Should I play AC Odyssey as Alexios or Kassandra?

When beginning your Greek odyssey, choosing between the sibling leads Alexios and Kassandra is an important decision. After extensive analysis, I believe Kassandra is the slightly better option for most players – but Alexios is still an excellent pick. Here‘s a comprehensive look at how the two compare across different key factors:

Kassandra Has the Edge in Story and Lore Relevance

Playing as the canonical protagonist Kassandra allows you to experience the "true" Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey narrative firsthand. According to official series lore in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla, Kassandra is the lead in Odyssey‘s historical events. Picking Kassandra also enables Alexios‘s memorable turn as the powerful antagonist Deimos.

As leading gaming site Polygon highlights, "Assassin‘s Creed lore makes it clear that Kassandra is the true protagonist of Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey…the bulk of the story and the underpinnings of the Assassin Brotherhood‘s origins make it clear that Kassandra is the canonical version."

So if upholding series continuity matters most, opt for Kassandra. But Alexios still delivers an exciting, epic adventure.

Identical Combat Capabilities and Upgrade Systems

Fortunately, the choice between the Spartan warriors won‘t impact combat mechanics at all. Odyssey ensures complete parity no matter if you pick Kassandra or Alexios in the battles against Athens and the Cult of Cosmos.

As GameRant explains, "While the choice between Alexios and Kassandra is an important one, it won‘t change things significantly from a gameplay perspective. Both characters have the same skillsets to utilize in combat." Players guide both through the same ability trees to unlock devastating skills like multi-shot arrows, shield-breaking kicks, and charged javelin throws.

You also collect top-tier Legendary armor sets and weapons that buff strengths like Hunter damage, Warrior damage, and Assassin damage equally. So pick who you connect with most in the cinematic cutscenes, not who you think has the best stats.

Wealth of Romance Options for Each Protagonist

The choice between playing as the Eagle Bearer Kassandra or misthios Alexios extends to Odyssey‘s many potential romantic encounters. However, players have tons of options for finding love across the Greek world regardless of gender.

Per IGN‘s explainer on AC Odyssey romances, "Interestingly in Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey, it seems that regardless of your choice of starting character, all romanceable NPCs in the game are still romanceable to you, whether you‘re Kassandra or Alexios."

That freedom admittedly takes some narrative oddness or player headcanon. But it importantly means all players can experience signature relationships like reuniting Xenia the pirate queen with her lost love Daphnae regardless of their protagonist pick.

There are minor exceptions where narrative cohesion improves with one gender, like the honorable rebel leader Kyra bonding with Kassandra. But most star-crossed Greek lovers pair well with either eagle-bearing hero.

Kassandra‘s Acting Portrays More Emotional Depth

While both voice actors deliver powerhouse performances, many critics praise Melissanthi Mahut‘s work as Kassandra for capturing a wider emotional range throughout her epic personal journey.

For example, GameRant applauded how "Kassandra suits the role of a heroic character far better than Alexios. Kassandra‘s behavior, expressions, and overall demeanor are better suited for someone who will save the Greek world from the machinations of the cult."

The Hollywood Reporter similarly highlighted that "Mahut is handed the lion‘s share of development. Kassandra is asked to scale the entire spectrum of emotion…the performance Mahut offers makes it hard to envision anyone else in her sandals."

Michael Antonakos brings savage aggression and intensity to the Deimos version of Alexios. But in the lead hero role, Kassandra may connect with more fans through her heartfelt relationships and hard-fought triumphs.

The Verdict?

In closing, I recommend playing as the fierce Kassandra for her canonical hero‘s journey and standout voice acting, with Alexios also offering a triumphant adventure. Ultimately Odyssey gives players two compelling and masterfully-crafted protagonists united in their fight for justice in ancient Greece.

Let me know if you have any other questions about recommending or comparing Alexios and Kassandra as you prepare to embark on your epic Spartan quest!

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