Should You Play Borderlands 3 Before Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands? An Expert Analysis

After extensive analysis as a passionate Borderlands fan, I strongly recommend playing Borderlands 3 first to enrich your eventual Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands experience. While Wonderlands stands perfectly fine on its own merits, understanding the lore and mechanics of BL3 will allow you to get way more enjoyment out of the game‘s subtle nods and next-level play.

Why It Matters: Borderlands 3‘s Blockbuster Status

With 14 million units sold globally, Borderlands 3 ranks as the 2nd most popular title in the franchise‘s history (behind 2012‘s Borderlands 2). Fans clearly loved reuniting with the series after a 7 year hiatus:

GameGlobal Unit Sales
Borderlands 224M
Borderlands 314M
Borderlands 113M

Borderlands 3 also barged onto the review scene to critical praise across platforms:

Borderlands 3 Metascore Chart

So regardless of your platform, playing Borderlands 3 gives you shared background with millions of fellow gamers.

Comparing Gameplay and Progression Tips

Both titles feature similar FPS-meets-RPG core mechanics: pulling off flashy gun skills, obsessing over insane loo, and gradually powering up your Vault Hunter. But look closer and you‘ll notice key systemic differences:

SystemBorderlands 3Tiny Tina‘s WonderlandsMy Take
Classes/Skill Trees4 Vault Hunters, 3 skill trees each1 custom hero, 2 class comboMore nuanced builds in Wonderlands
Weapon VarietyGuns with random partsSet spell/melee weaponsWonderlands has clearer loot goals
Endgame ProgressionMayhem 2.0Chaos Chamber runsTougher enemies in Wonderlands

I could honestly gush for hours analyzing the nitty gritty systems details across both titles. But the key takeaway is that Wonderlands refines the best ideas of Borderlands 3 into a cleaner, more RPG-focused package.

Playing BL3 first allows you to directly feel these gameplay evolutions. I recommend completing at least one max-level Slaughter Shaft / Guardian Takedown run so you intimately understand the series‘ endgame loop before it gets remixed in Wonderlands.

Appreciating the Story: Returning Faces and Plot Hype

While Wonderlands crafts an original fantasy narrative, fans of BL3‘s story will enjoy seeing familiar faces return: Tiny Tina runs the adventure, Vaughn and Rhys both make cameos, and subtle references reward knowledge of the broader universe.

Here‘s a quick history primer:

  • BL3 concludes with the villianous Calpyso Twins defeated, Pandora saved temporarily, and a galaxy still in chaos
  • The framing story explains Tiny Tina is hosting a tabletop session for Sanctuary residents
  • Her zany imagination shapes the Wonderlands world, letting her work through lingering trauma

So while totally friendly to newcomers, I believe experiencing BL3‘s epic, galaxy-spanning plot before playing Wonderlands creates rewarding continuity payoffs.

Plus, clues scattered throughout about the fate of top characters like Lilith hint that future Wonderlands DLC could continue driving the Borderlands meta-narrative forward. We know multiple campaign add-ons are planned, so seasoned fans will likely get most hype from speculating on how Tiny Tina‘s tale previews what‘s next for the broader franchise!

Before jumping into Wonderlands, make sure to complete DLC side stories like Psycho Krieg‘s mind or Bounty of Blood to see references to those arcs.

Multiplayer Synergy and Post-Launch Support

Fans of Borderlands multiplayer will be glad both titles support cross-play across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. Syncing up SHiFT matchmaking rewards between releases means lots of free cosmetics.

And while Borderlands 3‘s live events have wrapped up, Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands will see ongoing Vault Cards bringing fresh progression goals every 3 months. Current plans also call for paid DLC drops adding substantive campaign chunks – another reason to stay engaged long term!

GameVault CardsCampaign DLCPaid Cosmetics
Borderlands 3Ended4 HeadlinersStill for sale
Tiny Tina‘s WonderlandsOngoingAt least 4 plannedComing soon

So if you want the best value from future Wonderlands purchases, experience within the current BL3 economy will set informed expectations.

Final Recommendation: Play BL3 First

After breaking down all the data, I firmly believe playing through Borderlands 3 before jumping into Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands will provide the most complete experience. Here is a recap of what to focus on in BL3 first:

  • Play through full main story (20 hours)
  • Level one character to max via endgame runs (10+ hours)
  • Complete at least 2 DLC story packs (5 hours each)
  • Total time investment: ~40-60 hours

This will let you deeply understand progression systems, lore, and mechanical improvements before exploring Wonderlands‘ new take. Consider it investing up front to allow catching all the clever references and understanding why the latest title is so special.

Of course with hundreds of hours of content between both games, take your time and enjoy the ride however you wish. But as a passionate Borderlands superfan myself, I firmly believe playing BL3 first unlocks the maximum entertainment value.

Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments below! Do you plan to play Borderlands 3 first, or dive right into Wonderlands as a fresh experience? I‘m happy to provide any other tips to get the most out your time with these incredible looter shooters.

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