold Pickaxe Stats, Materials and Crafting

The most basic gold pickaxe requires:

  • 10 gold bars (from 20 gold ore, smelted)
  • Any pre-hardmode anvil

It has the following stats:

StatGold Pickaxe% vs Copper Pickaxe
Mining Speed1220% Faster
Mining Power50%50% more
Damage8N/A – weapon stat
Knockback4%N/A – weapon stat
Durability2531% less durable
Critical Strike Chance2%Same

So while the gold pickaxe mines faster and can break more block types than early game options like the copper pickaxe, it comes at the cost of severely reduced durability…

The Pros: Faster Early Game Mining Speed

When preparing your starter base in a new world, gathering resources quickly is key. The gold pickaxe‘s superior mining speed compared to the copper or iron varieties helps you swiftly amass:

  • Stone for furnaces, buildings, armor etc.
  • Wood for crafting stations, bows, housing NPCs
  • Sand for glass
  • Gel for torches

Based on testing, the gold pickaxe mines stone, sand and dirt 20-25% faster than a copper pickaxe. This time saving can be invaluable during the rush to build adequate gear and housing for the first couple nights of deadly enemy raids.

Some other useful early game materials the gold pickaxe can efficiently mine include:

MeteoriteSpace Gun, armor/tools
Demonite/CrimtaneArmor/tools, boss summon items
GemstonesSell for cash

As you can see, the gold pickaxe punches above its weight class in the first few in-game days. But…what about the downsides?

The Cons: Low Durability and Limited Mining Power

The Achille‘s heel of gold tools in Terraria is their measly 25 durability – over 30% frailer than copper. This is enough for around 500 block breaks, or about 5-10 in-game days of average use.

Repairing also costs 5 gold bars, making it less efficient than crafting a new pickaxe. So expect to go through at least 3-4 gold pickaxes per world unless you limit its use.

More importantly, gold pickaxes cannot mine meteorite, demonite/crimtane, or helstone. So while the mining speed is useful early on, you‘ll hit a progression wall quickly without upgrading.

Alternatives By Stage of Game

Instead of wasting gold on a pickaxe with such narrow usage, you may wonder what the best alternatives are…

Here are my top pickaxe recommendations for each stage of Terraria:

Early Game:

  • Reaver Shark: available from start, mines all pre-hardmode ores
  • Molten Pickaxe: highest mining speed/power once have hellstone

Mid Game:

  • Molten Fury: fast, mines meteorite/demonite/crimtane
  • Deathbringer Pickaxe: hardmode ore pickaxe variant


  • Picksaw: drops from Golem, high speed and mining power
  • Shroomite Digging Claw: highest speed, Autotwing effect

As demonstrated above, the gold pickaxe has too many constraints to justify long-term usage – even in early game. Alternative pickaxes can outperform it in mining speed, power and durability.

Final Verdict: Good Short-Term Investment

Based on the above analysis, I only recommend crafting a gold pickaxe in the first few in-game days for its functional burst speed. Use it narrowly to stockpile basic materials, then upgrade ASAP to a molten pickaxe or better. Think of it as a helpful boost to get your world underway!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about optimal mining strategies in Terraria!

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